path: root/IkiWiki
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'IkiWiki')
12 files changed, 739 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/IkiWiki/ b/IkiWiki/
index d805506aa..4cb45895b 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/
+++ b/IkiWiki/
@@ -416,7 +416,6 @@ sub cgi_editpage ($$) { #{{{
elsif ($form->submitted eq "Save Page") {
$form->tmpl_param("page_preview", "");
- $form->tmpl_param("page_conflict", "");
if ($form->submitted ne "Save Page" || ! $form->validate) {
if ($form->field("do") eq "create") {
@@ -532,7 +531,7 @@ sub cgi_editpage ($$) { #{{{
if ($form->field("do") ne "create" && ! $exists &&
! defined srcfile($file, 1)) {
- $form->tmpl_param("page_gone", 1);
+ $form->tmpl_param("message", template("editpagegone.tmpl")->output);
$form->field(name => "do", value => "create", force => 1);
$form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
$form->field(name => "page", type => 'hidden');
@@ -542,7 +541,7 @@ sub cgi_editpage ($$) { #{{{
elsif ($form->field("do") eq "create" && $exists) {
- $form->tmpl_param("creation_conflict", 1);
+ $form->tmpl_param("message", template("editcreationconflict.tmpl")->output);
$form->field(name => "do", value => "edit", force => 1);
$form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
$form->field(name => "page", type => 'hidden');
@@ -575,8 +574,9 @@ sub cgi_editpage ($$) { #{{{
if ($@) {
$form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
force => 1);
- $form->tmpl_param("failed_save", 1);
- $form->tmpl_param("error_message", $@);
+ my $mtemplate=template("editfailedsave.tmpl");
+ $mtemplate->param(error_message => $@);
+ $form->tmpl_param("message", $mtemplate->output);
$form->field("editcontent", value => $content, force => 1);
$form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
$form->field(name => "page", type => 'hidden');
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ sub cgi_editpage ($$) { #{{{
if (defined $conflict) {
$form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
force => 1);
- $form->tmpl_param("page_conflict", 1);
+ $form->tmpl_param("message", template("editconflict.tmpl")->output);
$form->field("editcontent", value => $conflict, force => 1);
$form->field("do", "edit", force => 1);
$form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
index 3982c4883..e08aa3677 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
@@ -11,6 +11,40 @@ sub import { #{{{
hook(type => "formbuilder", id => "attachment", call => \&formbuilder);
} # }}}
+sub check_canattach ($$;$) {
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $dest=shift; # where it's going to be put, under the srcdir
+ my $file=shift; # the path to the attachment currently
+ # Don't allow an attachment to be uploaded with the same name as an
+ # existing page.
+ if (exists $pagesources{$dest} && $pagesources{$dest} ne $dest) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("there is already a page named %s"), $dest));
+ }
+ # Use a special pagespec to test that the attachment is valid.
+ my $allowed=1;
+ foreach my $admin (@{$config{adminuser}}) {
+ my $allowed_attachments=IkiWiki::userinfo_get($admin, "allowed_attachments");
+ if (defined $allowed_attachments &&
+ length $allowed_attachments) {
+ $allowed=pagespec_match($dest,
+ $allowed_attachments,
+ file => $file,
+ user => $session->param("name"),
+ ip => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR},
+ );
+ last if $allowed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $allowed) {
+ error(gettext("prohibited by allowed_attachments")." ($allowed)");
+ }
+ else {
+ return 1;
+ }
sub checkconfig () { #{{{
} #}}}
@@ -113,25 +147,8 @@ sub formbuilder (@) { #{{{
# Check that the user is allowed to edit a page with the
# name of the attachment.
IkiWiki::check_canedit($filename, $q, $session, 1);
- # Use a special pagespec to test that the attachment is valid.
- my $allowed=1;
- foreach my $admin (@{$config{adminuser}}) {
- my $allowed_attachments=IkiWiki::userinfo_get($admin, "allowed_attachments");
- if (defined $allowed_attachments &&
- length $allowed_attachments) {
- $allowed=pagespec_match($filename,
- $allowed_attachments,
- file => $tempfile,
- user => $session->param("name"),
- ip => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR},
- );
- last if $allowed;
- }
- }
- if (! $allowed) {
- error(gettext("attachment rejected")." ($allowed)");
- }
+ # And that the attachment itself is acceptable.
