- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "parser.h"
- #include "cmark.h"
- #include "node.h"
- #include "references.h"
- #include "utf8.h"
- #include "scanners.h"
- #include "inlines.h"
- #include "html/houdini.h"
- #include "buffer.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #define CODE_INDENT 4
- #define peek_at(i, n) (i)->data[n]
- static cmark_node* make_block(cmark_node_type tag, int start_line, int start_column)
- {
- cmark_node* e;
- e = (cmark_node *)calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
- if(e != NULL) {
- e->type = tag;
- e->open = true;
- e->start_line = start_line;
- e->start_column = start_column;
- e->end_line = start_line;
- strbuf_init(&e->string_content, 32);
- }
- return e;
- }
- // Create a root document cmark_node.
- static cmark_node* make_document()
- {
- cmark_node *e = make_block(NODE_DOCUMENT, 1, 1);
- return e;
- }
- cmark_doc_parser *cmark_new_doc_parser()
- {
- cmark_doc_parser *parser = (cmark_doc_parser*)malloc(sizeof(cmark_doc_parser));
- cmark_node *document = make_document();
- strbuf *line = (strbuf*)malloc(sizeof(strbuf));
- cmark_strbuf_init(line, 256);
- parser->refmap = cmark_reference_map_new();
- parser->root = document;
- parser->current = document;
- parser->line_number = 0;
- parser->curline = line;
- return parser;
- }
- void cmark_free_doc_parser(cmark_doc_parser *parser)
- {
- cmark_strbuf_free(parser->curline);
- free(parser->curline);
- cmark_reference_map_free(parser->refmap);
- free(parser);
- }
- static void finalize(cmark_doc_parser *parser, cmark_node* b, int line_number);
- // Returns true if line has only space characters, else false.
- static bool is_blank(strbuf *s, int offset)
- {
- while (offset < s->size) {
- switch (s->ptr[offset]) {
- case '\n':
- return true;
- case ' ':
- offset++;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- static inline bool can_contain(cmark_node_type parent_type, cmark_node_type child_type)
- {
- return ( parent_type == NODE_DOCUMENT ||
- parent_type == NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE ||
- parent_type == NODE_LIST_ITEM ||
- (parent_type == NODE_LIST && child_type == NODE_LIST_ITEM) );
- }
- static inline bool accepts_lines(cmark_node_type block_type)
- {
- return (block_type == NODE_PARAGRAPH ||
- block_type == NODE_HEADER ||
- block_type == NODE_CODE_BLOCK);
- }
- static void add_line(cmark_node* cmark_node, chunk *ch, int offset)
- {
- assert(cmark_node->open);
- strbuf_put(&cmark_node->string_content, ch->data + offset, ch->len - offset);
- }
- static void remove_trailing_blank_lines(strbuf *ln)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = ln->size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- unsigned char c = ln->ptr[i];
- if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n')
- break;
- }
- if (i < 0) {
- strbuf_clear(ln);
- return;
- }
- i = strbuf_strchr(ln, '\n', i);
- if (i >= 0)
- strbuf_truncate(ln, i);
- }
- // Check to see if a cmark_node ends with a blank line, descending
- // if needed into lists and sublists.
