- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "bstrlib.h"
- #include "stmd.h"
- #include "uthash.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "scanners.h"
- #include "utf8.h"
- extern void free_reference(reference *ref) {
- bdestroy(ref->label);
- bdestroy(ref->url);
- bdestroy(ref->title);
- free(ref);
- }
- extern void free_reference_map(reference **refmap) {
- /* free the hash table contents */
- reference *s;
- reference *tmp;
- if (refmap != NULL) {
- HASH_ITER(hh, *refmap, s, tmp) {
- HASH_DEL(*refmap, s);
- free_reference(s);
- }
- free(refmap);
- }
- }
- // normalize reference: collapse internal whitespace to single space,
- // remove leading/trailing whitespace, case fold
- static bstring normalize_reference(bstring s)
- {
- bstring normalized = case_fold(s);
- int pos = 0;
- int startpos;
- char c;
- while ((c = bchar(normalized, pos))) {
- if (isspace(c)) {
- startpos = pos;
- // skip til next non-space
- pos++;
- while (isspace(bchar(s, pos))) {
- pos++;
- }
- bdelete(normalized, startpos, pos - startpos);
- binsertch(normalized, startpos, 1, ' ');
- pos = startpos + 1;
- }
- pos++;
- }
- btrimws(normalized);
- return normalized;
- }
- // Returns reference if refmap contains a reference with matching
- // label, otherwise NULL.
- extern reference* lookup_reference(reference** refmap, bstring lab)
- {
- reference * ref = NULL;
- bstring label = normalize_reference(lab);
- if (refmap != NULL) {
- HASH_FIND_STR(*refmap, (char*) label->data, ref);
- }
- bdestroy(label);
- return ref;
- }
- extern reference* make_reference(bstring label, bstring url, bstring title)
- {
- reference * ref;
- ref = malloc(sizeof(reference));
- ref->label = normalize_reference(label);
- ref->url = bstrcpy(url);
- ref->title = bstrcpy(title);
- return ref;
- }
- extern void add_reference(reference** refmap, reference* ref)
- {
- reference * t = NULL;
- HASH_FIND(hh, *refmap, (char*) ref->label->data,
- (unsigned) blength(ref->label), t);
- if (t == NULL) {
- HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, *refmap, (char*) ref->label->data,
- (unsigned) blength(ref->label), ref);
- } else {
- free_reference(ref); // we free this now since it won't be in the refmap
- }
- }
- // Create an inline with a linkable string value.
- inline static inl* make_linkable(int t, inl* label, bstring url, bstring title)
- {
- inl* e = (inl*) malloc(sizeof(inl));
- e->tag = t;
- e->content.linkable.label = label;
- e->content.linkable.url = url;
- e->content.linkable.title = title;
- e->next = NULL;
- return e;
- }
- inline static inl* make_inlines(int t, inl* contents)
- {
- inl* e = (inl*) malloc(sizeof(inl));
- e->tag = t;
- e->content.inlines = contents;
- e->next = NULL;
- return e;
- }
- // Create an inline with a literal string value.
- inline static inl* make_literal(int t, bstring s)
- {
- inl* e = (inl*) malloc(sizeof(inl));
- e->tag = t;
- e->content.literal = s;
- e->next = NULL;
- return e;
- }
- // Create an inline with no value.
- inline static inl* make_simple(int t)
- {
- inl* e = (inl*) malloc(sizeof(inl));
- e->tag = t;
- e->next = NULL;
- return e;
- }
- // Macros for creating various kinds of inlines.
- #define make_str(s) make_literal(str, s)
- #define make_code(s) make_literal(code, s)
- #define make_raw_html(s) make_literal(raw_html, s)
- #define make_entity(s) make_literal(entity, s)
- #define make_linebreak() make_simple(linebreak)
- #define make_softbreak() make_simple(softbreak)
- #define make_link(label, url, title) make_linkable(link, label, url, title)
- #define make_image(alt, url, title) make_linkable(image, alt, url, title)
- #define make_emph(contents) make_inlines(emph, contents)
- #define make_strong(contents) make_inlines(strong, contents)
- // Free an inline list.
