Input: * Fix broken links. Example: [[Barry M. Leiner]] (footnote 54). * Fix ambiguous and/or excessive use of strong emphasis Example: 20 blocks cannot all be essential keywords (pages 43-44). * Fix ambiguous use of blockquote. Example: list either lacks bibliography or isn't a quote (page 22). * Fix duplicate quotation around citation block. Example: First citation in subsection "Parliament has Imposed...". * Fix misaligned quotation around citation string. Example: ‘legitimate that these rights [...] is left untouched". * Tighten markup of foreign terms to be consistent and unambiguous. Example: "acquis" (page 6) versus "open" (page 15) versus "strong copyleft" (page 29). * Tighten markup of titles to be consistent and unambiguous. Example: "Ensuring utmost..." versus "Greens/EFA group..." (page 2). * Tighten markup of meta comments to be consistent and unambiguous. Example: "(...)" (page 15) versus "[...]" (page 26). * Tighten markup of citation blocks to be consistent and unambiguous. Example: "utmost" versus "51 However..." (page 18). * Avoid hyperlink in text body. Example: "Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament" in "About". Processing: * Handle draft/final switch, and fail on warnings when in draft mode. * Use pandoc filter for bugfixing (not multiple passes + perl regex). * Decode and properly handle bibliography (i.e. {{cite ...}} markup). Content modelling: * Favor british at all uses of "english" documentclass hint. * Consider use typographic enhancement tunings: + icomma - avoid automagic space after comma (e.g. money amount). + ellipsis - ensure balanced space around ellipsis. + balance/ * Verify PdfLaTeX/XeLaTeX choice (incl. lowest version of TeXLive): + Ensure Graphite is supported. + Ensure that babel and polyglossia is truly on par. * soft-hyphen URLs. Styling, no matter if matching rev1 or diverging: * Avoid indenting initial line of footnotes. * Extend credits to include authorship and licensing of layout. Styling, diverging from rev1 style: * Space below header. * No colors except front page. * No custom styling of initial letters (or only after each chapter). * Curly quotes. * Footnote markers in superscript, bare (i.e. no square brackets). * Use standardized layout for bibliography. + no quoting around origin link string. * Separate bibliography from footnotes. * Consistent emphasis: italic. * Background coloring (if at all) of blockquotes full column width. * No background coloring or extra indent of lists. Styling, matching rev1 style (if we were not diverging): * Use pagenotes in "Notes" appendix (not footnotes + bibliography). * Colorize initial letter after each title/subtitle. * Color links red. * Foreword and emphasized paragraphs (quotes?) in grey (or blue) box. * Outro in foreword right-aligned. * Inter-paragraphs by Indenting first line of paragraphs (not vspace). * Titles and subtitles left-aligned, sans serif, varying size. * main font "PT Serif", Display font "Open Sans Condensed Light". * Use display font for URLs in pagenotes.