path: root/IkiWiki/Plugin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'IkiWiki/Plugin/')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
index cc15fbdb1..6652b9fba 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/
+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/
@@ -71,6 +71,29 @@ sub getbucket { #{{{
} #}}}
+# Given a file, return any S3 keys associated with it.
+sub file2keys ($) { #{{{
+ my $file=shift;
+ my @keys;
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$config{destdir}\/\E(.*)/) {
+ push @keys, $config{amazon_s3_prefix}.$1;
+ # Munge foo/index.html to foo/
+ if ($keys[0]=~/(^|.*\/)index.$config{htmlext}$/) {
+ # A duplicate might need to be stored under the
+ # unmunged name too.
+ if (!$config{usedirs} || $config{amazon_s3_dupindex}) {
+ push @keys, $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ @keys=($1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @keys;
+} #}}}
package IkiWiki;
use File::MimeInfo;
use Encode;
@@ -85,21 +108,11 @@ sub writefile ($$$;$$) { #{{{
# First, write the file to disk.
my $ret=$IkiWiki::Plugin::amazon_s3::subs{'IkiWiki::writefile'}->($file, $destdir, $content, $binary, $writer);
- # Now, determine if the file was written to the destdir.
- # writefile might be used for writing files elsewhere.
- # Also, $destdir might be set to a subdirectory of the destdir.
- my $key;
- if ($destdir eq $config{destdir}) {
- $key=$file;
- }
- elsif ("$destdir/$file" =~ /^\Q$config{destdir}\/\E(.*)/) {
- $key=$1;
- }
+ my @keys=IkiWiki::Plugin::amazon_s3::file2keys("$destdir/$file");
# Store the data in S3.
- if (defined $key) {
- $key=$config{amazon_s3_prefix}.$key;
+ if (@keys) {
my $bucket=IkiWiki::Plugin::amazon_s3::getbucket();
# The http layer tries to downgrade utf-8
@@ -108,42 +121,37 @@ sub writefile ($$$;$$) { #{{{
# so force convert it to bytes.
$content=encode_utf8($content) if defined $content;
- if (defined $content && ! length $content) {
- # S3 doesn't allow storing empty files!
- $content=" ";
- }
my %opts=(
acl_short => 'public-read',
content_type => mimetype("$destdir/$file"),
- my $res;
- if (! $writer) {
- $res=$bucket->add_key($key, $content, \%opts);
- }
- else {
- # read back in the file that the writer emitted
- $res=$bucket->add_key_filename($key, "$destdir/$file", \%opts);
- }
- if ($res && $key=~/(^|.*\/)index.$config{htmlext}$/) {
- # index.html files are a special case. Since S3 is
- # not a normal web server, it won't serve up
- # foo/index.html when foo/ is requested. So the
- # file has to be stored twice. (This is bad news
- # when usedirs is enabled!)
- # TODO: invesitgate using the new copy operation.
- # (It may not be robust enough.)
- my $base=$1;
+ # If there are multiple keys to write, data is sent
+ # multiple times.
+ # TODO: investigate using the new copy operation.
+ # (It may not be robust enough.)
+ foreach my $key (@keys) {
+ debug("storing $key");
+ my $res;
if (! $writer) {
- $res=$bucket->add_key($base, $content, \%opts);
+ $res=$bucket->add_key($key, $content, \%opts);
else {
- $res=$bucket->add_key_filename($base, "$destdir/$file", \%opts);
+ # This test for empty files is a workaround
+ # for this bug:
+ #
+ if (-z "$destdir/$file") {
+ $res=$bucket->add_key($key, "", \%opts);
+ }
+ else {
+ # read back in the file that the writer emitted
+ $res=$bucket->add_key_filename($key, "$destdir/$file", \%opts);
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $res) {
+ error(gettext("Failed to save file to S3: ").
+ $bucket->err.": ".$bucket->errstr."\n");
- }
- if (! $res) {
- error(gettext("Failed to save file to S3: ").
- $bucket->err.": ".$bucket->errstr."\n");
@@ -154,19 +162,19 @@ sub writefile ($$$;$$) { #{{{
sub prune ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
- # If a file in the destdir is being pruned, need to delete it out
- # of S3 as well.
- if ($file =~ /^\Q$config{destdir}\/\E(.*)/) {
- my $key=$config{amazon_s3_prefix}.$1;
+ my @keys=IkiWiki::Plugin::amazon_s3::file2keys($file);
+ # Prune files out of S3 too.
+ if (@keys) {
my $bucket=IkiWiki::Plugin::amazon_s3::getbucket();
- my $res=$bucket->delete_key($key);
- if ($res && $key=~/(^|.*\/)index.$config{htmlext}$/) {
- # index.html special case: Delete other file too
- $res=$bucket->delete_key($1);
- }
- if (! $res) {
- error(gettext("Failed to delete file from S3: ").
- $bucket->err.": ".$bucket->errstr."\n");
+ foreach my $key (@keys) {
+ debug("deleting $key");
+ my $res=$bucket->delete_key($key);
+ if (! $res) {
+ error(gettext("Failed to delete file from S3: ").
+ $bucket->err.": ".$bucket->errstr."\n");
+ }