- extern void free_inlines(inl* e)
- {
- inl * next;
- while (e != NULL) {
- switch (e->tag){
- case str:
- case raw_html:
- case code:
- case entity:
- bdestroy(e->content.literal);
- break;
- case linebreak:
- case softbreak:
- break;
- case link:
- case image:
- bdestroy(e->content.linkable.url);
- bdestroy(e->content.linkable.title);
- free_inlines(e->content.linkable.label);
- break;
- case emph:
- case strong:
- free_inlines(e->content.inlines);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- next = e->next;
- free(e);
- e = next;
- }
- }
- // Append inline list b to the end of inline list a.
- // Return pointer to head of new list.
- inline static inl* append_inlines(inl* a, inl* b)
- {
- if (a == NULL) { // NULL acts like an empty list
- return b;
- }
- inl* cur = a;
- while (cur->next) {
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- cur->next = b;
- return a;
- }
- // Make a 'subject' from an input string.
- static subject* make_subject(bstring s, reference** refmap)
- {
- subject* e = (subject*) malloc(sizeof(subject));
- // remove final whitespace
- brtrimws(s);
- e->buffer = s;
- e->pos = 0;
- e->label_nestlevel = 0;
- e->reference_map = refmap;
- return e;
- }
- inline static int isbacktick(int c)
- {
- return (c == '`');
- }
- // Return the next character in the subject, without advancing.
- // Return 0 if at the end of the subject.
- #define peek_char(subj) bchar(subj->buffer, subj->pos)
- // Return true if there are more characters in the subject.
- inline static int is_eof(subject* subj)
- {
- return (subj->pos >= blength(subj->buffer));
- }
- // Advance the subject. Doesn't check for eof.
- #define advance(subj) subj->pos += 1
- // Take characters while a predicate holds, and return a string.
- inline static bstring take_while(subject* subj, int (*f)(int))
- {
- unsigned char c;
- int startpos = subj->pos;
- int len = 0;
- while ((c = peek_char(subj)) && (*f)(c)) {
- advance(subj);
- len++;
- }
- return bmidstr(subj->buffer, startpos, len);
- }
- // Take one character and return a string, or NULL if eof.
- inline static bstring take_one(subject* subj)
- {
- int startpos = subj->pos;
- if (is_eof(subj)){
- return NULL;
- } else {
- advance(subj);
- return bmidstr(subj->buffer, startpos, 1);
- }
- }
- // Try to process a backtick code span that began with a
- // span of ticks of length openticklength length (already
- // parsed). Return 0 if you don't find matching closing
- // backticks, otherwise return the position in the subject
- // after the closing backticks.
- static int scan_to_closing_backticks(subject* subj, int openticklength)
- {
- // read non backticks
- char c;
- while ((c = peek_char(subj)) && c != '`') {
- advance(subj);
- }
- if (is_eof(subj)) {
- return 0; // did not find closing ticks, return 0
- }
- int numticks = 0;
- while (peek_char(subj) == '`') {
- advance(subj);
- numticks++;
- }
- if (numticks != openticklength){
- return(scan_to_closing_backticks(subj, openticklength));
- }
- return (subj->pos);
- }
- // Destructively modify bstring, collapsing consecutive
- // space and newline characters into a single space.
- static int normalize_whitespace(bstring s)
- {
- bool last_char_was_space = false;
- int pos = 0;
- char c;
- while ((c = bchar(s, pos))) {
- switch (c) {
- case ' ':
- if (last_char_was_space) {
- bdelete(s, pos, 1);
- } else {
- pos++;
- }
- last_char_was_space = true;
- break;
- case '\n':
- if (last_char_was_space) {
- bdelete(s, pos, 1);
- } else {
- bdelete(s, pos, 1);
- binsertch(s, pos, 1, ' ');
- pos++;
- }
- last_char_was_space = true;
- break;
- default:
- pos++;
- last_char_was_space = false;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Parse backtick code section or raw backticks, return an inline.
