If one puts localized chars in wikilinks ikiwiki will escape it.
This works right from a technical point of view, but the URLs will become ugly.

So I made a patch which unaccent chars: <http://users.itk.ppke.hu/~cstamas/code/ikiwiki/unaccentpagetitlenames/>
This is a one liner change, but requires a bit of reordering in the code.


> This was previously requested in [[todo/more_customisable_titlepage_function]],
> in which [[Joey]] said "I don't think that changing titlepage is a good idea,
> there are compatability problems".
> The problem is that altering titlepage changes the meaning of your wiki,
> by resolving all wiki links to different page names. That means that:
> * unaccenting can't be automatic, it has to be a configuration option
>   (so you don't accidentally get different behaviour by installing
>   Text::Unaccent)
> * upgrading Text::Unaccent becomes risky, as I doubt it guarantees to
>   have stable rules for how to transliterate into ASCII!
> --[[smcv]]

[[!tag wishlist patch patch/core]]