+ check_canattach($session, $filename, $tempfile);
# Needed for fast_file_copy and for rendering below.
require IkiWiki::Render;
@@ -419,6 +436,9 @@ sub match_user ($$;@) { #{{{
if (defined $params{user} && lc $params{user} eq lc $user) {
return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is $user");
+ elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
+ }
else {
return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is $params{user}, not $user");
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
index 17a9367d3..748d28ace 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
my $file = bestlink($params{page}, $image);
+ my $srcfile = srcfile($file, 1);
+ if (! length $file || ! defined $srcfile) {
+ return htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $image);
+ }
my $dir = $params{page};
my $base = IkiWiki::basename($file);
@@ -61,12 +65,12 @@ sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
will_render($params{page}, $imglink);
- if (-e $outfile && (-M srcfile($file) >= -M $outfile)) {
+ if (-e $outfile && (-M $srcfile >= -M $outfile)) {
$r = $im->Read($outfile);
error sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $outfile, $r) if $r;
else {
- $r = $im->Read(srcfile($file));
+ $r = $im->Read($srcfile);
error sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $file, $r) if $r;
$r = $im->Resize(geometry => "${w}x${h}");
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
else {
- $r = $im->Read(srcfile($file));
+ $r = $im->Read($srcfile);
error sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $file, $r) if $r;
$imglink = $file;
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c73ed9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+package IkiWiki::Plugin::remove;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use IkiWiki 2.00;
+sub import { #{{{
+ hook(type => "formbuilder_setup", id => "remove", call => \&formbuilder_setup);
+ hook(type => "formbuilder", id => "remove", call => \&formbuilder);
+ hook(type => "sessioncgi", id => "remove", call => \&sessioncgi);
+} # }}}
+sub check_canremove ($$$$) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $attachment=shift;
+ # Must be a known source file.
+ if (! exists $pagesources{$page}) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s does not exist"),
+ htmllink("", "", $page, noimageinline => 1)));
+ }
+ # Must exist on disk, and be a regular file.
+ my $file=$pagesources{$page};
+ if (! -e "$config{srcdir}/$file") {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s is not in the srcdir, so it cannot be deleted"), $file));
+ }
+ elsif (-l "$config{srcdir}/$file" && ! -f _) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s is not a file"), $file));
+ }
+ # Must be editiable.
+ IkiWiki::check_canedit($page, $q, $session);
+ # This is sorta overkill, but better safe
+ # than sorry. If a user can't upload an
+ # attachment, don't let them delete it.
+ if ($attachment) {
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $page, $file);
+ }
+sub formbuilder_setup (@) { #{{{
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $form=$params{form};
+ my $q=$params{cgi};
+ if (defined $form->field("do") && $form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ # Removal button for the page, and also for attachments.
+ push @{$params{buttons}}, "Remove";
+ $form->tmpl_param("field-remove" => '<input name="_submit" type="submit" value="Remove Attachments" />');
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub confirmation_form ($$) { #{{{
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ my $f = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
+ name => "remove",
+ header => 0,
+ charset => "utf-8",
+ method => 'POST',
+ javascript => 0,
+ params => $q,
+ action => $config{cgiurl},
+ stylesheet => IkiWiki::baseurl()."style.css",
+ fields => [qw{do page}],
+ );
+ $f->field(name => "do", type => "hidden", value => "remove", force => 1);
+ return $f, ["Remove", "Cancel"];
+} #}}}
+sub removal_confirm ($$@) {
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $attachment=shift;
+ my @pages=@_;
+ check_canremove($_, $q, $session, $attachment) foreach @pages;
+ # Save current form state to allow returning to it later
+ # without losing any edits.
+ # (But don't save what button was submitted, to avoid
+ # looping back to here.)
+ # Note: "_submit" is CGI::FormBuilder internals.