- // Assumes that the subject has a backtick at the current position.
- static inl* handle_backticks(subject *subj)
- {
- bstring openticks = take_while(subj, isbacktick);
- bstring result;
- int ticklength = blength(openticks);
- int startpos = subj->pos;
- int endpos = scan_to_closing_backticks(subj, ticklength);
- if (endpos == 0) { // not found
- subj->pos = startpos; // rewind
- return make_str(openticks);
- } else {
- bdestroy(openticks);
- result = bmidstr(subj->buffer, startpos, endpos - startpos - ticklength);
- btrimws(result);
- normalize_whitespace(result);
- return make_code(result);
- }
- }
- // Scan ***, **, or * and return number scanned, or 0.
- // Don't advance position.
- static int scan_delims(subject* subj, char c, bool * can_open, bool * can_close)
- {
- int numdelims = 0;
- char char_before, char_after;
- int startpos = subj->pos;
- char_before = subj->pos == 0 ? '\n' : bchar(subj->buffer, subj->pos - 1);
- while (peek_char(subj) == c) {
- numdelims++;
- advance(subj);
- }
- char_after = peek_char(subj);
- *can_open = numdelims > 0 && numdelims <= 3 && !isspace(char_after);
- *can_close = numdelims > 0 && numdelims <= 3 && !isspace(char_before);
- if (c == '_') {
- *can_open = *can_open && !isalnum(char_before);
- *can_close = *can_close && !isalnum(char_after);
- }
- subj->pos = startpos;
- return numdelims;
- }
- // Parse strong/emph or a fallback.
- // Assumes the subject has '_' or '*' at the current position.
- static inl* handle_strong_emph(subject* subj, char c)
- {
- bool can_open, can_close;
- inl * result = NULL;
- inl ** last = malloc(sizeof(inl *));
- inl * new;
- inl * il;
- inl * first_head = NULL;
- inl * first_close = NULL;
- int first_close_delims = 0;
- int numdelims;
- *last = NULL;
- numdelims = scan_delims(subj, c, &can_open, &can_close);
- subj->pos += numdelims;
- new = make_str(bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos - numdelims, numdelims));
- *last = new;
- first_head = new;
- result = new;
- if (!can_open || numdelims == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- switch (numdelims) {
- case 1:
- while (true) {
- numdelims = scan_delims(subj, c, &can_open, &can_close);
- if (numdelims >= 1 && can_close) {
- subj->pos += 1;
- first_head->tag = emph;
- bdestroy(first_head->content.literal);
- first_head->content.inlines = first_head->next;
- first_head->next = NULL;
- goto done;
- } else {
- if (!parse_inline(subj, last)) {
- goto done;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- while (true) {
- numdelims = scan_delims(subj, c, &can_open, &can_close);
- if (numdelims >= 2 && can_close) {
- subj->pos += 2;
- first_head->tag = strong;
- bdestroy(first_head->content.literal);
- first_head->content.inlines = first_head->next;
- first_head->next = NULL;
- goto done;
- } else {
- if (!parse_inline(subj, last)) {
- goto done;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- while (true) {
- numdelims = scan_delims(subj, c, &can_open, &can_close);
- if (can_close && numdelims >= 1 && numdelims <= 3 &&
- numdelims != first_close_delims) {
- new = make_str(bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, numdelims));
- append_inlines(*last, new);
- *last = new;
- if (numdelims == 3) {
- numdelims = 1;
- }
- subj->pos += numdelims;
- if (first_close) {
- first_head->tag = first_close_delims == 1 ? strong : emph;
- bdestroy(first_head->content.literal);
- first_head->content.inlines =
- make_inlines(first_close_delims == 1 ? emph : strong,
- first_head->next);
- il = first_head->next;
- while (il->next && il->next != first_close) {
- il = il->next;
- }
- il->next = NULL;
- first_head->content.inlines->next = first_close->next;
- il = first_head->content.inlines;
- while (il->next && il->next != *last) {
- il = il->next;
- }
- il->next = NULL;
- free_inlines(*last);
- first_close->next = NULL;
- free_inlines(first_close);
- first_head->next = NULL;
- goto done;
- } else {
- first_close = *last;
- first_close_delims = numdelims;
- }
- } else {
- if (!parse_inline(subj, last)) {
- goto done;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- goto done;
- }
- done:
- free(last);
- return result;
- }
- // Parse backslash-escape or just a backslash, returning an inline.