- static bool ends_with_blank_line(cmark_node* cmark_node)
- {
- if (cmark_node->last_line_blank) {
- return true;
- }
- if ((cmark_node->type == NODE_LIST || cmark_node->type == NODE_LIST_ITEM) && cmark_node->last_child) {
- return ends_with_blank_line(cmark_node->last_child);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Break out of all containing lists
- static int break_out_of_lists(cmark_doc_parser *parser, cmark_node ** bptr, int line_number)
- {
- cmark_node *container = *bptr;
- cmark_node *b = parser->root;
- // find first containing NODE_LIST:
- while (b && b->type != NODE_LIST) {
- b = b->last_child;
- }
- if (b) {
- while (container && container != b) {
- finalize(parser, container, line_number);
- container = container->parent;
- }
- finalize(parser, b, line_number);
- *bptr = b->parent;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void finalize(cmark_doc_parser *parser, cmark_node* b, int line_number)
- {
- int firstlinelen;
- int pos;
- cmark_node* item;
- cmark_node* subitem;
- if (!b->open)
- return; // don't do anything if the cmark_node is already closed
- b->open = false;
- if (line_number > b->start_line) {
- b->end_line = line_number - 1;
- } else {
- b->end_line = line_number;
- }
- switch (b->type) {
- pos = 0;
- while (strbuf_at(&b->string_content, 0) == '[' &&
- (pos = cmark_parse_reference_inline(&b->string_content, parser->refmap))) {
- strbuf_drop(&b->string_content, pos);
- }
- if (is_blank(&b->string_content, 0)) {
- }
- break;
- if (!b->as.code.fenced) { // indented code
- remove_trailing_blank_lines(&b->string_content);
- strbuf_putc(&b->string_content, '\n');
- break;
- } else {
- // first line of contents becomes info
- firstlinelen = strbuf_strchr(&b->string_content, '\n', 0);
- houdini_unescape_html_f(
- &b->as.code.info,
- b->string_content.ptr,
- firstlinelen
- );
- strbuf_drop(&b->string_content, firstlinelen + 1);
- strbuf_trim(&b->as.code.info);
- strbuf_unescape(&b->as.code.info);
- break;
- }
- case NODE_LIST: // determine tight/loose status
- b->as.list.tight = true; // tight by default
- item = b->first_child;
- while (item) {
- // check for non-final non-empty list item ending with blank line:
- if (item->last_line_blank && item->next) {
- b->as.list.tight = false;
- break;
- }
- // recurse into children of list item, to see if there are
- // spaces between them:
- subitem = item->first_child;
- while (subitem) {
- if (ends_with_blank_line(subitem) &&
- (item->next || subitem->next)) {
- b->as.list.tight = false;
- break;
- }
- subitem = subitem->next;
- }
- if (!(b->as.list.tight)) {
- break;
- }
- item = item->next;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // Add a cmark_node as child of another. Return pointer to child.
- static cmark_node* add_child(cmark_doc_parser *parser, cmark_node* parent,
- cmark_node_type block_type, int start_line, int start_column)
- {
- assert(parent);
- // if 'parent' isn't the kind of cmark_node that can accept this child,
- // then back up til we hit a cmark_node that can.
- while (!can_contain(parent->type, block_type)) {
- finalize(parser, parent, start_line);
- parent = parent->parent;
- }
- cmark_node* child = make_block(block_type, start_line, start_column);
- child->parent = parent;
- if (parent->last_child) {
- parent->last_child->next = child;
- child->prev = parent->last_child;
- } else {
- parent->first_child = child;
- child->prev = NULL;
- }
- parent->last_child = child;
- return child;
- }
- typedef struct BlockStack {
- struct BlockStack *previous;
- cmark_node *next_sibling;
- } block_stack;
- // Walk through cmark_node and all children, recursively, parsing
- // string content into inline content where appropriate.
- static void process_inlines(cmark_node* cur, cmark_reference_map *refmap)
- {
- block_stack* stack = NULL;
- block_stack* newstack = NULL;
- while (cur != NULL) {
- switch (cur->type) {
- cmark_parse_inlines(cur, refmap);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (cur->first_child) {
- newstack = (block_stack*)malloc(sizeof(block_stack));
- if (newstack == NULL) return;
- newstack->previous = stack;
- stack = newstack;
- stack->next_sibling = cur->next;
- cur = cur->first_child;
- } else {
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- while (cur == NULL && stack != NULL) {
- cur = stack->next_sibling;
- newstack = stack->previous;
- free(stack);
- stack = newstack;
- }
- }
- while (stack != NULL) {
- newstack = stack->previous;
- free(stack);
- stack = newstack;
- }
- }
- // Attempts to parse a list item marker (bullet or enumerated).
- // On success, returns length of the marker, and populates
- // data with the details. On failure, returns 0.
- static int parse_list_marker(chunk *input, int pos, cmark_list **dataptr)
- {
- unsigned char c;
- int startpos;
- cmark_list *data;
- startpos = pos;
- c = peek_at(input, pos);
- if ((c == '*' || c == '-' || c == '+') && !scan_hrule(input, pos)) {
- pos++;
- if (!isspace(peek_at(input, pos))) {
- return 0;
- }
- data = (cmark_list *)calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
- if(data == NULL) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- data->marker_offset = 0; // will be adjusted later
- data->list_type = CMARK_BULLET_LIST;
- data->bullet_char = c;
- data->start = 1;
- data->delimiter = CMARK_PERIOD_DELIM;
- data->tight = false;
- }
- } else if (isdigit(c)) {
- int start = 0;
- do {
- start = (10 * start) + (peek_at(input, pos) - '0');
- pos++;
- } while (isdigit(peek_at(input, pos)));
- c = peek_at(input, pos);
- if (c == '.' || c == ')') {
- pos++;
- if (!isspace(peek_at(input, pos))) {
- return 0;
- }
- data = (cmark_list *)calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
- if(data == NULL) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- data->marker_offset = 0; // will be adjusted later
- data->list_type = CMARK_ORDERED_LIST;
- data->bullet_char = 0;
- data->start = start;
- data->delimiter = (c == '.' ? CMARK_PERIOD_DELIM : CMARK_PAREN_DELIM);
- data->tight = false;
- }
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- *dataptr = data;
- return (pos - startpos);
- }
- // Return 1 if list item belongs in list, else 0.
