[[!template id=plugin name=tex4ht core=0 author="[[DavidBremner]]"]]

I have written a simple wrapper around tex4ht to convert tex files to html. This is slow, and currently noisy. I do not recommend it for running from cgi.  But for interactive conversion of 
my old tex4ht based home page, it seems to work OK. 

The current version is available from 

### Other related ideas/plugins:

- [[todo/latex]] There is work in progress at converting snippets of latex.  No idea how the hybrid approach of tex4ht (part font, part bitmaps) compares to the [[todo/latex]] approach.

- pandoc can also convert latex to html or markdown. It is much faster than tex4ht; on the other hand, the rendering quality is not quite as good, and pandoc does not understand user defined TeX macros.

[[!tag type/slow]]