- static inl* handle_backslash(subject *subj)
- {
- advance(subj);
- unsigned char nextchar = peek_char(subj);
- if (ispunct(nextchar)) { // only ascii symbols and newline can be escaped
- advance(subj);
- return make_str(bformat("%c", nextchar));
- } else if (nextchar == '\n') {
- advance(subj);
- return make_linebreak();
- } else {
- return make_str(bfromcstr("\\"));
- }
- }
- // Parse an entity or a regular "&" string.
- // Assumes the subject has an '&' character at the current position.
- static inl* handle_entity(subject* subj)
- {
- int match;
- inl * result;
- match = scan_entity(subj->buffer, subj->pos);
- if (match) {
- result = make_entity(bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, match));
- subj->pos += match;
- } else {
- advance(subj);
- result = make_str(bfromcstr("&"));
- }
- return result;
- }
- // Like make_str, but parses entities.
- // Returns an inline sequence consisting of str and entity elements.
- static inl * make_str_with_entities(bstring s)
- {
- inl * result = NULL;
- inl * new;
- int searchpos;
- char c;
- subject * subj = make_subject(s, NULL);
- while ((c = peek_char(subj))) {
- switch (c) {
- case '&':
- new = handle_entity(subj);
- break;
- default:
- searchpos = bstrchrp(subj->buffer, '&', subj->pos);
- if (searchpos == BSTR_ERR) {
- searchpos = blength(subj->buffer);
- }
- new = make_str(bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, searchpos - subj->pos));
- subj->pos = searchpos;
- }
- result = append_inlines(result, new);
- }
- free(subj);
- return result;
- }
- // Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation chars.
- extern int unescape(bstring url)
- {
- // remove backslashes before punctuation chars:
- int searchpos = 0;
- while ((searchpos = bstrchrp(url, '\\', searchpos)) != BSTR_ERR) {
- if (ispunct(bchar(url, searchpos + 1))) {
- bdelete(url, searchpos, 1);
- } else {
- searchpos++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Clean a URL: remove surrounding whitespace and surrounding <>,
- // and remove \ that escape punctuation.
- static int clean_url(bstring url)
- {
- // remove surrounding <> if any:
- int urllength = blength(url);
- btrimws(url);
- if (bchar(url, 0) == '<' && bchar(url, urllength - 1) == '>') {
- bdelete(url, 0, 1);
- bdelete(url, urllength - 2, 1);
- }
- unescape(url);
- return 0;
- }
- // Clean a title: remove surrounding quotes and remove \ that escape punctuation.
- static int clean_title(bstring title)
- {
- // remove surrounding quotes if any:
- int titlelength = blength(title);
- if ((bchar(title, 0) == '\'' && bchar(title, titlelength - 1) == '\'') ||
- (bchar(title, 0) == '(' && bchar(title, titlelength - 1) == ')') ||
- (bchar(title, 0) == '"' && bchar(title, titlelength - 1) == '"')) {
- bdelete(title, 0, 1);
- bdelete(title, titlelength - 2, 1);
- }
- unescape(title);
- return 0;
- }
- // Parse an autolink or HTML tag.
- // Assumes the subject has a '<' character at the current position.
