Input (last checked 2014-12-27 15:09): * Split "About" page: + "Copyright": Dry listing of copyright holders w/ years, licenses, online and offline contact info for Greens/EFA, and revision history. One paragraph for each part - Project owners, authors, designers, smaller contributors (photographer for coverpage). Check back side of title page for a few books to see common style. + "Preface": Short text about the creation and the people involved (i.e. like "About" but uncluttered from legalese). * Consistently markup lists as such - even in quoted blocks. Processing: * use Header (not latex RawBlock) as header markup in section filter. * Refine bibliography regarding web sources and timestamp markup. * Add quote filter to adjust custom *"foreign"* and "*title*" markup. * Cap over-long titles in headers. * Consistently place page numbers at bottom. Content modelling: * Consider use typographic enhancement tunings: + icomma - avoid automagic space after comma (e.g. money amount). + ellipsis - ensure balanced space around ellipsis. + csquote (with explicit british: class ignored with polyglossia). Styling: * Curly quotes. * Use standardized layout for bibliography. * no quoting around origin link string. * Add coverpage. * Add colophon to backmatter (brief facts on book design) * Fix suppress pagination on title page. * Use A or B form factor (not Letter) for ebook page size.