path: root/IkiWiki/Setup
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'IkiWiki/Setup')
2 files changed, 255 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Setup/ b/IkiWiki/Setup/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee83a2fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IkiWiki/Setup/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Ikiwiki setup automator.
+package IkiWiki::Setup::Automator;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use IkiWiki;
+use IkiWiki::UserInfo;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use File::Path;
+sub ask ($$) { #{{{
+ my ($question, $default)=@_;
+ my $r=Term::ReadLine->new("ikiwiki");
+ $r->readline($question." ", $default);
+} #}}}
+sub prettydir ($) { #{{{
+ my $dir=shift;
+ $dir=~s/^\Q$ENV{HOME}\E\//~\//;
+ return $dir;
+} #}}}
+sub import (@) { #{{{
+ my $this=shift;
+ IkiWiki::Setup::merge({@_});
+ # Sanitize this to avoid problimatic directory names.
+ $config{wikiname}=~s/[^-A-Za-z0-9_] //g;
+ if (! length $config{wikiname}) {
+ die "you must enter a wikiname\n";
+ }
+ # Avoid overwriting any existing files.
+ foreach my $key (qw{srcdir destdir repository dumpsetup}) {
+ next unless exists $config{$key};
+ my $add="";
+ while (-e $add.$config{$key}) {
+ $add=1 if ! $add;
+ $add++;
+ }
+ $config{$key}=$add.$config{$key};
+ }
+ IkiWiki::checkconfig();
+ print "\n\nSetting up $config{wikiname} ...\n";
+ # Set up the repository.
+ mkpath($config{srcdir}) || die "mkdir $config{srcdir}: $!";
+ delete $config{repository} if ! $config{rcs} || $config{rcs}=~/bzr|mercurial/;
+ if ($config{rcs}) {
+ my @params=($config{rcs}, $config{srcdir});
+ push @params, $config{repository} if exists $config{repository};
+ if (system("ikiwiki-makerepo", @params) != 0) {
+ die "failed: ikiwiki-makerepo @params";
+ }
+ }
+ # Generate setup file.
+ require IkiWiki::Setup;
+ if ($config{rcs}) {
+ if ($config{rcs} eq 'git') {
+ $config{git_wrapper}=$config{repository}."/hooks/post-update";
+ }
+ elsif ($config{rcs} eq 'svn') {
+ $config{svn_wrapper}=$config{repository}."/hooks/post-commit";
+ }
+ elsif ($config{rcs} eq 'bzr') {
+ # TODO
+ }
+ elsif ($config{rcs} eq 'mercurial') {
+ # TODO
+ }
+ }
+ IkiWiki::Setup::dump($config{dumpsetup});
+ # Build the wiki, but w/o wrappers, so it's not live yet.
+ mkpath($config{destdir}) || die "mkdir $config{destdir}: $!";
+ if (system("ikiwiki", "--refresh", "--setup", $config{dumpsetup}) != 0) {
+ die "ikiwiki --refresh --setup $config{dumpsetup} failed";
+ }
+ # Create admin user(s).
+ foreach my $admin (@{$config{adminuser}}) {
+ next if $admin=~/^http\?:\/\//; # openid
+ # Prompt for password w/o echo.
+ system('stty -echo 2>/dev/null');
+ local $|=1;
+ print "\n\nCreating wiki admin $admin ...\n";
+ print "Choose a password: ";
+ chomp(my $password=<STDIN>);
+ print "\n\n\n";
+ system('stty sane 2>/dev/null');
+ if (IkiWiki::userinfo_setall($admin, { regdate => time }) &&
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::passwordauth::setpassword($admin, $password)) {
+ IkiWiki::userinfo_set($admin, "email", $config{adminemail}) if defined $config{adminemail};
+ }
+ else {
+ error("problem setting up $admin user");
+ }
+ }
+ # Add wrappers, make live.
+ if (system("ikiwiki", "--wrappers", "--setup", $config{dumpsetup}) != 0) {
+ die "ikiwiki --wrappers --setup $config{dumpsetup} failed";
+ }
+ # Add it to the wikilist.
+ mkpath("$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki");
+ open (WIKILIST, ">>$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/wikilist") || die "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/wikilist: $!";
+ print WIKILIST "$ENV{USER} $config{dumpsetup}\n";
+ close WIKILIST;
+ if (system("ikiwiki-update-wikilist") != 0) {
+ print STDERR "** Failed to add you to the system wikilist file.\n";
+ print STDERR "** (Probably ikiwiki-update-wikilist is not SUID root.)\n";
+ print STDERR "** Your wiki will not be automatically updated when ikiwiki is upgraded.\n";
+ }
+ # Done!