- static inl* handle_pointy_brace(subject* subj)
- {
- int matchlen = 0;
- bstring contents;
- inl* result;
- advance(subj); // advance past first <
- // first try to match a URL autolink
- matchlen = scan_autolink_uri(subj->buffer, subj->pos);
- if (matchlen > 0) {
- contents = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, matchlen - 1);
- subj->pos += matchlen;
- result = make_link(make_str_with_entities(contents),
- bstrcpy(contents), bfromcstr(""));
- bdestroy(contents);
- return result;
- }
- // next try to match an email autolink
- matchlen = scan_autolink_email(subj->buffer, subj->pos);
- if (matchlen > 0) {
- contents = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, matchlen - 1);
- subj->pos += matchlen;
- result = make_link(make_str_with_entities(contents),
- bformat("mailto:%s", contents->data),
- bfromcstr(""));
- bdestroy(contents);
- return result;
- }
- // finally, try to match an html tag
- matchlen = scan_html_tag(subj->buffer, subj->pos);
- if (matchlen > 0) {
- contents = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, matchlen);
- binsertch(contents, 0, 1, '<');
- subj->pos += matchlen;
- return make_raw_html(contents);
- } else {// if nothing matches, just return the opening <:
- return make_str(bfromcstr("<"));
- }
- }
- // Parse a link label. Returns 1 if successful.
- // Unless raw_label is null, it is set to point to the raw contents of the [].
- // Assumes the subject has a '[' character at the current position.
- // Returns 0 and does not advance if no matching ] is found.
- // Note the precedence: code backticks have precedence over label bracket
- // markers, which have precedence over *, _, and other inline formatting
- // markers. So, 2 below contains a link while 1 does not:
- // 1. [a link `with a ](/url)` character
- // 2. [a link *with emphasized ](/url) text*
- static int link_label(subject* subj, bstring* raw_label)
- {
- int nestlevel = 0;
- inl* tmp = NULL;
- bstring raw;
- int startpos = subj->pos;
- if (subj->label_nestlevel) {
- // if we've already checked to the end of the subject
- // for a label, even with a different starting [, we
- // know we won't find one here and we can just return.
- // Note: nestlevel 1 would be: [foo [bar]
- // nestlevel 2 would be: [foo [bar [baz]
- subj->label_nestlevel--;
- return 0;
- }
- advance(subj); // advance past [
- char c;
- while ((c = peek_char(subj)) && (c != ']' || nestlevel > 0)) {
- switch (c) {
- case '`':
- tmp = handle_backticks(subj);
- free_inlines(tmp);
- break;
- case '<':
- tmp = handle_pointy_brace(subj);
- free_inlines(tmp);
- break;
- case '[': // nested []
- nestlevel++;
- advance(subj);
- break;
- case ']': // nested []
- nestlevel--;
- advance(subj);
- break;
- case '\\':
- advance(subj);
- if (ispunct(peek_char(subj))) {
- advance(subj);
- }
- break;
- default:
- advance(subj);
- }
- }
- if (c == ']') {
- if (raw_label != NULL) {
- raw = bmidstr(subj->buffer, startpos + 1, subj->pos - (startpos + 1));
- *raw_label = raw;
- }
- subj->label_nestlevel = 0;
- advance(subj); // advance past ]
- return 1;
- } else {
- if (c == 0) {
- subj->label_nestlevel = nestlevel;
- }
- subj->pos = startpos; // rewind
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // Parse a link or the link portion of an image, or return a fallback.
- static inl* handle_left_bracket(subject* subj)
- {
- inl* lab = NULL;
- inl* result = NULL;
- reference* ref;
- int n;
- int sps;
- int found_label;
- int endlabel, starturl, endurl, starttitle, endtitle, endall;
- bstring url, title, rawlabel, reflabel;
- bstring rawlabel2 = NULL;
- found_label = link_label(subj, &rawlabel);
- endlabel = subj->pos;
- if (found_label) {
- if (peek_char(subj) == '(' &&
- ((sps = scan_spacechars(subj->buffer, subj->pos + 1)) > -1) &&
- ((n = scan_link_url(subj->buffer, subj->pos + 1 + sps)) > -1)) {
- // try to parse an explicit link:
- starturl = subj->pos + 1 + sps; // after (
- endurl = starturl + n;
- starttitle = endurl + scan_spacechars(subj->buffer, endurl);
- // ensure there are spaces btw url and title
- endtitle = (starttitle == endurl) ? starttitle :
- starttitle + scan_link_title(subj->buffer, starttitle);
- endall = endtitle + scan_spacechars(subj->buffer, endtitle);
- if (bchar(subj->buffer, endall) == ')') {
- subj->pos = endall + 1;
- url = bmidstr(subj->buffer, starturl, endurl - starturl);
- clean_url(url);
- title = bmidstr(subj->buffer, starttitle, endtitle - starttitle);
- clean_title(title);
- lab = parse_inlines(rawlabel, NULL);
- bdestroy(rawlabel);
- return make_link(lab, url, title);
- } else {
- // if we get here, we matched a label but didn't get further:
- subj->pos = endlabel;
- lab = parse_inlines(rawlabel, subj->reference_map);
- bdestroy(rawlabel);
- result = append_inlines(make_str(bfromcstr("[")),
- append_inlines(lab,
- make_str(bfromcstr("]"))));
- return result;
- }
- } else {
- // Check for reference link.