- static int lists_match(cmark_list *list_data, cmark_list *item_data)
- {
- return (list_data->list_type == item_data->list_type &&
- list_data->delimiter == item_data->delimiter &&
- // list_data->marker_offset == item_data.marker_offset &&
- list_data->bullet_char == item_data->bullet_char);
- }
- static cmark_node *finalize_document(cmark_doc_parser *parser)
- {
- while (parser->current != parser->root) {
- finalize(parser, parser->current, parser->line_number);
- parser->current = parser->current->parent;
- }
- finalize(parser, parser->root, parser->line_number);
- process_inlines(parser->root, parser->refmap);
- return parser->root;
- }
- extern cmark_node *cmark_parse_file(FILE *f)
- {
- char buffer[4096];
- cmark_doc_parser *parser = cmark_new_doc_parser();
- size_t offset;
- cmark_node *document;
- while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f)) {
- offset = strlen(buffer);
- cmark_process_line(parser, buffer, offset);
- }
- document = cmark_finish(parser);
- cmark_free_doc_parser(parser);
- return document;
- }
- extern cmark_node *cmark_parse_document(const char *buffer, size_t len)
- {
- int linenum = 1;
- const char *end = buffer + len;
- size_t offset;
- cmark_doc_parser *parser = cmark_new_doc_parser();
- cmark_node *document;
- while (buffer < end) {
- const char *eol
- = (const char *)memchr(buffer, '\n', end - buffer);
- offset = eol ? (eol - buffer) + 1 : end - buffer;
- cmark_process_line(parser, buffer, offset);
- buffer += offset;
- linenum++;
- }
- document = cmark_finish(parser);
- cmark_free_doc_parser(parser);
- return document;
- }
- static void chop_trailing_hashtags(chunk *ch)
- {
- int n, orig_n;
- chunk_rtrim(ch);
- orig_n = n = ch->len - 1;
- // if string ends in space followed by #s, remove these:
- while (n >= 0 && peek_at(ch, n) == '#')
- n--;
- // Check for a be a space before the final #s:
- if (n != orig_n && n >= 0 && peek_at(ch, n) == ' ') {
- ch->len = n;
- chunk_rtrim(ch);
- }
- }
- void cmark_process_line(cmark_doc_parser *parser, const char *buffer,
- size_t bytes)
- {
- cmark_node* last_matched_container;
- int offset = 0;
- int matched = 0;
- int lev = 0;
- int i;
- cmark_list *data = NULL;
- bool all_matched = true;
- cmark_node* container;
- cmark_node* cur = parser->current;
- bool blank = false;
- int first_nonspace;
- int indent;
- chunk input;
- utf8proc_detab(parser->curline, (unsigned char *)buffer, bytes);
- // Add a newline to the end if not present:
- // TODO this breaks abstraction:
- if (parser->curline->ptr[parser->curline->size - 1] != '\n') {
- strbuf_putc(parser->curline, '\n');
- }
- input.data = parser->curline->ptr;
- input.len = parser->curline->size;
- // container starts at the document root.
- container = parser->root;
- parser->line_number++;
- // for each containing cmark_node, try to parse the associated line start.
- // bail out on failure: container will point to the last matching cmark_node.
