# German translation of smiley/smileys page for ikiwiki.
# Copyright © 2010 Sebastian Kuhnert <mail@sebastian-kuhnert.de>
# Redistribution and use in source and compiled forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted under any circumstances. No warranty.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-12 09:29+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-12 20:57+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Sebastian Kuhnert <mail@sebastian-kuhnert.de>\n"
"Language-Team: None\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

#. type: Plain text
msgid ""
"This page is used to control what smileys are supported by the wiki.  Just "
"write the text of a smiley to display it."
msgstr ""
"Diese Seite steuert, welche Smileys von ikiwiki unterstützt werden. "
"Schreibe einfach den Text eines Smileys in den Text, um es anzuzeigen."

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:)\t[[smileys/smile.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:)\t[[smileys/smile.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-)\t[[smileys/smile.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-)\t[[smileys/smile.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:D\t[[smileys/biggrin.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:D\t[[smileys/biggrin.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-D\t[[smileys/biggrin.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-D\t[[smileys/biggrin.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\B)\t[[smileys/smile2.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\B)\t[[smileys/smile2.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\B-)\t[[smileys/smile2.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\B-)\t[[smileys/smile2.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:))\t[[smileys/smile3.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:))\t[[smileys/smile3.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-))\t[[smileys/smile3.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-))\t[[smileys/smile3.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\;)\t[[smileys/smile4.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\;)\t[[smileys/smile4.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\;-)\t[[smileys/smile4.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\;-)\t[[smileys/smile4.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:\\\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:\\\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-\\\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-\\\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:/\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:/\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-/\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-/\t[[smileys/ohwell.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:|\t[[smileys/neutral.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:|\t[[smileys/neutral.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-|\t[[smileys/neutral.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-|\t[[smileys/neutral.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\>:>\t[[smileys/devil.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\>:>\t[[smileys/devil.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\X-(\t[[smileys/angry.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\X-(\t[[smileys/angry.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\<:(\t[[smileys/frown.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\<:(\t[[smileys/frown.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:(\t[[smileys/sad.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:(\t[[smileys/sad.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-(\t[[smileys/sad.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-(\t[[smileys/sad.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-?\t[[smileys/tongue.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-?\t[[smileys/tongue.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:-P\t[[smileys/tongue.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:-P\t[[smileys/tongue.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\:o\t[[smileys/redface.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\:o\t[[smileys/redface.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\|)\t[[smileys/tired.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\|)\t[[smileys/tired.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\|-)\t[[smileys/tired.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\|-)\t[[smileys/tired.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{OK}\t[[smileys/thumbs-up.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{OK}\t[[smileys/thumbs-up.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{X}\t[[smileys/icon-error.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{X}\t[[smileys/icon-error.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{i}\t[[smileys/icon-info.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{i}\t[[smileys/icon-info.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\(./)\t[[smileys/checkmark.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\(./)\t[[smileys/checkmark.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\(!)\t[[smileys/idea.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\(!)\t[[smileys/idea.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\[!]\t[[smileys/attention.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\[!]\t[[smileys/attention.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\/!\\\t[[smileys/alert.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\/!\\\t[[smileys/alert.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\(?)\t[[smileys/question.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\(?)\t[[smileys/question.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{x}\t[[smileys/star_on.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{x}\t[[smileys/star_on.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{*}\t[[smileys/star_on.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{*}\t[[smileys/star_on.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{o}\t[[smileys/star_off.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{o}\t[[smileys/star_off.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{1}\t[[smileys/prio1.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{1}\t[[smileys/prio1.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{2}\t[[smileys/prio2.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{2}\t[[smileys/prio2.png]]"

#. type: Bullet: '* '
msgid "\\\\{3}\t[[smileys/prio3.png]]"
msgstr "\\\\{3}\t[[smileys/prio3.png]]"

#. type: Plain text
msgid "For example: {x} B) {x}"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel: {x} B) {x}"

#. type: Plain text
msgid ""
"To change the supported smileys, just edit the lists on this page.  Note "
"that the format is important; each list item should start with the text that "
"is turned into the smiley, escaped so that users can see what produces it, "
"followed by a [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] to the image to display."
msgstr ""
"Um die unterstützten Simleys zu verändern, bearbeite einfach diese Seite. "
"Beachte dass das Format wichtig ist: Jeder Eintrag in der Liste sollte mit "
"dem Text zum Anzeige des Smileys beginnen (geschützt sodass Benutzer "
"sehen können, wodurch ein Smiley erzeugt wird), gefolgt von einem "
"[[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] auf das anzuzeigende Bild."

#. type: Plain text
msgid ""
"/!\\ Bear in mind that the link to the image needs to be written in a way "
"that will work if it's copied to other pages on the wiki. So be sure to "
"include the smileys directory in the path to the file."
msgstr ""
"/!\\ Denke daran, dass der Link auf das Bild so geschrieben sein muss, dass "
"er auch dann funktioniert, wenn er in andere Teile des Wikis kopiert wird. "
"Stelle also sicher, dass das Verzeichnis der Smiley-Datei mit angegeben wird."