path: root/src/bstrlib.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bstrlib.c')
1 files changed, 2979 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bstrlib.c b/src/bstrlib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b19dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bstrlib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2979 @@
+ * This source file is part of the bstring string library. This code was
+ * written by Paul Hsieh in 2002-2010, and is covered by either the 3-clause
+ * BSD open source license or GPL v2.0. Refer to the accompanying documentation
+ * for details on usage and license.
+ */
+ * bstrlib.c
+ *
+ * This file is the core module for implementing the bstring functions.
+ */
+#if defined (_MSC_VER)
+/* These warnings from MSVC++ are totally pointless. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "bstrlib.h"
+/* Optionally include a mechanism for debugging memory */
+#if defined(MEMORY_DEBUG) || defined(BSTRLIB_MEMORY_DEBUG)
+#include "memdbg.h"
+#ifndef bstr__alloc
+#define bstr__alloc(x) malloc (x)
+#ifndef bstr__free
+#define bstr__free(p) free (p)
+#ifndef bstr__realloc
+#define bstr__realloc(p,x) realloc ((p), (x))
+#ifndef bstr__memcpy
+#define bstr__memcpy(d,s,l) memcpy ((d), (s), (l))
+#ifndef bstr__memmove
+#define bstr__memmove(d,s,l) memmove ((d), (s), (l))
+#ifndef bstr__memset
+#define bstr__memset(d,c,l) memset ((d), (c), (l))
+#ifndef bstr__memcmp
+#define bstr__memcmp(d,c,l) memcmp ((d), (c), (l))
+#ifndef bstr__memchr
+#define bstr__memchr(s,c,l) memchr ((s), (c), (l))
+/* Just a length safe wrapper for memmove. */
+#define bBlockCopy(D,S,L) { if ((L) > 0) bstr__memmove ((D),(S),(L)); }
+/* Compute the snapped size for a given requested size. By snapping to powers
+ of 2 like this, repeated reallocations are avoided. */
+static int snapUpSize (int i) {
+ if (i < 8) {
+ i = 8;
+ } else {
+ unsigned int j;
+ j = (unsigned int) i;
+ j |= (j >> 1);
+ j |= (j >> 2);
+ j |= (j >> 4);
+ j |= (j >> 8); /* Ok, since int >= 16 bits */
+#if (UINT_MAX != 0xffff)
+ j |= (j >> 16); /* For 32 bit int systems */
+#if (UINT_MAX > 0xffffffffUL)
+ j |= (j >> 32); /* For 64 bit int systems */
+ /* Least power of two greater than i */
+ j++;
+ if ((int) j >= i) i = (int) j;
+ }
+ return i;
+/* int balloc (bstring b, int len)
+ *
+ * Increase the size of the memory backing the bstring b to at least len.
+ */
+int balloc (bstring b, int olen) {
+ int len;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0 ||
+ b->mlen < b->slen || olen <= 0) {
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ if (olen >= b->mlen) {
+ unsigned char * x;
+ if ((len = snapUpSize (olen)) <= b->mlen) return BSTR_OK;
+ /* Assume probability of a non-moving realloc is 0.125 */
+ if (7 * b->mlen < 8 * b->slen) {
+ /* If slen is close to mlen in size then use realloc to reduce
+ the memory defragmentation */
+ reallocStrategy:;
+ x = (unsigned char *) bstr__realloc (b->data, (size_t) len);
+ if (x == NULL) {
+ /* Since we failed, try allocating the tighest possible
+ allocation */
+ if (NULL == (x = (unsigned char *) bstr__realloc (b->data, (size_t) (len = olen)))) {
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* If slen is not close to mlen then avoid the penalty of copying
+ the extra bytes that are allocated, but not considered part of
+ the string */
+ if (NULL == (x = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc ((size_t) len))) {
+ /* Perhaps there is no available memory for the two
+ allocations to be in memory at once */
+ goto reallocStrategy;
+ } else {
+ if (b->slen) bstr__memcpy ((char *) x, (char *) b->data, (size_t) b->slen);
+ bstr__free (b->data);
+ }
+ }
+ b->data = x;
+ b->mlen = len;
+ b->data[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int ballocmin (bstring b, int len)
+ *
+ * Set the size of the memory backing the bstring b to len or b->slen+1,
+ * whichever is larger. Note that repeated use of this function can degrade
+ * performance.
