[[!template id=plugin name=po core=0 author="[[intrigeri]]"]] [[!tag type/format]] This plugin adds support for multi-lingual wikis, translated with gettext, using [po4a|http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/]. It depends on the Perl `Locale::Po4a::Po` library (`apt-get install po4a`). Introduction ============ A language is decided to be the "master" one, and any other supported language is a "slave" one. A page written in the "master" language is a "master" page, and is written in any supported format but PO. Example: `bla/page.mdwn` is a "master" Markdown page written in English; if `usedirs` is enabled, it is rendered as `bla/page/index.html`, else as `bla/page.html`. Translations of a "master" page into a "slave" language are called "slave" pages, and is a in gettext PO format. PO is thus promoted to the wiki page type status. Example: `bla/page.fr.po` is the PO "message catalog" used to translate `bla/page.mdwn` into French; if `usedirs` is enabled, it is rendered as `bla/page/index.html.fr`, else as `bla/page.html.fr` Configuration ============= `po_master_language` is used to set the master language in `ikiwiki.setup`, such as: po_master_language => { 'code' => 'en', 'name' => 'English' } `po_slave_languages` is used to set the list of supported "slave" languages, such as: po_slave_languages => { 'fr' => { 'name' => 'Français', }, 'es' => { 'name' => 'Castellano', }, 'de' => { 'name' => 'Deutsch', }, }, Server support ============== Apache ------ Using `mod_negotiation` makes it really easy to have Apache serve the page in the client's preferred language, if available. This is the default Debian Apache configuration. When `usedirs` is enabled, one has to set `DirectoryIndex index` for the wiki context. Setting `DefaultLanguage LL` for the wiki context can be needed, to ensure `bla/page/index.html` is served as `Content-Language: LL` (replace `LL` with your default MIME language). lighttpd -------- lighttpd unfortunately does not support content negotiation. TODO ==== Display available translations ------------------------------ The [[linguas|plugins/contrib/linguas]] plugin has some code that can be used as a basis to display the existing translations, and allow to navigate between them. View translation status ----------------------- One should be able to view some freshness information about the translation status, either for a given page or for the whole wiki. This should not be too hard using gettext tools. If this is implemented as a [[HTML::Template|http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&query=HTML%3A%3ATemplate]] loop, a page using it should depend on any "master" and "slave" pages whose status is being displayed. Decide which pages are translatable ----------------------------------- The subset of ("master") pages supporting translation must be configurable: - a `[[!translatable ]]` directive, when put on a page, makes it translatable - this [[ikiwiki/directive]] can be used with an optional `match=PageSpec` argument, to render translatable a bunch of pages at once Automatic PO files update ------------------------- Committing changes to a "master" page must: 1. update the POT file, the PO files for the supported languages, and put them under version control 2. trigger a refresh of the corresponding HTML slave pages The former can be implemented as a `needsbuild` hook, which is the first type of hook to run after the list of files that need to be built is known: that is, at a time when we know which "master" page was modified, and thus, which POT/PO files have to be updated. The latter can be implemented by making any "slave" page depend on the corresponding "master" page. The `add_depends` function can achieved this, if used in a FIXME hook. UI consistency: rename "Edit" button on slave pages --------------------------------------------------- It may be surprising to some, after having pressed *Edit* on a wiki page, to end up editing a strange PO file. The *Edit* button must then be be renamed to *Improve translation* on "slave" pages. Translation quality assurance ----------------------------- Modifying a PO file via the CGI must only be allowed if the new version is a valid PO file. As a bonus, check that it provides a more complete translation than the existing one. A new `cansave` type of hook would be needed to implement this. Note: committing to the underlying repository is a way to bypass this check. Translating online ------------------ As PO is a wiki page type, we already have an online PO editor, that is ikiwiki's CGI. A message-by-message interface could be implemented later, providing a nice way to translate offline (without VCS access) is provided. Translating offline without VCS access -------------------------------------- The following workflow should be made possible for translators without VCS access who need to edit the PO files in another editor than a web browser: - download the PO file for the page - use any PO editor to update the translation - upload the updated PO file A generic mechanism to download and upload a page's source is needed. It's only an alternative way to do Edit/edit/Save. ### Short-term workflow - pretend to edit the PO file online - copy the PO file content from the textarea - cancel the edit - paste the content into a local file.