We should support SVG. In particular:
* We could support rendering SVGs to PNGs when compiling the wiki. Not all browsers support SVG yet.
* We could support editing SVGs via the web interface. SVG can contain unsafe content such as scripting, so we would need to whitelist safe markup.
I'm allowing for inline SVG on my own installation. I've patched my
copy of htmlscrubber.pm to allow safe MathML and SVG elements (as
implemented in html5lib). Here's a patch
if anyone else is interested.
Actually, that patch wasn't quite
right. I'll post a new one when it's working properly. --[[JasonBlevins]]
I'd like to hear what people think about the following:
1. Including whitelists of elements and attributes for SVG and MathML in
htmlscrubber. See my [htmlscrubber.pm][] and the [diff][]
from the current trunk.
2. Creating a whitelist of safe SVG (and maybe even HTML) style
attributes such as `fill`, `stroke-width`, etc.
This is how the [sanitizer][] in html5lib works. It shouldn't be too
hard to translate the relevant parts to Perl.
[htmlscrubber.pm]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blob;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;hb=db56b62ce99cdb7ffe41a8decaca34ade7964aa4
[diff]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;h=e4234e3b31f54fd5ca929fe7bece88d176dab03a;hp=3bdaccea119ec0e1b289a0da2f6d90e2219b8d66;hb=db56b62ce99cdb7ffe41a8decaca34ade7964aa4;hpb=be0b4f603f918444b906e42825908ddac78b7073
[sanitizer]: http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/source/browse/trunk/ruby/lib/html5/sanitizer.rb