Instead of having files foo.html "in front of" foo/, I prefer to have foo/index.html. This patch allows that. Specifically, foo/index.type is translated to $links{'foo/'}, and bestlink looks for either "foo" or "foo/" when linking to pages. There are other miscellaneous changes that go with that:

1. change the `cgi_editpage` `@page_locs` code so that creating foo from a/b/c prefers a/b/foo and then a/b/c/foo, but if creating foo from a/b/c/, then prefer a/b/c/foo. I'm not really sure why the original was doing what it did (why trim terminal `/` if no pages end in `/`?), so this part might break something.
2. backlinks from "foo/bar" to "foo/" trim common prefixes as long as there would be something left when the trimming is done (i.e. don't trim "foo/")
3. parentlinks for "foo/" are the same as for "foo", except one directory higher
4. rewrite parentlinks so that bestlink is called at each level
5. basename("foo/") => basename("foo")
6. links to "foo/" are translated to "foo/index.html" rather than "foo/.html". (Links to "foo/" might be preferred, but that causes an infinite loop in writefile, because apparently dirname("foo/") == "foo/" on my system for reasons that aren't clear to me.)
7. pagetitle("foo/") => pagetitle("foo")

In case whitespace gets garbled, I'm also leaving a copy of the patch on [my site]( It should apply cleanly to a freshly unpacked ikiwiki-1.40. You can also see it in action [here]( --Ethan

    diff -urx .svn -x doc -x '*.po' -x '*.pot' ikiclean/IkiWiki/ ikidev/IkiWiki/
    --- ikiclean/IkiWiki/	2007-01-17 22:11:41.794805000 -0800
    +++ ikidev/IkiWiki/	2007-01-17 21:43:33.750363000 -0800
    @@ -400,8 +400,8 @@
     			else {
    -				my $dir=$from."/";
    -				$dir=~s![^/]+/+$!!;
    +				my $dir=$from;
    +				$dir=~s![^/]+$!!;
     				if ((defined $form->field('subpage') && length $form->field('subpage')) ||
     				    $page eq gettext('discussion')) {
    @@ -412,7 +412,9 @@
     				push @page_locs, $dir.$page;
    -				push @page_locs, "$from/$page";
    +				if ($dir ne $from){ # i.e. $from not a directory
    +					push @page_locs, "$from/$page";
    +				}
     				while (length $dir) {
     					push @page_locs, $dir.$page;
    diff -urx .svn -x doc -x '*.po' -x '*.pot' ikiclean/IkiWiki/ ikidev/IkiWiki/
    --- ikiclean/IkiWiki/	2007-01-11 15:01:51.000000000 -0800
    +++ ikidev/IkiWiki/	2007-01-17 22:25:13.526856000 -0800
    @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
     		my $dir;
     		1 while (($dir)=$page_trimmed=~m!^([^/]+/)!) &&
     		        defined $dir &&
    +			$p_trimmed=~m/^\Q$dir\E(?:.)/ &&
     		        $p_trimmed=~s/^\Q$dir\E// &&
    @@ -57,10 +58,18 @@
     	my $path="";
     	my $skip=1;
     	return if $page eq 'index'; # toplevel
    -	foreach my $dir (reverse split("/", $page)) {
    +	if ($page =~ m{/$}){
    +		$page =~ s{/$}{};
    +		$path="../";
    +	}
    +	while ($page =~ m!([^/]+)$!) {
    +		my $last = $1;
    +		$page =~ s!/?[^/]+$!!;
     		if (! $skip) {
    -			unshift @ret, { url => $path.htmlpage($dir), page => pagetitle($dir) };
    +			my $target = abs2rel(htmlpage(bestlink($page, $last)), $page);
    +			unshift @ret, { url => $path.$target, page => pagetitle($last) };
     		else {
    diff -urx .svn -x doc -x '*.po' -x '*.pot' ikiclean/ ikidev/
    --- ikiclean/	2007-01-12 12:47:09.000000000 -0800
    +++ ikidev/	2007-01-15 16:56:58.973680000 -0800
    @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@
     sub basename ($) { #{{{
     	my $file=shift;
    +	$file=~s!/$!!;
     	return $file;
     } #}}}
    @@ -211,12 +212,14 @@
     	my $type=pagetype($file);
     	my $page=$file;
     	$page=~s/\Q.$type\E*$// if defined $type;
    +	$page=~s#index$## if $page=~m{/index$};
     	return $page;
     } #}}}
     sub htmlpage ($) { #{{{
     	my $page=shift;
    +	return $page."index.html" if $page=~m{/$};
     	return $page.".html";
     } #}}}
    @@ -300,6 +303,7 @@
     	my $page=shift;
     	my $link=shift;
    +	$page =~ s!/$!!;
     	my $cwd=$page;
     	if ($link=~s/^\/+//) {
     		# absolute links
    @@ -314,6 +318,9 @@
     		if (exists $links{$l}) {
     			return $l;
    +		if (exists $links{$l.'/'}){
    +			return $l.'/';
    +		}
     		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
     			return $pagecase{lc $l};
    @@ -344,6 +351,7 @@
     	$page=~y/_/ /;
    +	$page=~s!/$!!;
     	return $page;
     } #}}}

I independently implemented a similar, but smaller patch.
(It's smaller because I only care about rendering; not CGI, for example.)
The key to this patch is that "A/B/C" is treated as equivalent
to "A/B/C/index".
Here it is:  --Per Bothner

    --- IkiWiki/  2007-01-11 15:01:51.000000000 -0800
    +++ IkiWiki/   2007-02-02 22:24:12.000000000 -0800
    @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
            foreach my $dir (reverse split("/", $page)) {
                    if (! $skip) {
    -                       unshift @ret, { url => $path.htmlpage($dir), page => pagetitle($dir) };
    +                       unshift @ret, { url => abs2rel(htmlpage(bestlink($page, $dir)), dirname($page)), page => pagetitle($dir) };
    -               else {
    +               elsif ($dir ne "index") {

    --- 2007-01-12 12:47:09.000000000 -0800
    +++  2007-02-02 18:02:16.000000000 -0800
    @@ -315,6 +315,12 @@
                    elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
                            return $pagecase{lc $l};
    +               else {
    +                   my $lindex = $l . "/index";
    +                   if (exists $links{$lindex}) {
    +                       return $lindex;
    +               }
    +               }
             } while $cwd=~s!/?[^/]+$!!;
            if (length $config{userdir} && exists $links{"$config{userdir}/".lc($link)}) {

Note I handle setting the url; slightly differently.
Also note that an initial "index" is ignored.  I.e. a
page "A/B/index.html" is treated as "A/B".