If a blog entry contains a HTML named entity, such as the `—` produced by [[plugins/rst]] for blockquote citations, it's pasted into the Atom feed as-is. However, Atom feeds don't have a DTD, so named entities beyond `<`, `>`, `"`, `&` and `'` aren't well-formed XML.
Possible solutions:
* Put HTML in Atom feeds as type="html" (and use ESCAPE=HTML) instead
> Are there any particular downsides to doing that ..? --[[Joey]]
* Keep HTML in Atom feeds as type="xhtml", but replace named entities with numeric ones,
like in the re-escape-entities branch in my repository ([diff here](http://git.debian.org/?p=users/smcv/ikiwiki.git;a=commitdiff;h=c0eb041c65d0653bacf0d4acb7a602e9bda8888e))
(Also, the HTML in RSS feeds would probably get better interoperability if it was escaped with ESCAPE=HTML rather than being in a CDATA section?)
> Can't see why? --[[Joey]]