#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "config.h" #include "cmark.h" #include "node.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "houdini.h" // Functions to convert cmark_nodes to HTML strings. static void escape_html(cmark_strbuf *dest, const unsigned char *source, int length) { if (length < 0) length = strlen((char *)source); houdini_escape_html0(dest, source, (size_t)length, 0); } static void escape_href(cmark_strbuf *dest, const unsigned char *source, int length) { if (length < 0) length = strlen((char *)source); houdini_escape_href(dest, source, (size_t)length); } static inline void cr(cmark_strbuf *html) { if (html->size && html->ptr[html->size - 1] != '\n') cmark_strbuf_putc(html, '\n'); } struct render_state { cmark_strbuf* html; cmark_node *plain; }; static void S_render_sourcepos(cmark_node *node, cmark_strbuf *html, long options) { if (CMARK_OPT_SOURCEPOS & options) { cmark_strbuf_printf(html, " data-sourcepos=\"%d:%d-%d:%d\"", cmark_node_get_start_line(node), cmark_node_get_start_column(node), cmark_node_get_end_line(node), cmark_node_get_end_column(node)); } } static int S_render_node(cmark_node *node, cmark_event_type ev_type, struct render_state *state, long options) { cmark_node *parent; cmark_node *grandparent; cmark_strbuf *html = state->html; char start_header[] = "<h0"; char end_header[] = "</h0"; bool tight; bool entering = (ev_type == CMARK_EVENT_ENTER); if (state->plain == node) { // back at original node state->plain = NULL; } if (state->plain != NULL) { switch(node->type) { case CMARK_NODE_TEXT: case CMARK_NODE_CODE: case CMARK_NODE_INLINE_HTML: escape_html(html, node->as.literal.data, node->as.literal.len); break; case CMARK_NODE_LINEBREAK: case CMARK_NODE_SOFTBREAK: cmark_strbuf_putc(html, ' '); break; default: break; } return 1; } switch (node->type) { case CMARK_NODE_DOCUMENT: break; case CMARK_NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE: if (entering) { cr(html); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<blockquote"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, ">\n"); } else { cr(html); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</blockquote>\n"); } break; case CMARK_NODE_LIST: { cmark_list_type list_type = node->as.list.list_type; int start = node->as.list.start; if (entering) { cr(html); if (list_type == CMARK_BULLET_LIST) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<ul"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, ">\n"); } else if (start == 1) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<ol"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, ">\n"); } else { cmark_strbuf_printf(html, "<ol start=\"%d\"", start); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, ">\n"); } } else { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, list_type == CMARK_BULLET_LIST ? "</ul>\n" : "</ol>\n"); } break; } case CMARK_NODE_ITEM: if (entering) { cr(html); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<li"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_putc(html, '>'); } else { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</li>\n"); } break; case CMARK_NODE_HEADER: if (entering) { cr(html); start_header[2] = '0' + node->as.header.level; cmark_strbuf_puts(html, start_header); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_putc(html, '>'); } else { end_header[3] = '0' + node->as.header.level; cmark_strbuf_puts(html, end_header); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, ">\n"); } break; case CMARK_NODE_CODE_BLOCK: cr(html); if (!node->as.code.fenced || node->as.code.info.len == 0) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<pre"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "><code>"); } else { int first_tag = 0; while (first_tag < node->as.code.info.len && node->as.code.info.data[first_tag] != ' ') { first_tag += 1; } cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<pre"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "><code class=\"language-"); escape_html(html, node->as.code.info.data, first_tag); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "\">"); } escape_html(html, node->as.code.literal.data, node->as.code.literal.len); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</code></pre>\n"); break; case CMARK_NODE_HTML: cr(html); cmark_strbuf_put(html, node->as.literal.data, node->as.literal.len); break; case CMARK_NODE_HRULE: cr(html); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<hr"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, " />\n"); break; case CMARK_NODE_PARAGRAPH: parent = cmark_node_parent(node); grandparent = cmark_node_parent(parent); if (grandparent != NULL && grandparent->type == CMARK_NODE_LIST) { tight = grandparent->as.list.tight; } else { tight = false; } if (!tight) { if (entering) { cr(html); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<p"); S_render_sourcepos(node, html, options); cmark_strbuf_putc(html, '>'); } else { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</p>\n"); } } break; case CMARK_NODE_TEXT: escape_html(html, node->as.literal.data, node->as.literal.len); break; case CMARK_NODE_LINEBREAK: cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<br />\n"); break; case CMARK_NODE_SOFTBREAK: if (options & CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<br />\n"); } else { cmark_strbuf_putc(html, '\n'); } break; case CMARK_NODE_CODE: cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<code>"); escape_html(html, node->as.literal.data, node->as.literal.len); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</code>"); break; case CMARK_NODE_INLINE_HTML: cmark_strbuf_put(html, node->as.literal.data, node->as.literal.len); break; case CMARK_NODE_STRONG: if (entering) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<strong>"); } else { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</strong>"); } break; case CMARK_NODE_EMPH: if (entering) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<em>"); } else { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</em>"); } break; case CMARK_NODE_LINK: if (entering) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<a href=\""); if (node->as.link.url) escape_href(html, node->as.link.url, -1); if (node->as.link.title) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "\" title=\""); escape_html(html, node->as.link.title, -1); } cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "\">"); } else { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "</a>"); } break; case CMARK_NODE_IMAGE: if (entering) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "<img src=\""); if (node->as.link.url) escape_href(html, node->as.link.url, -1); cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "\" alt=\""); state->plain = node; } else { if (node->as.link.title) { cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "\" title=\""); escape_html(html, node->as.link.title, -1); } cmark_strbuf_puts(html, "\" />"); } break; default: assert(false); break; } // cmark_strbuf_putc(html, 'x'); return 1; } char *cmark_render_html(cmark_node *root, long options) { char *result; cmark_strbuf html = GH_BUF_INIT; cmark_event_type ev_type; cmark_node *cur; struct render_state state = { &html, NULL }; cmark_iter *iter = cmark_iter_new(root); while ((ev_type = cmark_iter_next(iter)) != CMARK_EVENT_DONE) { cur = cmark_iter_get_node(iter); S_render_node(cur, ev_type, &state, options); } result = (char *)cmark_strbuf_detach(&html); cmark_iter_free(iter); cmark_strbuf_free(&html); return result; }