+ */
+int ballocmin (bstring b, int len) {
+ unsigned char * s;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || (b->slen+1) < 0 || b->mlen <= 0 ||
+ b->mlen < b->slen || len <= 0) {
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ if (len < b->slen + 1) len = b->slen + 1;
+ if (len != b->mlen) {
+ s = (unsigned char *) bstr__realloc (b->data, (size_t) len);
+ if (NULL == s) return BSTR_ERR;
+ s[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->data = s;
+ b->mlen = len;
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* bstring bfromcstr (const char * str)
+ *
+ * Create a bstring which contains the contents of the '\0' terminated char *
+ * buffer str.
+ */
+bstring bfromcstr (const char * str) {
+bstring b;
+int i;
+size_t j;
+ if (str == NULL) return NULL;
+ j = (strlen) (str);
+ i = snapUpSize ((int) (j + (2 - (j != 0))));
+ if (i <= (int) j) return NULL;
+ b = (bstring) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct tagbstring));
+ if (NULL == b) return NULL;
+ b->slen = (int) j;
+ if (NULL == (b->data = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc (b->mlen = i))) {
+ bstr__free (b);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bstr__memcpy (b->data, str, j+1);
+ return b;
+/* bstring bfromcstralloc (int mlen, const char * str)
+ *
+ * Create a bstring which contains the contents of the '\0' terminated char *
+ * buffer str. The memory buffer backing the string is at least len
+ * characters in length.
+ */
+bstring bfromcstralloc (int mlen, const char * str) {
+bstring b;
+int i;
+size_t j;
+ if (str == NULL) return NULL;
+ j = (strlen) (str);
+ i = snapUpSize ((int) (j + (2 - (j != 0))));
+ if (i <= (int) j) return NULL;
+ b = (bstring) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct tagbstring));
+ if (b == NULL) return NULL;
+ b->slen = (int) j;
+ if (i < mlen) i = mlen;
+ if (NULL == (b->data = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc (b->mlen = i))) {
+ bstr__free (b);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bstr__memcpy (b->data, str, j+1);
+ return b;
+/* bstring blk2bstr (const void * blk, int len)
+ *
+ * Create a bstring which contains the content of the block blk of length
+ * len.
+ */
+bstring blk2bstr (const void * blk, int len) {
+bstring b;
+int i;
+ if (blk == NULL || len < 0) return NULL;
+ b = (bstring) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct tagbstring));
+ if (b == NULL) return NULL;
+ b->slen = len;
+ i = len + (2 - (len != 0));
+ i = snapUpSize (i);
+ b->mlen = i;
+ b->data = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc ((size_t) b->mlen);
+ if (b->data == NULL) {
+ bstr__free (b);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (len > 0) bstr__memcpy (b->data, blk, (size_t) len);
+ b->data[len] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return b;
+/* char * bstr2cstr (const_bstring s, char z)
+ *
+ * Create a '\0' terminated char * buffer which is equal to the contents of
+ * the bstring s, except that any contained '\0' characters are converted
+ * to the character in z. This returned value should be freed with a
+ * bcstrfree () call, by the calling application.
+ */
+char * bstr2cstr (const_bstring b, char z) {
+int i, l;
+char * r;
+ if (b == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->data == NULL) return NULL;
+ l = b->slen;
+ r = (char *) bstr__alloc ((size_t) (l + 1));
+ if (r == NULL) return r;
+ for (i=0; i < l; i ++) {
+ r[i] = (char) ((b->data[i] == '\0') ? z : (char) (b->data[i]));
+ }
+ r[l] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return r;
+/* int bcstrfree (char * s)
+ *
+ * Frees a C-string generated by bstr2cstr (). This is normally unnecessary
+ * since it just wraps a call to bstr__free (), however, if bstr__alloc ()
+ * and bstr__free () have been redefined as a macros within the bstrlib
+ * module (via defining them in memdbg.h after defining
+ * BSTRLIB_MEMORY_DEBUG) with some difference in behaviour from the std
+ * library functions, then this allows a correct way of freeing the memory
+ * that allows higher level code to be independent from these macro
+ * redefinitions.
