/* * This source file is part of the bstring string library. This code was * written by Paul Hsieh in 2002-2010, and is covered by either the 3-clause * BSD open source license or GPL v2.0. Refer to the accompanying documentation * for details on usage and license. */ /* * bstrlib.h * * This file is the header file for the core module for implementing the * bstring functions. */ #ifndef BSTRLIB_INCLUDE #define BSTRLIB_INCLUDE #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <ctype.h> #if !defined (BSTRLIB_VSNP_OK) && !defined (BSTRLIB_NOVSNP) # if defined (__TURBOC__) && !defined (__BORLANDC__) # define BSTRLIB_NOVSNP # endif #endif #define BSTR_ERR (-1) #define BSTR_OK (0) #define BSTR_BS_BUFF_LENGTH_GET (0) typedef struct tagbstring * bstring; typedef const struct tagbstring * const_bstring; /* Copy functions */ #define cstr2bstr bfromcstr extern bstring bfromcstr (const char * str); extern bstring bfromcstralloc (int mlen, const char * str); extern bstring blk2bstr (const void * blk, int len); extern char * bstr2cstr (const_bstring s, char z); extern int bcstrfree (char * s); extern bstring bstrcpy (const_bstring b1); extern int bassign (bstring a, const_bstring b); extern int bassignmidstr (bstring a, const_bstring b, int left, int len); extern int bassigncstr (bstring a, const char * str); extern int bassignblk (bstring a, const void * s, int len); /* Destroy function */ extern int bdestroy (bstring b); /* Space allocation hinting functions */ extern int balloc (bstring s, int len); extern int ballocmin (bstring b, int len); /* Substring extraction */ extern bstring bmidstr (const_bstring b, int left, int len); /* Various standard manipulations */ extern int bconcat (bstring b0, const_bstring b1); extern int bconchar (bstring b0, char c); extern int bcatcstr (bstring b, const char * s); extern int bcatblk (bstring b, const void * s, int len); extern int binsert (bstring s1, int pos, const_bstring s2, unsigned char fill); extern int binsertch (bstring s1, int pos, int len, unsigned char fill); extern int breplace (bstring b1, int pos, int len, const_bstring b2, unsigned char fill); extern int bdelete (bstring s1, int pos, int len); extern int bsetstr (bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1, unsigned char fill); extern int btrunc (bstring b, int n); /* Scan/search functions */ extern int bstricmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1); extern int bstrnicmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1, int n); extern int biseqcaseless (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1); extern int bisstemeqcaselessblk (const_bstring b0, const void * blk, int len); extern int biseq (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1); extern int bisstemeqblk (const_bstring b0, const void * blk, int len); extern int biseqcstr (const_bstring b, const char * s); extern int biseqcstrcaseless (const_bstring b, const char * s); extern int bstrcmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1); extern int bstrncmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1, int n); extern int binstr (const_bstring s1, int pos, const_bstring s2); extern int binstrr (const_bstring s1, int pos, const_bstring s2); extern int binstrcaseless (const_bstring s1, int pos, const_bstring s2); extern int binstrrcaseless (const_bstring s1, int pos, const_bstring s2); extern int bstrchrp (const_bstring b, int c, int pos); extern int bstrrchrp (const_bstring b, int c, int pos); #define bstrchr(b,c) bstrchrp ((b), (c), 0) #define bstrrchr(b,c) bstrrchrp ((b), (c), blength(b)-1) extern int binchr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1); extern int binchrr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1); extern int bninchr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1); extern