+ $q->param(-name => "_submit", -value => "");
+ $session->param(postremove => scalar $q->Vars);
+ IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ my ($f, $buttons)=confirmation_form($q, $session);
+ $f->title(sprintf(gettext("confirm removal of %s"),
+ join(", ", map { IkiWiki::pagetitle($_) } @pages)));
+ $f->field(name => "page", type => "hidden", value => \@pages, force => 1);
+ if (defined $attachment) {
+ $f->field(name => "attachment", type => "hidden",
+ value => $attachment, force => 1);
+ }
+ IkiWiki::showform($f, $buttons, $session, $q);
+ exit 0;
+sub postremove ($) {
+ my $session=shift;
+ # Load saved form state and return to edit form.
+ my $postremove=CGI->new($session->param("postremove"));
+ $session->clear("postremove");
+ IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ IkiWiki::cgi($postremove, $session);
+sub formbuilder (@) { #{{{
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $form=$params{form};
+ if (defined $form->field("do") && $form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ my $q=$params{cgi};
+ my $session=$params{session};
+ if ($form->submitted eq "Remove") {
+ removal_confirm($q, $session, 0, $form->field("page"));
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq "Remove Attachments") {
+ my @selected=$q->param("attachment_select");
+ if (! @selected) {
+ error(gettext("Please select the attachments to remove."));
+ }
+ removal_confirm($q, $session, 1, @selected);
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub sessioncgi ($$) { #{{{
+ my $q=shift;
+ if ($q->param("do") eq 'remove') {
+ my $session=shift;
+ my ($form, $buttons)=confirmation_form($q, $session);
+ IkiWiki::decode_form_utf8($form);
+ if ($form->submitted eq 'Cancel') {
+ postremove($session);
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Remove' && $form->validate) {
+ my @pages=$q->param("page");
+ # Validate removal by checking that the page exists,
+ # and that the user is allowed to edit(/remove) it.
+ my @files;
+ foreach my $page (@pages) {
+ check_canremove($page, $q, $session, $q->param("attachment"));
+ # This untaint is safe because of the
+ # checks performed above, which verify the
+ # page is a normal file, etc.
+ push @files, IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($pagesources{$page});
+ }
+ # Do removal, and update the wiki.
+ require IkiWiki::Render;
+ if ($config{rcs}) {
+ IkiWiki::disable_commit_hook();
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ IkiWiki::rcs_remove($file);
+ }
+ IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(gettext("removed"),
+ $session->param("name"), $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});
+ IkiWiki::enable_commit_hook();
+ IkiWiki::rcs_update();
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ IkiWiki::prune("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ }
+ }
+ IkiWiki::refresh();
+ IkiWiki::saveindex();
+ if ($q->param("attachment")) {
+ # Attachments were deleted, so redirect
+ # back to the edit form.
+ postremove($session);
+ }
+ else {
+ # The page is gone, so redirect to parent
+ # of the page.
+ my $parent=IkiWiki::dirname($pages[0]);
+ if (! exists $pagesources{$parent}) {
+ $parent="index";
+ }
+ IkiWiki::redirect($q, $config{url}."/".htmlpage($parent));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ IkiWiki::showform($form, $buttons, $session, $q);
+ }
+ exit 0;
+ }
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38f703ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+package IkiWiki::Plugin::rename;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use IkiWiki 2.00;
+sub import { #{{{
+ hook(type => "formbuilder_setup", id => "rename", call => \&formbuilder_setup);
+ hook(type => "formbuilder", id => "rename", call => \&formbuilder);
+ hook(type => "sessioncgi", id => "rename", call => \&sessioncgi);
+} # }}}
+sub check_canrename ($$$$$$$) { #{{{
+ my $src=shift;
+ my $srcfile=shift;
+ my $dest=shift;
+ my $destfile=shift;
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $attachment=shift;
+ # Must be a known source file.
+ if (! exists $pagesources{$src}) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s does not exist"),
+ htmllink("", "", $src, noimageinline => 1)));
+ }
+ # Must exist on disk, and be a regular file.
+ if (! -e "$config{srcdir}/$srcfile") {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s is not in the srcdir, so it cannot be renamed"), $srcfile));
+ }
+ elsif (-l "$config{srcdir}/$srcfile" && ! -f _) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s is not a file"), $srcfile));
+ }
+ # Must be editable.
+ IkiWiki::check_canedit($src, $q, $session);
+ if ($attachment) {
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $src, $srcfile);
+ }
+ # Dest checks can be omitted by passing undef.
+ if (defined $dest) {
+ if ($src eq $dest || $srcfile eq $destfile) {
+ error(gettext("no change to the file name was specified"));
+ }
+ # Must be a legal filename, and not absolute.
+ if (IkiWiki::file_pruned($destfile, $config{srcdir}) ||
+ $destfile=~/^\//) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("illegal name")));
+ }
+ # Must not be a known source file.
+ if (exists $pagesources{$dest}) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s already exists"),
+ htmllink("", "", $dest, noimageinline => 1)));
+ }
+ # Must not exist on disk already.
+ if (-l "$config{srcdir}/$destfile" || -e _) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s already exists on disk"), $destfile));
+ }
+ # Must be editable.
+ IkiWiki::check_canedit($dest, $q, $session);
+ if ($attachment) {
+ # Note that $srcfile is used here, not $destfile,
+ # because it wants the current file, to check it.
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $dest, $srcfile);
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub rename_form ($$$) { #{{{
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $page=shift;
+ eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ my $f = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
+ name => "rename",
+ title => sprintf(gettext("rename %s"), IkiWiki::pagetitle($page)),
+ header => 0,
+ charset => "utf-8",
+ method => 'POST',
+ javascript => 0,
+ params => $q,
+ action => $config{cgiurl},
+ stylesheet => IkiWiki::baseurl()."style.css",
+ fields => [qw{do page new_name attachment}],
+ );
+ $f->field(name => "do", type => "hidden", value => "rename", force => 1);
+ $f->field(name => "page", type => "hidden", value => $page, force => 1);
+ $f->field(name => "new_name", value => IkiWiki::pagetitle($page), size => 60);
+ $f->field(name => "attachment", type => "hidden");
+ return $f, ["Rename", "Cancel"];
+} #}}}
+sub rename_start ($$$$) {
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $attachment=shift;
+ my $page=shift;
+ check_canrename($page, $pagesources{$page}, undef, undef,
+ $q, $session, $attachment);
+ # Save current form state to allow returning to it later
+ # without losing any edits.
+ # (But don't save what button was submitted, to avoid
+ # looping back to here.)
+ # Note: "_submit" is CGI::FormBuilder internals.
+ $q->param(-name => "_submit", -value => "");
+ $session->param(postrename => scalar $q->Vars);
+ IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ my ($f, $buttons)=rename_form($q, $session, $page);
+ if (defined $attachment) {
+ $f->field(name => "attachment", value => $attachment, force => 1);
+ }
+ IkiWiki::showform($f, $buttons, $session, $q);
+ exit 0;
+sub postrename ($;$$) {
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $dest=shift;
+ my $attachment=shift;
+ # Load saved form state and return to edit page.
+ my $postrename=CGI->new($session->param("postrename"));
+ $session->clear("postrename");
+ IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ if (defined $dest && ! $attachment) {
+ # They renamed the page they were editing. This requires
+ # fixups to the edit form state.
+ # Tweak the edit form to be editing the new page.
+ $postrename->param("page", $dest);
+ # Get a new edit token; old one might not be valid for the
+ # renamed file.
+ $postrename->param("rcsinfo", IkiWiki::rcs_prepedit($pagesources{$dest}));
+ }
+ IkiWiki::cgi_editpage($postrename, $session);
+sub formbuilder (@) { #{{{
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $form=$params{form};
+ if (defined $form->field("do") && $form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ my $q=$params{cgi};
+ my $session=$params{session};
+ if ($form->submitted eq "Rename") {
+ rename_start($q, $session, 0, $form->field("page"));
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq "Rename Attachment") {
+ my @selected=$q->param("attachment_select");
+ if (@selected > 1) {
+ error(gettext("Only one attachment can be renamed at a time."));
+ }
+ elsif (! @selected) {
+ error(gettext("Please select the attachment to rename."))
+ }
+ rename_start($q, $session, 1, $selected[0]);
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
+my $renamesummary;
+sub formbuilder_setup (@) { #{{{
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $form=$params{form};
+ my $q=$params{cgi};
+ if (defined $form->field("do") && $form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ # Rename button for the page, and also for attachments.