+ */
+int bcstrfree (char * s) {
+ if (s) {
+ bstr__free (s);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int bconcat (bstring b0, const_bstring b1)
+ *
+ * Concatenate the bstring b1 to the bstring b0.
+ */
+int bconcat (bstring b0, const_bstring b1) {
+int len, d;
+bstring aux = (bstring) b1;
+ if (b0 == NULL || b1 == NULL || b0->data == NULL || b1->data == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ d = b0->slen;
+ len = b1->slen;
+ if ((d | (b0->mlen - d) | len | (d + len)) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b0->mlen <= d + len + 1) {
+ ptrdiff_t pd = b1->data - b0->data;
+ if (0 <= pd && pd < b0->mlen) {
+ if (NULL == (aux = bstrcpy (b1))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ if (balloc (b0, d + len + 1) != BSTR_OK) {
+ if (aux != b1) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ }
+ bBlockCopy (&b0->data[d], &aux->data[0], (size_t) len);
+ b0->data[d + len] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b0->slen = d + len;
+ if (aux != b1) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bconchar (bstring b, char c)
+/ *
+ * Concatenate the single character c to the bstring b.
+ */
+int bconchar (bstring b, char c) {
+int d;
+ if (b == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ d = b->slen;
+ if ((d | (b->mlen - d)) < 0 || balloc (b, d + 2) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ b->data[d] = (unsigned char) c;
+ b->data[d + 1] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen++;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bcatcstr (bstring b, const char * s)
+ *
+ * Concatenate a char * string to a bstring.
+ */
+int bcatcstr (bstring b, const char * s) {
+char * d;
+int i, l;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen < b->slen
+ || b->mlen <= 0 || s == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Optimistically concatenate directly */
+ l = b->mlen - b->slen;
+ d = (char *) &b->data[b->slen];
+ for (i=0; i < l; i++) {
+ if ((*d++ = *s++) == '\0') {
+ b->slen += i;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ b->slen += i;
+ /* Need to explicitely resize and concatenate tail */
+ return bcatblk (b, (const void *) s, (int) strlen (s));
+/* int bcatblk (bstring b, const void * s, int len)
+ *
+ * Concatenate a fixed length buffer to a bstring.
+ */
+int bcatblk (bstring b, const void * s, int len) {
+int nl;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen < b->slen
+ || b->mlen <= 0 || s == NULL || len < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (0 > (nl = b->slen + len)) return BSTR_ERR; /* Overflow? */
+ if (b->mlen <= nl && 0 > balloc (b, nl + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ bBlockCopy (&b->data[b->slen], s, (size_t) len);
+ b->slen = nl;
+ b->data[nl] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* bstring bstrcpy (const_bstring b)
+ *
+ * Create a copy of the bstring b.
+ */
+bstring bstrcpy (const_bstring b) {
+bstring b0;
+int i,j;
+ /* Attempted to copy an invalid string? */
+ if (b == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->data == NULL) return NULL;
+ b0 = (bstring) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct tagbstring));
+ if (b0 == NULL) {
+ /* Unable to allocate memory for string header */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ i = b->slen;
+ j = snapUpSize (i + 1);
+ b0->data = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc (j);
+ if (b0->data == NULL) {
+ j = i + 1;
+ b0->data = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc (j);
+ if (b0->data == NULL) {
+ /* Unable to allocate memory for string data */
+ bstr__free (b0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ b0->mlen = j;
+ b0->slen = i;
+ if (i) bstr__memcpy ((char *) b0->data, (char *) b->data, i);
+ b0->data[b0->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return b0;
+/* int bassign (bstring a, const_bstring b)
+ *
+ * Overwrite the string a with the contents of string b.
+ */
+int bassign (bstring a, const_bstring b) {
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b->slen != 0) {
+ if (balloc (a, b->slen) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ bstr__memmove (a->data, b->data, b->slen);
+ } else {
+ if (a == NULL || a->data == NULL || a->mlen < a->slen ||
+ a->slen < 0 || a->mlen == 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ a->data[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ a->slen = b->slen;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bassignmidstr (bstring a, const_bstring b, int left, int len)
+ *
+ * Overwrite the string a with the middle of contents of string b
+ * starting from position left and running for a length len. left and
+ * len are clamped to the ends of b as with the function bmidstr.
+ */
+int bassignmidstr (bstring a, const_bstring b, int left, int len) {
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (left < 0) {
+ len += left;
+ left = 0;
+ }
+ if (len > b->slen - left) len = b->slen - left;
+ if (a == NULL || a->data == NULL || a->mlen < a->slen ||
+ a->slen < 0 || a->mlen == 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ if (balloc (a, len) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ bstr__memmove (a->data, b->data + left, len);
+ a->slen = len;
+ } else {
+ a->slen = 0;
+ }
+ a->data[a->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bassigncstr (bstring a, const char * str)
+ *
+ * Overwrite the string a with the contents of char * string str. Note that
+ * the bstring a must be a well defined and writable bstring. If an error
+ * occurs BSTR_ERR is returned however a may be partially overwritten.
+ */
+int bassigncstr (bstring a, const char * str) {
+int i;
+size_t len;
+ if (a == NULL || a->data == NULL || a->mlen < a->slen ||
+ a->slen < 0 || a->mlen == 0 || NULL == str)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=0; i < a->mlen; i++) {
+ if ('\0' == (a->data[i] = str[i])) {
+ a->slen = i;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ a->slen = i;
+ len = strlen (str + i);
+ if (len > INT_MAX || i + len + 1 > INT_MAX ||
+ 0 > balloc (a, (int) (i + len + 1))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ bBlockCopy (a->data + i, str + i, (size_t) len + 1);
+ a->slen += (int) len;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bassignblk (bstring a, const void * s, int len)
+ *
+ * Overwrite the string a with the contents of the block (s, len). Note that
+ * the bstring a must be a well defined and writable bstring. If an error
+ * occurs BSTR_ERR is returned and a is not overwritten.
+ */
+int bassignblk (bstring a, const void * s, int len) {
+ if (a == NULL || a->data == NULL || a->mlen < a->slen ||
+ a->slen < 0 || a->mlen == 0 || NULL == s || len + 1 < 1)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (len + 1 > a->mlen && 0 > balloc (a, len + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ bBlockCopy (a->data, s, (size_t) len);
+ a->data[len] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ a->slen = len;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int btrunc (bstring b, int n)
+ *
+ * Truncate the bstring to at most n characters.
+ */
+int btrunc (bstring b, int n) {
+ if (n < 0 || b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b->slen > n) {
+ b->slen = n;
+ b->data[n] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+#define upcase(c) (toupper ((unsigned char) c))
+#define downcase(c) (tolower ((unsigned char) c))
+#define wspace(c) (isspace ((unsigned char) c))
+/* int btoupper (bstring b)
+ *
+ * Convert contents of bstring to upper case.
+ */
+int btoupper (bstring b) {
+int i, len;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=0, len = b->slen; i < len; i++) {
+ b->data[i] = (unsigned char) upcase (b->data[i]);
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int btolower (bstring b)
+ *
+ * Convert contents of bstring to lower case.
+ */
+int btolower (bstring b) {
+int i, len;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=0, len = b->slen; i < len; i++) {
+ b->data[i] = (unsigned char) downcase (b->data[i]);
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bstricmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1)
+ *
+ * Compare two strings without differentiating between case. The return
+ * value is the difference of the values of the characters where the two
+ * strings first differ after lower case transformation, otherwise 0 is
+ * returned indicating that the strings are equal. If the lengths are
+ * different, then a difference from 0 is given, but if the first extra
+ * character is '\0', then it is taken to be the value UCHAR_MAX+1.
+ */
+int bstricmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1) {
+int i, v, n;
+ if (bdata (b0) == NULL || b0->slen < 0 ||
+ bdata (b1) == NULL || b1->slen < 0) return SHRT_MIN;
+ if ((n = b0->slen) > b1->slen) n = b1->slen;
+ else if (b0->slen == b1->slen && b0->data == b1->data) return BSTR_OK;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
+ v = (char) downcase (b0->data[i])
+ - (char) downcase (b1->data[i]);
+ if (0 != v) return v;
+ }
+ if (b0->slen > n) {
+ v = (char) downcase (b0->data[n]);
+ if (v) return v;
+ return UCHAR_MAX + 1;
+ }
+ if (b1->slen > n) {
+ v = - (char) downcase (b1->data[n]);
+ if (v) return v;
+ return - (int) (UCHAR_MAX + 1);
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bstrnicmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1, int n)
+ *
+ * Compare two strings without differentiating between case for at most n
+ * characters. If the position where the two strings first differ is
+ * before the nth position, the return value is the difference of the values
+ * of the characters, otherwise 0 is returned. If the lengths are different
+ * and less than n characters, then a difference from 0 is given, but if the
+ * first extra character is '\0', then it is taken to be the value
+ * UCHAR_MAX+1.
