[[template id=plugin name=meta author="[[Joey]]"]]
[[tag type/meta]]
This plugin allows inserting arbitrary metadata into the source of a page.
Enter the metadata as follows:
\[[meta field="value"]]
\[[meta field="value" param="value" param="value"]]
The first form sets a given field to a given value, while the second form
also specifies some additional sub-parameters.
The field values are treated as HTML entity-escaped text, so you can include
a quote in the text by writing " and so on.
You can use any field names you like, but here are some predefined ones:
Specifies a link to another page. This can be used as a way to make the
wiki treat one page as linking to another without displaying a user-visible
[[meta link=otherpage]]
It can also be used to insert a html <link> tag. For example:
[[meta link="http://joeyh.myopenid.com/" rel="openid.delegate"]]
However, this latter syntax won't be allowed if the [[htmlscrubber]] is
enabled, since it can be used to insert unsafe content.
Causes the page to redirect to another page in the wiki.
[[meta redir=otherpage]]
Optionally, a delay (in seconds) can be specified. The default is to
redirect without delay.
It can also be used to redirect to an external url. For example:
[[meta redir="http://example.com/"]]
However, this latter syntax won't be allowed if the [[htmlscrubber]] is
enabled, since it can be used to insert unsafe content.
Overrides the title of the page, which is generally the same as the
page name.
Note that if the title is overridden, a "title_overridden" variable will
be set to a true value in the template; this can be used to format things
differently in this case.
Specifies a license for the page, for example, "GPL". Can contain
Specifies the copyright of the page, for example, "Copyright 2007 by
Joey Hess". Can contain WikiLinks.
Specifies the author of a page.
Specifies an url for the author of a page.
Specifies a permanent link to the page, if different than the page
generated by ikiwiki.
Specifies the creation date of the page. The date can be entered in
nearly any format, since it's parsed by [[cpan TimeDate]].
Adds a stylesheet to a page. The stylesheet is treated as a wiki link to
a .css file in the wiki, so it cannot be used to add links to external
stylesheets. Example:
[[meta stylesheet=somestyle rel="alternate stylesheet"
Adds html <link> tags to perform OpenID delegation to an external
OpenID server. This lets you use an ikiwiki page as your OpenID. Example:
\[[meta openid="http://joeyh.myopenid.com/"
If the field is not one of the above predefined fields, the metadata will be
written to the generated html page as a <meta> header. However, this
won't be allowed if the [[htmlscrubber]] is enabled, since it can be used to
insert unsafe content.