+ push @{$params{buttons}}, "Rename";
+ $form->tmpl_param("field-rename" => '<input name="_submit" type="submit" value="Rename Attachment" />');
+ if (defined $renamesummary) {
+ $form->tmpl_param(message => $renamesummary);
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub sessioncgi ($$) { #{{{
+ my $q=shift;
+ if ($q->param("do") eq 'rename') {
+ my $session=shift;
+ my ($form, $buttons)=rename_form($q, $session, $q->param("page"));
+ IkiWiki::decode_form_utf8($form);
+ if ($form->submitted eq 'Cancel') {
+ postrename($session);
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Rename' && $form->validate) {
+ # These untaints are safe because of the checks
+ # performed in check_canrename below.
+ my $src=$q->param("page");
+ my $srcfile=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($pagesources{$src});
+ my $dest=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(IkiWiki::titlepage($q->param("new_name")));
+ # The extension of dest is the same as src if it's
+ # a page. If it's an extension, the extension is
+ # already included.
+ my $destfile=$dest;
+ if (! $q->param("attachment")) {
+ my ($ext)=$srcfile=~/(\.[^.]+)$/;
+ $destfile.=$ext;
+ }
+ check_canrename($src, $srcfile, $dest, $destfile,
+ $q, $session, $q->param("attachment"));
+ # Ensures that the dest directory exists and is ok.
+ IkiWiki::prep_writefile($destfile, $config{srcdir});
+ # Do rename, and update the wiki.
+ require IkiWiki::Render;
+ if ($config{rcs}) {
+ IkiWiki::disable_commit_hook();
+ IkiWiki::rcs_rename($srcfile, $destfile);
+ IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(
+ sprintf(gettext("rename %s to %s"), $src, $dest),
+ $session->param("name"), $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});
+ IkiWiki::enable_commit_hook();
+ IkiWiki::rcs_update();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (! rename("$config{srcdir}/$srcfile", "$config{srcdir}/$destfile")) {
+ error("rename: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ IkiWiki::refresh();
+ IkiWiki::saveindex();
+ # scan for broken links to $src
+ my @brokenlinks;
+ foreach my $page (keys %links) {
+ foreach my $link (@{$links{$page}}) {
+ my $bestlink=bestlink($page, $link);
+ if ($bestlink eq $src) {
+ push @brokenlinks, $page;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Generate a rename summary, that will be shown at the top
+ # of the edit template.
+ my $template=template("renamesummary.tmpl");
+ $template->param(src => $src);
+ $template->param(dest => $dest);
+ $template->param(linklist => [
+ map {
+ {
+ page => htmllink($dest, $dest, $_,
+ noimageinline => 1)
+ }
+ } @brokenlinks
+ ]);
+ $renamesummary=$template->output;
+ postrename($session, $dest, $q->param("attachment"));
+ }
+ else {
+ IkiWiki::showform($form, $buttons, $session, $q);
+ }
+ exit 0;
+ }
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index 6b69e65dc..43a2f2029 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) {
# Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and
# a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure.
# The file is relative to the srcdir.
+ my ($file, $message, $rcstoken, $user, $ipaddr) = @_;
+ return undef # success
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
return undef # success
@@ -31,6 +39,25 @@ sub rcs_add ($) {
# Add a file. The filename is relative to the root of the srcdir.
# Note that this should not check the new file in, it should only
# prepare for it to be checked in when rcs_commit is called.
+ # Note that the file may be in a new subdir that is not yet added
+ # to version control; the subdir can be added if so.
+sub rcs_remove ($) {
+ # Remove a file. The filename is relative to the root of the srcdir.
+ # Note that this should not check the removal in, it should only
+ # prepare for it to be checked in when rcs_commit is called.
+ # Note that the new file may be in a new subdir that is not yet added
+ # to version control; the subdir can be added if so.
+sub rcs_rename ($$) {
+ # Rename a file. The filenames are relative to the root of the srcdir.
+ # Note that this should not commit the rename, it should only
+ # prepare it for when rcs_commit is called.
+ # The new filename may be in a new subdir, that is not yet added to
+ # version control. If so, the subdir will exist already, and should
+ # be added.
