#skin Walk where there are people. ## 10 s How many eyes are you looking at , how many eyes are looking at you? ## 45s Can you see that person over there ## 15s could he be someone of your family? ## 15s Your brother, mother, future boyfriend, girlfriend, uncle? ## 20s Did you notice the cloth of this person? Under the cloth. Skin. ## 45s Ca 90 cm2 of skin when we get born. First we reach out, than we can sit, than we crawl, than we stand, than we walk. Now walking. ## 30s We take a safe route or a dangerous one ## 45s What is the history, that we are writing, right now in this moment? ## 50s Stop ## 20s Between your feet and the ground, some small small spaces. ## 25s Examples of dirt Examples of small stones Examples of air particles ## 40s The earth is turning and we move with it. ## 50s What is dying? ## 40s An ocean of facts. An ocean. ## 20s continue ## 30s End