[[meta title="table (third-party plugin)"]] This plugin allows build html tables from data in csv (comma-separated values) or dsv (delimiter-separated values) formats. It need the perl module [[cpan Text::CSV]] for the csv data. ## usage In any source page include the following: The next table show the results: \[[table class="myclass" format=dsv data=""" Custom|Amount| Fulanito|134,34| Menganito|234,56| """]] This is my last acquisition: [[table class="book_record" format=csv file="data/books/record1"]] And the record1 page should be similar to: "Title","Perl Best Practices" "Author","Damian Conway" "Publisher","O’Reilly" The parameters are: - _data_: Contains the values for the table - _file_: Wiki page whom contains the data. - _format_ (optional): format name of the data. By default is `auto` and the options are `csv` or `dsv`. - _delimiter_ (optional): Define the character used for separated the fields. By default is the vertical barr "|" in DSV format and the comma "," for the CSV format. - _class_ (optional): CSS class for the table html element - _caption_ (optional): Text string with the table caption. - _no\_header_: This switch disable the generation of table header elements. By default this switch is enabled, and the header cells come from the firts data line. Obviously, the _data_ and _file_ parameters are mutually exclusive. Note: the format detection mechanism is still very rudimentary. ## Changelog ### version 0.5 * Remove a call to a inexistent Text::CSV method. * Added the sep_char parameter. * Parse CVS data in binary mode. * Added a format detection mechanism. * Default format now is 'auto'. ## Links - Information about the formats in Wikipedia: - [[wikipedia CSV]] - [[wikipedia DSV]] - Download of the tar file from <http://taquiones.net/files/misc/> - Debian package in <http://taquiones.net/files/debian/>