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index 0dc456de2..e414e85d2 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -80,6 +80,14 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
return undef; # success
} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ error("rcs_commit_staged not implemented for bzr"); # TODO
sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
my ($file) = @_;
@@ -89,6 +97,18 @@ sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ error("rcs_remove not implemented for bzr"); # TODO
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ error("rcs_rename not implemented for bzr"); # TODO
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my ($num) = @_;
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index 7fb612a39..ecf560d0b 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -318,7 +318,16 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
my $conflict = _merge_past($prev, $file, $dummy_commit_msg);
return $conflict if defined $conflict;
+ rcs_add($file);
+ return rcs_commit_staged($message, $user, $ipaddr);
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
# Set the commit author and email to the web committer.
my %env=%ENV;
if (defined $user || defined $ipaddr) {
@@ -330,7 +339,8 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
# git commit returns non-zero if file has not been really changed.
# so we should ignore its exit status (hence run_or_non).
$message = possibly_foolish_untaint($message);
- if (run_or_non('git', 'commit', '--cleanup=verbatim', '-q', '-m', $message, '-i', $file)) {
+ if (run_or_non('git', 'commit', '--cleanup=verbatim',
+ '-q', '-m', $message)) {
if (length $config{gitorigin_branch}) {
run_or_cry('git', 'push', $config{gitorigin_branch});
@@ -338,7 +348,7 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
return undef; # success
-} #}}}
sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
# Add file to archive.
@@ -348,6 +358,20 @@ sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
run_or_cry('git', 'add', $file);
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ # Remove file from archive.
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ run_or_cry('git', 'rm', '-f', $file);
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ run_or_cry('git', 'mv', '-f', $src, $dest);
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
# List of recent changes.
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index bfe6ba49c..8c3f03e07 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
return undef; # success
} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ error("rcs_commit_staged not implemented for mercurial"); # TODO
sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
my ($file) = @_;
@@ -101,6 +109,18 @@ sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ error("rcs_remove not implemented for mercurial"); # TODO
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ error("rcs_rename not implemented for mercurial"); # TODO
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my ($num) = @_;
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index ce4a2a3ed..97d9c7a30 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -359,6 +359,14 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
return undef # success
} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ error("rcs_commit_staged not implemented for monotone"); # TODO
sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
@@ -370,6 +378,18 @@ sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ my $file = shift;
+ error("rcs_remove not implemented for monotone"); # TODO
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ error("rcs_rename not implemented for monotone"); # TODO
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my $num=shift;
my @ret;
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index 6a822e896..9081c3902 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -117,6 +117,28 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
return undef # success
} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ if (defined $user) {
+ $message="web commit by $user".(length $message ? ": $message" : "");
+ }
+ elsif (defined $ipaddr) {
+ $message="web commit from $ipaddr".(length $message ? ": $message" : "");
+ }
+ if (system("svn", "commit", "--quiet",
+ "--encoding", "UTF-8", "-m",
+ possibly_foolish_untaint($message),
+ $config{srcdir}) != 0) {
+ warn("svn commit failed\n");
+ return 1; # failure
+ }
+ return undef # success
sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
# filename is relative to the root of the srcdir
my $file=shift;
@@ -134,6 +156,40 @@ sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { #{{{
+ # filename is relative to the root of the srcdir
+ my $file=shift;
+ if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
+ if (system("svn", "rm", "--force", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
+ warn("svn rm failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { #{{{
+ # filenames relative to the root of the srcdir
+ my ($src, $dest)=@_;
+ if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
+ # Add parent directory for $dest
+ my $parent=dirname($dest);
+ if (! -d "$config{srcdir}/$parent/.svn") {
+ while (! -d "$config{srcdir}/$parent/.svn") {
+ $parent=dirname($dest);
+ }
+ if (system("svn", "add", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$parent") != 0) {
+ warn("svn add $parent failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (system("svn", "mv", "--force", "--quiet",
+ "$config{srcdir}/$src", "$config{srcdir}/$dest") != 0) {
+ warn("svn rename failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my $num=shift;
my @ret;
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Rcs/ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
index e7fed9ad8..4232e1fe8 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Rcs/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Rcs/
@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
return undef # success
} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ error("rcs_commit_staged not implemented for tla"); # TODO
sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
@@ -88,6 +96,18 @@ sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ my $file = shift;
+ error("rcs_remove not implemented for tla"); # TODO
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{a
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ error("rcs_rename not implemented for tla"); # TODO
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
my $num=shift;
my @ret;