[[meta title="CSS Market"]]

User contributed stylesheet files for ikiwiki. Feel free to add your own
stylesheets here. (Upload as wiki pages; wiki gnomes will convert them to css

* **[[css_market/zack.css]]**, contributed by [[StefanoZacchiroli]],
  customized mostly for *blogging purposes*, can be seen in action on 
  [zack's blog](http://www.bononia.it/~zack/blog/)
  [[meta stylesheet="zack"]]

* **[[css_market/kirkambar.css]]**, contributed by [[Roktas]].  This far from perfect
  stylesheet follows a [Gitweb](http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=git/git.git;a=tree;f=gitweb)
  like theme, so it may provide a consistent look'n feel along with the [[git]] backend. ;-)
  You can see it in action on [kirkambar](http://kirkambar.net/) (Turkish content).
  [[meta stylesheet="kirkambar"]]

* **[[css_market/embeddedmoose.css]]**, contributed by [[JoshTriplett]].
  Designed for [Embedded Moose](http://embeddedmoose.com).  Some ideas from the
  Debian lighttpd index.html page.
  [[meta stylesheet="embeddedmoose"]]

If your web browser allows selecting between multiple stylesheets, this
page can be viewed using any of the stylesheets above. For example, if
using Epiphany with the Select Stylesheet extension enabled, use View ->
Style.  In Firefox or Iceweasel, use View -> Page Style.