What is the correct way to install the .tmpl files? -- [[JosephTurian]]

> For themes that need them, you can set `templatedir` to some directory in
> your setup file, and put the templates there. Or install directly overtop
> ikiwiki's standard templates (in, eg `/usr/share/ikiwiki/templates`)
> --[[Joey]]


How can I update a .css file uploaded to the CSS market?
My CSS has been updated to address comments (for the comments plugin), but I cannot find a way to update zack.css.
The most recent version is always available at: <http://git.upsilon.cc/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=zack-homepage.git;a=blob_plain;f=local.css;hb=HEAD>

-- [[StefanoZacchiroli]]

> Just letting me know about the change works -- updated. --[[Joey]] 


Added small changes to embeddedmoose.css to work with ikiwiki 3.x.  Figured here is as good as any until Josh can review and update if he so chooses:  <http://bosboot.org/tb-embeddedmoose.css>.  It removes annoying borders around the header and footer.  -- [[TimBosse]]