[[!template id=plugin name=report author="[[rubykat]]"]] [[!tag type/meta type/format]] [[!toc]] ## NAME IkiWiki::Plugin::report - Produce templated reports from page field data. ## SYNOPSIS # activate the plugin add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff report ....}], \[[!report template="blog_summary" pages="blog/*" sort="mtime"]] ## DESCRIPTION This plugin provides the **report** directive. This enables one to report on the structured data ("field" values) of multiple pages; the output is formatted via a template. This depends on the "field" plugin. The pages to report on are selected by a PageSpec given by the "pages" parameter. The template is given by the "template" parameter. The template expects the data from a single page; it is applied to each matching page separately, one after the other. Additional parameters can be used to fill out the template, in addition to the "field" values. Passed-in values override the "field" values. There are two places where template files can live. One, as with the [[plugins/template]] plugin, is in the /templates directory on the wiki. These templates are wiki pages, and can be edited from the web like other wiki pages. The second place where template files can live is in the global templates directory (the same place where the page.tmpl template lives). This is a useful place to put template files if you want to prevent them being edited from the web, and you don't want to have to make them work as wiki pages. ## OPTIONS **template**: The template to use for the report. **pages**: A PageSpec to determine the pages to report on. **sort**: How the matching pages should be sorted. Sorting criteria are separated by spaces. The possible values for sorting are: * **page**: Sort by the full page ID. * **pagename**: Sort by the base page name. * **pagename_natural**: Sort by the base page name, using Sort::Naturally if it is installed. * **mtime**: Sort by the page modification time. * **age**: Sort by the page creation time, newest first. Any other value is taken to be a field name to sort by. If a sort value begins with a minus (-) then the order for that field is reversed. ### Headers An additional option is the "headers" option. This is a space-separated list of field names which are to be used as headers in the report. This is a way of getting around one of the limitations of HTML::Template, that is, not being able to do tests such as "if this-header is not equal to previous-header". Instead, that logic is performed inside the plugin. The template is given parameters "HEADER1", "HEADER2" and so on, for each header. If the value of a header field is the same as the previous value, then HEADER**N** is set to be empty, but if the value of the header field is new, then HEADER**N** is given that value. #### Example Suppose you're writing a blog in which you record "moods", and you want to display your blog posts by mood. \[[!report template="mood_summary" pages="blog/*" sort="Mood Date title" headers="Mood"]] The "mood_summary" template might be like this: <TMPL_IF NAME="HEADER1"> ## <TMPL_VAR NAME="HEADER1"> </TMPL_IF> ### <TMPL_VAR NAME="TITLE"> (<TMPL_VAR NAME="DATE">) \[[<TMPL_VAR NAME="PAGE"]] <TMPL_VAR NAME="DESCRIPTION"> ### Advanced Options The following options are used to improve efficiency when dealing with large numbers of pages; most people probably won't need them. **trail**: A page or pages to use as a "trail" page. When a trail page is used, the matching pages are limited to (a subset of) the pages which that page links to; the "pages" pagespec in this case, rather than selecting pages from the entire wiki, will select pages from within the set of pages given by the trail page. **doscan**: Whether this report should be called in "scan" mode; if it is, then the pages which match the pagespec are added to the list of links from this page. This can be used by *another* report by setting this page to be a "trail" page in *that* report. It is not possible to use "trail" and "doscan" at the same time. By default, "doscan" is false. ## TEMPLATE PARAMETERS The templates are in HTML::Template format, just as [[plugins/template]] and [[ftemplate]] are. The parameters passed in to the template are as follows: ***fields***: The structured data from the current matching page. This includes "title" and "description" if they are defined. ***common values***: Values known for all pages: "page", "destpage". Also "basename" (the base name of the page). ***passed-in values***: Any additional parameters to the report directive are passed to the template; a parameter will override the matching "field" value. For example, if you have a "Mood" field, and you pass Mood="bad" to the report, then that will be the Mood which is given for the whole report. Generally this is useful if one wishes to make a more generic template and hide or show portions of it depending on what values are passed in the report directive call. For example, one could have a "hide_mood" parameter which would hide the "Mood" section of your template when it is true, which one could use when the Mood is one of the headers. ***headers***: See the section on Headers. ***first and last***: If this is the first page-record in the report, then "first" is true. If this is the last page-record in the report, then "last" is true. ## PREREQUISITES IkiWiki IkiWiki::Plugin::field HTML::Template Encode ## DOWNLOAD * browse at GitHub: <http://github.com/rubykat/ikiplugins/blob/master/IkiWiki/Plugin/report.pm> * git repo at git://github.com/rubykat/ikiplugins.git