- // First, see if there's another label:
- subj->pos = subj->pos + scan_spacechars(subj->buffer, endlabel);
- reflabel = rawlabel;
- // if followed by a nonempty link label, we change reflabel to it:
- if (peek_char(subj) == '[' &&
- link_label(subj, &rawlabel2)) {
- if (blength(rawlabel2) > 0) {
- reflabel = rawlabel2;
- }
- } else {
- subj->pos = endlabel;
- }
- // lookup rawlabel in subject->reference_map:
- ref = lookup_reference(subj->reference_map, reflabel);
- if (ref != NULL) { // found
- lab = parse_inlines(rawlabel, NULL);
- result = make_link(lab, bstrcpy(ref->url), bstrcpy(ref->title));
- } else {
- subj->pos = endlabel;
- lab = parse_inlines(rawlabel, subj->reference_map);
- result = append_inlines(make_str(bfromcstr("[")),
- append_inlines(lab, make_str(bfromcstr("]"))));
- }
- bdestroy(rawlabel);
- bdestroy(rawlabel2);
- return result;
- }
- }
- // If we fall through to here, it means we didn't match a link:
- advance(subj); // advance past [
- return make_str(bfromcstr("["));
- }
- // Parse a hard or soft linebreak, returning an inline.
- // Assumes the subject has a newline at the current position.
- static inl* handle_newline(subject *subj)
- {
- int nlpos = subj->pos;
- // skip over newline
- advance(subj);
- // skip spaces at beginning of line
- while (peek_char(subj) == ' ') {
- advance(subj);
- }
- if (nlpos > 1 &&
- bchar(subj->buffer, nlpos - 1) == ' ' &&
- bchar(subj->buffer, nlpos - 2) == ' ') {
- return make_linebreak();
- } else {
- return make_softbreak();
- }
- }
- inline static int not_eof(subject* subj)
- {
- return !is_eof(subj);
- }
- // Parse inlines while a predicate is satisfied. Return inlines.
- extern inl* parse_inlines_while(subject* subj, int (*f)(subject*))
- {
- inl* result = NULL;
- inl** last = &result;
- while ((*f)(subj) && parse_inline(subj, last)) {
- }
- return result;
- }
- // Parse an inline, advancing subject, and add it to last element.
- // Adjust tail to point to new last element of list.
- // Return 0 if no inline can be parsed, 1 otherwise.