+ print "\n\nSuccessfully set up $config{wikiname}:\n";
+ foreach my $key (qw{url srcdir destdir repository}) {
+ next unless exists $config{$key};
+ print "\t$key: ".(" " x (10 - length($key)))." ".
+ prettydir($config{$key})."\n";
+ }
+ print "To modify settings, edit ".prettydir($config{dumpsetup})." and then run:\n";
+ print " ikiwiki -setup ".prettydir($config{dumpsetup})."\n";
+ exit 0;
+} #}}}
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Setup/ b/IkiWiki/Setup/
index f67c3829b..9d4732b6f 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Setup/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Setup/
@@ -7,9 +7,125 @@ package IkiWiki::Setup::Standard;
use warnings;
use strict;
+use IkiWiki;
-sub import {
- $IkiWiki::Setup::raw_setup=$_[1];
+sub import { #{{{
+ IkiWiki::Setup::merge($_[1]);
+} #}}}
+sub dumpline ($$$$) { #{{{
+ my $key=shift;
+ my $value=shift;
+ my $type=shift;
+ my $prefix=shift;
+ eval q{use Data::Dumper};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Pad="\t";
+ local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys=0;
+ my $dumpedvalue;
+ if ($type eq 'boolean' || $type eq 'integer') {
+ # avoid quotes
+ $dumpedvalue=$value;
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'string' && ref $value eq 'ARRAY' && @$value &&
+ ! grep { /[^-A-Za-z0-9_]/ } @$value) {
+ # dump simple array as qw{}
+ $dumpedvalue="[qw{ ".join(" ", @$value)." }]";
+ }
+ else {
+ $dumpedvalue=Dumper($value);
+ chomp $dumpedvalue;
+ if (length $prefix) {
+ # add to second and subsequent lines
+ my @lines=split(/\n/, $dumpedvalue);
+ $dumpedvalue="";
+ for (my $x=0; $x <= $#lines; $x++) {
+ $lines[$x] =~ s/^\t//;
+ $dumpedvalue.="\t".($x ? $prefix : "").$lines[$x]."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $dumpedvalue=~s/^\t//;
+ chomp $dumpedvalue;
+ }
+ return "\t$prefix$key => $dumpedvalue,";
+} #}}}
+sub dumpvalues ($@) { #{{{
+ my $setup=shift;
+ my @ret;
+ while (@_) {
+ my $key=shift;
+ my %info=%{shift()};
+ next if $info{type} eq "internal";
+ push @ret, "\t# ".$info{description} if exists $info{description};
+ if (exists $setup->{$key} && defined $setup->{$key}) {
+ push @ret, dumpline($key, $setup->{$key}, $info{type}, "");
+ delete $setup->{$key};
+ }
+ elsif (exists $info{example}) {
+ push @ret, dumpline($key, $info{example}, $info{type}, "#");
+ }
+ else {
+ push @ret, dumpline($key, "", $info{type}, "#");
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
+} #}}}
+sub gendump ($) { #{{{
+ my $description=shift;
+ my %setup=(%config);
+ my @ret;
+ # disable logging to syslog while dumping
+ $config{syslog}=0;
+ push @ret, "\t# basic setup";
+ push @ret, dumpvalues(\%setup, IkiWiki::getsetup());
+ # Load all plugins, so that all setup options are available.
+ # (But skip a few problematic external demo plugins.)
+ my @plugins=grep { ! /^(externaldemo|pythondemo|\Q$config{rcs}\E)$/ }
+ sort(IkiWiki::listplugins());
+ unshift @plugins, $config{rcs} if $config{rcs}; # rcs plugin 1st
+ foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
+ eval { IkiWiki::loadplugin($plugin) };
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::hooks{checkconfig}{$plugin}{call}) {
+ my @s=eval { $IkiWiki::hooks{checkconfig}{$plugin}{call}->() };
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $id (@plugins) {
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::hooks{getsetup}{$id}{call}) {
+ # use an array rather than a hash, to preserve order
+ my @s=eval { $IkiWiki::hooks{getsetup}{$id}{call}->() };
+ next unless @s;
+ push @ret, "", "\t# $id plugin";
+ push @ret, dumpvalues(\%setup, @s);
+ }
+ }
+ unshift @ret,
+ "#!/usr/bin/perl",
+ "# $description",
+ "#",
+ "# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate",
+ "# wrappers and build the wiki.",
+ "#",
+ "# Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.",
+ "use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {";
+ push @ret, "}";
+ return @ret;
+} #}}}