int bninchrr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1); extern int bfindreplace (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl, int pos); extern int bfindreplacecaseless (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl, int pos); /* List of string container functions */ struct bstrList { int qty, mlen; bstring * entry; }; extern struct bstrList * bstrListCreate (void); extern int bstrListDestroy (struct bstrList * sl); extern int bstrListAlloc (struct bstrList * sl, int msz); extern int bstrListAllocMin (struct bstrList * sl, int msz); /* String split and join functions */ extern struct bstrList * bsplit (const_bstring str, unsigned char splitChar); extern struct bstrList * bsplits (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr); extern struct bstrList * bsplitstr (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr); extern bstring bjoin (const struct bstrList * bl, const_bstring sep); extern int bsplitcb (const_bstring str, unsigned char splitChar, int pos, int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm); extern int bsplitscb (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr, int pos, int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm); extern int bsplitstrcb (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr, int pos, int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm); /* Miscellaneous functions */ extern int bpattern (bstring b, int len); extern int btoupper (bstring b); extern int btolower (bstring b); extern int bltrimws (bstring b); extern int brtrimws (bstring b); extern int btrimws (bstring b); /* <*>printf format functions */ #if !defined (BSTRLIB_NOVSNP) extern bstring bformat (const char * fmt, ...); extern int bformata (bstring b, const char * fmt, ...); extern int bassignformat (bstring b, const char * fmt, ...); extern int bvcformata (bstring b, int count, const char * fmt, va_list arglist); #define bvformata(ret, b, fmt, lastarg) { \ bstring bstrtmp_b = (b); \ const char * bstrtmp_fmt = (fmt); \ int bstrtmp_r = BSTR_ERR, bstrtmp_sz = 16; \ for (;;) { \ va_list bstrtmp_arglist; \ va_start (bstrtmp_arglist, lastarg); \ bstrtmp_r = bvcformata (bstrtmp_b, bstrtmp_sz, bstrtmp_fmt, bstrtmp_arglist); \ va_end (bstrtmp_arglist); \ if (bstrtmp_r >= 0) { /* Everything went ok */ \ bstrtmp_r = BSTR_OK; \ break; \ } else if (-bstrtmp_r <= bstrtmp_sz) { /* A real error? */ \ bstrtmp_r = BSTR_ERR; \ break; \ } \ bstrtmp_sz = -bstrtmp_r; /* Doubled or target size */ \ } \ ret = bstrtmp_r; \ } #endif typedef int (*bNgetc) (void *parm); typedef size_t (* bNread) (void *buff, size_t elsize, size_t nelem, void *parm); /* Input functions */ extern bstring bgets (bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator); extern bstring bread (bNread readPtr, void * parm); extern int bgetsa (bstring b, bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator); extern int bassigngets (bstring b, bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator); extern int breada (bstring b, bNread readPtr, void * parm); /* Stream functions */ extern struct bStream * bsopen (bNread readPtr, void * parm); extern void * bsclose (struct bStream * s); extern int bsbufflength (struct bStream * s, int sz); extern int bsreadln (bstring b, struct bStream * s, char terminator); extern int bsreadlns (bstring r, struct bStream * s, const_bstring term); extern int bsread (bstring b, struct bStream * s, int n); extern int bsreadlna (bstring b, struct bStream * s, char terminator); extern int bsreadlnsa (bstring r, struct bStream * s, const_bstring term); extern int bsreada (bstring b, struct bStream * s, int n); extern int bsunread (struct bStream * s, const_bstring b); extern int bspeek (bstring r, const struct bStream * s); extern int bssplitscb (struct bStream * s, const_bstring splitStr, int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, const_bstring entry), void * parm); extern int bssplitstrcb (struct bStream * s, const_bstring splitStr, int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, const_bstring entry), void * parm); extern int bseof (const struct bStream * s); struct tagbstring { int mlen; int slen; unsigned char * data; }; /* Accessor macros */ #define blengthe(b, e) (((b) == (void *)0 || (b)->slen < 0) ? (int)(e) : ((b)->slen)) #define blength(b) (blengthe ((b), 0)) #define bdataofse(b, o, e) (((b) == (void *)0 || (b)->data == (void*)0) ? (char *)(e) : ((char *)(b)->data) + (o)) #define bdataofs(b, o) (bdataofse ((b), (o), (void *)0)) #define bdatae(b, e) (bdataofse (b, 0, e)) #define bdata(b) (bdataofs (b, 0)) #define bchare(b, p, e) ((((unsigned)(p)) < (unsigned)blength(b)) ? ((b)->data[(p)]) : (e)) #define bchar(b, p) bchare ((b), (p), '\0') /* Static constant string initialization macro */ #define bsStaticMlen(q,m) {(m), (int) sizeof(q)-1, (unsigned char *) ("" q "")} #if defined(_MSC_VER) /* There are many versions of MSVC which emit __LINE__ as a non-constant. */ # define bsStatic(q) bsStaticMlen(q,-32) #endif #ifndef bsStatic # define bsStatic(q) bsStaticMlen(q,-__LINE__) #endif /* Static constant block parameter pair */ #define bsStaticBlkParms(q) ((void *)("" q "")), ((int) sizeof(q)-1) /* Reference building macros */ #define cstr2tbstr btfromcstr #define btfromcstr(t,s) { \ (t).data = (unsigned char *) (s); \ (t).slen = ((t).data) ? ((int) (strlen) ((char *)(t).data)) : 0; \ (t).mlen = -1; \ } #define blk2tbstr(t,s,l) { \ (t).data = (unsigned char *) (s); \ (t).slen = l; \ (t).mlen = -1; \ } #define btfromblk(t,s,l) blk2tbstr(t,s,l) #define bmid2tbstr(t,b,p,l) { \ const_bstring bstrtmp_s = (b); \ if (bstrtmp_s && bstrtmp_s->data && bstrtmp_s->slen >= 0) { \ int bstrtmp_left = (p); \ int bstrtmp_len = (l); \ if (bstrtmp_left < 0) { \ bstrtmp_len += bstrtmp_left; \ bstrtmp_left = 0; \ } \ if (bstrtmp_len > bstrtmp_s->slen - bstrtmp_left) \ bstrtmp_len = bstrtmp_s->slen - bstrtmp_left; \ if (bstrtmp_len <= 0) { \ (t).data = (unsigned char *)""; \ (t).slen = 0; \ } else { \ (t).data = bstrtmp_s->data + bstrtmp_left; \ (t).slen = bstrtmp_len; \ } \ } else { \ (t).data = (unsigned char *)""; \ (t).slen = 0; \ } \ (t).mlen = -__LINE__; \ } #define btfromblkltrimws(t,s,l) { \ int bstrtmp_idx = 0, bstrtmp_len = (l); \ unsigned char * bstrtmp_s = (s); \ if (bstrtmp_s && bstrtmp_len >= 0) { \ for (; bstrtmp_idx < bstrtmp_len; bstrtmp_idx++) { \ if (!isspace (bstrtmp_s[bstrtmp_idx])) break; \ } \ } \ (t).data = bstrtmp_s + bstrtmp_idx; \ (t).slen = bstrtmp_len - bstrtmp_idx; \ (t).mlen = -__LINE__; \ } #define btfromblkrtrimws(t,s,l) { \ int bstrtmp_len = (l) - 1; \ unsigned char * bstrtmp_s = (s); \ if (bstrtmp_s && bstrtmp_len >= 0) { \ for (; bstrtmp_len >= 0; bstrtmp_len--) { \ if (!isspace (bstrtmp_s[bstrtmp_len])) break; \ } \ } \ (t).data = bstrtmp_s; \ (t).slen = bstrtmp_len + 1; \ (t).mlen = -__LINE__; \ } #define btfromblktrimws(t,s,l) { \ int bstrtmp_idx = 0, bstrtmp_len = (l) - 1; \ unsigned char * bstrtmp_s = (s); \ if (bstrtmp_s && bstrtmp_len >= 0) { \ for (; bstrtmp_idx <= bstrtmp_len; bstrtmp_idx++) { \ if (!isspace (bstrtmp_s[bstrtmp_idx])) break; \ } \ for (; bstrtmp_len >= bstrtmp_idx; bstrtmp_len--) { \ if (!isspace (bstrtmp_s[bstrtmp_len])) break; \ } \ } \ (t).data = bstrtmp_s + bstrtmp_idx; \ (t).slen = bstrtmp_len + 1 - bstrtmp_idx; \ (t).mlen = -__LINE__; \ } /* Write protection macros */ #define bwriteprotect(t) { if ((t).mlen >= 0) (t).mlen = -1; } #define bwriteallow(t) { if ((t).mlen == -1) (t).mlen = (t).slen + ((t).slen == 0); } #define biswriteprotected(t) ((t).mlen <= 0) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif