The CGI tries to decide whether an user is trying to edit a new file or not with the following test:

    $form->field(name => "newfile", 
			value => ! -e "$config{srcdir}/$file",
			force => 1);

Assume the script is called like this ``. The `if (exists $pagesources{$page}) {` test determines whether there's a file called `$config{srcdir}/discussion`. Most installs won't have a `$config{srcdir}/discussion` page, so this test will fail causing the else clause to be executed. In this case, the else clause results in `$file` being set to `discussion.mdwn`. Thus, on typical installs `value => ! -e "$config{srcdir}/$file",` always succeeds, which results in the expected behaviour, albeit for the wrong reasons. Similarly, the ` $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file)` line is also meaningless because `$file` isn't what we think it is.

(To confirm that this wasn't just a result of my imagination, I created [[/discussion]] on this site; feel free to delete it now.) 

> I've fixed it to only look for an existing page if it's not creating a new page, so [[bugs/done]] --[[Joey]]