- extern int parse_inline(subject* subj, inl ** last)
- {
- inl* new = NULL;
- bstring contents;
- bstring special_chars;
- unsigned char c;
- int endpos;
- c = peek_char(subj);
- if (c == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- switch(c){
- case '\n':
- new = handle_newline(subj);
- break;
- case '`':
- new = handle_backticks(subj);
- break;
- case '\\':
- new = handle_backslash(subj);
- break;
- case '&':
- new = handle_entity(subj);
- break;
- case '<':
- new = handle_pointy_brace(subj);
- break;
- case '_':
- if (subj->pos > 0 && (isalnum(bchar(subj->buffer, subj->pos - 1)) ||
- bchar(subj->buffer, subj->pos - 1) == '_')) {
- new = make_str(take_one(subj));
- } else {
- new = handle_strong_emph(subj, '_');
- }
- break;
- case '*':
- new = handle_strong_emph(subj, '*');
- break;
- case '[':
- new = handle_left_bracket(subj);
- break;
- case '!':
- advance(subj);
- if (peek_char(subj) == '[') {
- new = handle_left_bracket(subj);
- if (new != NULL && new->tag == link) {
- new->tag = image;
- } else {
- new = append_inlines(make_str(bfromcstr("!")), new);
- }
- } else {
- new = make_str(bfromcstr("!"));
- }
- break;
- default:
- // we read until we hit a special character
- special_chars = bfromcstr("\n\\`&_*[]<!");
- endpos = binchr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, special_chars);
- bdestroy(special_chars);
- if (endpos == subj->pos) {
- // current char is special: read a 1-character str
- contents = take_one(subj);
- } else if (endpos == BSTR_ERR) {
- // special char not found, take whole rest of buffer:
- endpos = subj->buffer->slen;
- contents = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, endpos - subj->pos);
- subj->pos = endpos;
- } else {
- // take buffer from subj->pos to endpos to str.
- contents = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, endpos - subj->pos);
- subj->pos = endpos;
- // if we're at a newline, strip trailing spaces.
- if (peek_char(subj) == '\n') {
- brtrimws(contents);
- }
- }
- new = make_str(contents);
- }
- if (*last == NULL) {
- *last = new;
- } else {
- append_inlines(*last, new);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- extern inl* parse_inlines(bstring input, reference** refmap)
- {
- subject * subj = make_subject(input, refmap);
- inl * result = parse_inlines_while(subj, not_eof);
- free(subj);
- return result;
- }
- // Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline.
- void spnl(subject* subj)
- {
- bool seen_newline = false;
- while (peek_char(subj) == ' ' ||
- (!seen_newline &&
- (seen_newline = peek_char(subj) == '\n'))) {
- advance(subj);
- }
- }
- // Parse reference. Assumes string begins with '[' character.
- // Modify refmap if a reference is encountered.
- // Return 0 if no reference found, otherwise position of subject
- // after reference is parsed.
- extern int parse_reference(bstring input, reference** refmap)
- {
- subject * subj = make_subject(input, NULL);
- bstring lab = NULL;
- bstring url = NULL;
- bstring title = NULL;
- int matchlen = 0;
- int beforetitle;
- reference * new = NULL;
- int newpos;
- // parse label:
- if (!link_label(subj, &lab)) {
- free(subj);
- return 0;
- }
- // colon:
- if (peek_char(subj) == ':') {
- advance(subj);
- } else {
- free(subj);
- bdestroy(lab);
- return 0;
- }
- // parse link url:
- spnl(subj);
- matchlen = scan_link_url(subj->buffer, subj->pos);
- if (matchlen) {
- url = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, matchlen);
- clean_url(url);
- subj->pos += matchlen;
- } else {
- free(subj);
- bdestroy(lab);
- bdestroy(url);
- return 0;
- }
- // parse optional link_title
- beforetitle = subj->pos;
- spnl(subj);
- matchlen = scan_link_title(subj->buffer, subj->pos);
- if (matchlen) {
- title = bmidstr(subj->buffer, subj->pos, matchlen);
- clean_title(title);
- subj->pos += matchlen;
- } else {
- subj->pos = beforetitle;
- title = bfromcstr("");
- }
- // parse final spaces and newline:
- while (peek_char(subj) == ' ') {
- advance(subj);
- }
- if (peek_char(subj) == '\n') {
- advance(subj);
- } else if (peek_char(subj) != 0) {
- free(subj);
- bdestroy(lab);
- bdestroy(url);
- bdestroy(title);
- return 0;
- }
- // insert reference into refmap
- new = make_reference(lab, url, title);
- add_reference(refmap, new);
- newpos = subj->pos;
- free(subj);
- bdestroy(lab);
- bdestroy(url);
- bdestroy(title);
- return newpos;
- }