- while (container->last_child && container->last_child->open) {
- container = container->last_child;
- first_nonspace = offset;
- while (peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == ' ') {
- first_nonspace++;
- }
- indent = first_nonspace - offset;
- blank = peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == '\n';
- if (container->type == NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE) {
- matched = indent <= 3 && peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == '>';
- if (matched) {
- offset = first_nonspace + 1;
- if (peek_at(&input, offset) == ' ')
- offset++;
- } else {
- all_matched = false;
- }
- } else if (container->type == NODE_LIST_ITEM) {
- if (indent >= container->as.list.marker_offset +
- container->as.list.padding) {
- offset += container->as.list.marker_offset +
- container->as.list.padding;
- } else if (blank) {
- offset = first_nonspace;
- } else {
- all_matched = false;
- }
- } else if (container->type == NODE_CODE_BLOCK) {
- if (!container->as.code.fenced) { // indented
- if (indent >= CODE_INDENT) {
- offset += CODE_INDENT;
- } else if (blank) {
- offset = first_nonspace;
- } else {
- all_matched = false;
- }
- } else {
- // skip optional spaces of fence offset
- i = container->as.code.fence_offset;
- while (i > 0 && peek_at(&input, offset) == ' ') {
- offset++;
- i--;
- }
- }
- } else if (container->type == NODE_HEADER) {
- // a header can never contain more than one line
- all_matched = false;
- if (blank) {
- container->last_line_blank = true;
- }
- } else if (container->type == NODE_HTML) {
- if (blank) {
- container->last_line_blank = true;
- all_matched = false;
- }
- } else if (container->type == NODE_PARAGRAPH) {
- if (blank) {
- container->last_line_blank = true;
- all_matched = false;
- }
- }
- if (!all_matched) {
- container = container->parent; // back up to last matching cmark_node
- break;
- }
- }
- last_matched_container = container;
- // check to see if we've hit 2nd blank line, break out of list:
- if (blank && container->last_line_blank) {
- break_out_of_lists(parser, &container, parser->line_number);
- }
- // unless last matched container is code cmark_node, try new container starts:
- while (container->type != NODE_CODE_BLOCK &&
- container->type != NODE_HTML) {
- first_nonspace = offset;
- while (peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == ' ')
- first_nonspace++;
- indent = first_nonspace - offset;
- blank = peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == '\n';
- if (indent >= CODE_INDENT) {
- if (cur->type != NODE_PARAGRAPH && !blank) {
- offset += CODE_INDENT;
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_CODE_BLOCK, parser->line_number, offset + 1);
- container->as.code.fenced = false;
- container->as.code.fence_char = 0;
- container->as.code.fence_length = 0;
- container->as.code.fence_offset = 0;
- strbuf_init(&container->as.code.info, 0);
- } else { // indent > 4 in lazy line
- break;
- }
- } else if (peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == '>') {
- offset = first_nonspace + 1;
- // optional following character
- if (peek_at(&input, offset) == ' ')
- offset++;
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE, parser->line_number, offset + 1);
- } else if ((matched = scan_atx_header_start(&input, first_nonspace))) {
- offset = first_nonspace + matched;
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_HEADER, parser->line_number, offset + 1);
- int hashpos = chunk_strchr(&input, '#', first_nonspace);
- int level = 0;
- while (peek_at(&input, hashpos) == '#') {
- level++;
- hashpos++;
- }
- container->as.header.level = level;
- container->as.header.setext = false;
- } else if ((matched = scan_open_code_fence(&input, first_nonspace))) {
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_CODE_BLOCK, parser->line_number, first_nonspace + 1);
- container->as.code.fenced = true;
- container->as.code.fence_char = peek_at(&input, first_nonspace);
- container->as.code.fence_length = matched;
- container->as.code.fence_offset = first_nonspace - offset;
- strbuf_init(&container->as.code.info, 0);
- offset = first_nonspace + matched;
- } else if ((matched = scan_html_block_tag(&input, first_nonspace))) {
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_HTML, parser->line_number, first_nonspace + 1);
- // note, we don't adjust offset because the tag is part of the text
- } else if (container->type == NODE_PARAGRAPH &&
- (lev = scan_setext_header_line(&input, first_nonspace)) &&
- // check that there is only one line in the paragraph:
- strbuf_strrchr(&container->string_content, '\n',
- strbuf_len(&container->string_content) - 2) < 0) {
- container->type = NODE_HEADER;
- container->as.header.level = lev;
- container->as.header.setext = true;
- offset = input.len - 1;
- } else if (!(container->type == NODE_PARAGRAPH && !all_matched) &&
- (matched = scan_hrule(&input, first_nonspace))) {
- // it's only now that we know the line is not part of a setext header:
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_HRULE, parser->line_number, first_nonspace + 1);
- finalize(parser, container, parser->line_number);
- container = container->parent;
- offset = input.len - 1;
- } else if ((matched = parse_list_marker(&input, first_nonspace, &data))) {
- // compute padding:
- offset = first_nonspace + matched;
- i = 0;
- while (i <= 5 && peek_at(&input, offset + i) == ' ') {
- i++;
- }
- // i = number of spaces after marker, up to 5
- if (i >= 5 || i < 1 || peek_at(&input, offset) == '\n') {
- data->padding = matched + 1;
- if (i > 0) {
- offset += 1;
- }
- } else {
- data->padding = matched + i;
- offset += i;
- }
- // check container; if it's a list, see if this list item
- // can continue the list; otherwise, create a list container.
