[[meta title="inside .ikiwiki"]]

The `.ikiwiki` directory contains ikiwiki's internal state. Normally,
you don't need to look in it, but here's some tips for how to do so if
you need/want to.

## the index

`.ikiwiki/indexdb` contains a cache of information about pages, as well
as all persisitant state about pages. It used to be a (semi) human-readable
text file, but is not anymore.

To dump the contents of the file, enter a perl command like this.

	joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $index=Storable::retrieve("indexdb"); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $index' | head
	$VAR1 = {
          'index' => {
                     'ctime' => 1199739528,
                     'dest' => [
                     'mtime' => 1199739528,
                     'src' => 'index.mdwn',
                     'links' => [

## the user database

`.ikiwiki/userdb` is the user database, which records preferences of all
web users.

To list all users in the database, enter a perl command like this.
Note that the output can include both registered users, and known

	joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); print $_ foreach keys %$userinfo'         

To list each user's email address:

	joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); print $userinfo->{$_}->{email} foreach keys %$userinfo'

To dump the entire database contents:

	joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $userinfo'
	$VAR1 = {
	          'http://joey.kitenet.net/' => {
	                                          'email' => 'joey@kitenet.net',

Editing values is simply a matter of changing values and calling Storable::nstore().
So to change a user's password:

	joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); $userinfo->{"foo"}->{email}=q{foo@bar}; Storable::lock_nstore($userinfo, "underdb")'

To remove that user:
	joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); delete $userinfo->{"foo"}; Storable::lock_nstore($userinfo, "underdb")'

I've not written actual utilities to do this yet because I've only needed
to do it rarely, and the data I've wanted has been different each time.