- data->marker_offset = indent;
- if (container->type != NODE_LIST ||
- !lists_match(&container->as.list, data)) {
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_LIST, parser->line_number,
- first_nonspace + 1);
- memcpy(&container->as.list, data, sizeof(*data));
- }
- // add the list item
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_LIST_ITEM, parser->line_number,
- first_nonspace + 1);
- /* TODO: static */
- memcpy(&container->as.list, data, sizeof(*data));
- free(data);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- if (accepts_lines(container->type)) {
- // if it's a line container, it can't contain other containers
- break;
- }
- }
- // what remains at offset is a text line. add the text to the
- // appropriate container.
- first_nonspace = offset;
- while (peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == ' ')
- first_nonspace++;
- indent = first_nonspace - offset;
- blank = peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == '\n';
- // cmark_node quote lines are never blank as they start with >
- // and we don't count blanks in fenced code for purposes of tight/loose
- // lists or breaking out of lists. we also don't set last_line_blank
- // on an empty list item.
- container->last_line_blank = (blank &&
- container->type != NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE &&
- container->type != NODE_HEADER &&
- (container->type != NODE_CODE_BLOCK &&
- container->as.code.fenced) &&
- !(container->type == NODE_LIST_ITEM &&
- container->first_child == NULL &&
- container->start_line == parser->line_number));
- cmark_node *cont = container;
- while (cont->parent) {
- cont->parent->last_line_blank = false;
- cont = cont->parent;
- }
- if (cur != last_matched_container &&
- container == last_matched_container &&
- !blank &&
- cur->type == NODE_PARAGRAPH &&
- strbuf_len(&cur->string_content) > 0) {
- add_line(cur, &input, offset);
- } else { // not a lazy continuation
- // finalize any blocks that were not matched and set cur to container:
- while (cur != last_matched_container) {
- finalize(parser, cur, parser->line_number);
- cur = cur->parent;
- assert(cur != NULL);
- }
- if (container->type == NODE_CODE_BLOCK &&
- !container->as.code.fenced) {
- add_line(container, &input, offset);
- } else if (container->type == NODE_CODE_BLOCK &&
- container->as.code.fenced) {
- matched = 0;
- if (indent <= 3 &&
- peek_at(&input, first_nonspace) == container->as.code.fence_char) {
- int fence_len = scan_close_code_fence(&input, first_nonspace);
- if (fence_len > container->as.code.fence_length)
- matched = 1;
- }
- if (matched) {
- // if closing fence, don't add line to container; instead, close it:
- finalize(parser, container, parser->line_number);
- container = container->parent; // back up to parent
- } else {
- add_line(container, &input, offset);
- }
- } else if (container->type == NODE_HTML) {
- add_line(container, &input, offset);
- } else if (blank) {
- // ??? do nothing
- } else if (container->type == NODE_HEADER) {
- chop_trailing_hashtags(&input);
- add_line(container, &input, first_nonspace);
- finalize(parser, container, parser->line_number);
- container = container->parent;
- } else if (accepts_lines(container->type)) {
- add_line(container, &input, first_nonspace);
- } else if (container->type != NODE_HRULE &&
- container->type != NODE_HEADER) {
- // create paragraph container for line
- container = add_child(parser, container, NODE_PARAGRAPH, parser->line_number, first_nonspace + 1);
- add_line(container, &input, first_nonspace);
- } else {
- assert(false);
- }
- parser->current = container;
- }
- strbuf_clear(parser->curline);
- }
- cmark_node *cmark_finish(cmark_doc_parser *parser)
- {
- finalize_document(parser);
- strbuf_free(parser->curline);
- if (cmark_node_check(parser->root, stderr)) {
- abort();
- }
- #endif
- return parser->root;
- }