+ */
+int bstrnicmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1, int n) {
+int i, v, m;
+ if (bdata (b0) == NULL || b0->slen < 0 ||
+ bdata (b1) == NULL || b1->slen < 0 || n < 0) return SHRT_MIN;
+ m = n;
+ if (m > b0->slen) m = b0->slen;
+ if (m > b1->slen) m = b1->slen;
+ if (b0->data != b1->data) {
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i ++) {
+ v = (char) downcase (b0->data[i]);
+ v -= (char) downcase (b1->data[i]);
+ if (v != 0) return b0->data[i] - b1->data[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (n == m || b0->slen == b1->slen) return BSTR_OK;
+ if (b0->slen > m) {
+ v = (char) downcase (b0->data[m]);
+ if (v) return v;
+ return UCHAR_MAX + 1;
+ }
+ v = - (char) downcase (b1->data[m]);
+ if (v) return v;
+ return - (int) (UCHAR_MAX + 1);
+/* int biseqcaseless (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1)
+ *
+ * Compare two strings for equality without differentiating between case.
+ * If the strings differ other than in case, 0 is returned, if the strings
+ * are the same, 1 is returned, if there is an error, -1 is returned. If
+ * the length of the strings are different, this function is O(1). '\0'
+ * termination characters are not treated in any special way.
+ */
+int biseqcaseless (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1) {
+int i, n;
+ if (bdata (b0) == NULL || b0->slen < 0 ||
+ bdata (b1) == NULL || b1->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b0->slen != b1->slen) return BSTR_OK;
+ if (b0->data == b1->data || b0->slen == 0) return 1;
+ for (i=0, n=b0->slen; i < n; i++) {
+ if (b0->data[i] != b1->data[i]) {
+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char) downcase (b0->data[i]);
+ if (c != (unsigned char) downcase (b1->data[i])) return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* int bisstemeqcaselessblk (const_bstring b0, const void * blk, int len)
+ *
+ * Compare beginning of string b0 with a block of memory of length len
+ * without differentiating between case for equality. If the beginning of b0
+ * differs from the memory block other than in case (or if b0 is too short),
+ * 0 is returned, if the strings are the same, 1 is returned, if there is an
+ * error, -1 is returned. '\0' characters are not treated in any special
+ * way.
+ */
+int bisstemeqcaselessblk (const_bstring b0, const void * blk, int len) {
+int i;
+ if (bdata (b0) == NULL || b0->slen < 0 || NULL == blk || len < 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b0->slen < len) return BSTR_OK;
+ if (b0->data == (const unsigned char *) blk || len == 0) return 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
+ if (b0->data[i] != ((const unsigned char *) blk)[i]) {
+ if (downcase (b0->data[i]) !=
+ downcase (((const unsigned char *) blk)[i])) return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * int bltrimws (bstring b)
+ *
+ * Delete whitespace contiguous from the left end of the string.
+ */
+int bltrimws (bstring b) {
+int i, len;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (len = b->slen, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (!wspace (b->data[i])) {
+ return bdelete (b, 0, i);
+ }
+ }
+ b->data[0] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = 0;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ * int brtrimws (bstring b)
+ *
+ * Delete whitespace contiguous from the right end of the string.
+ */
+int brtrimws (bstring b) {
+int i;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i = b->slen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (!wspace (b->data[i])) {
+ if (b->mlen > i) b->data[i+1] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = i + 1;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ b->data[0] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = 0;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ * int btrimws (bstring b)
+ *
+ * Delete whitespace contiguous from both ends of the string.
+ */
+int btrimws (bstring b) {
+int i, j;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i = b->slen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (!wspace (b->data[i])) {
+ if (b->mlen > i) b->data[i+1] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = i + 1;
+ for (j = 0; wspace (b->data[j]); j++) {}
+ return bdelete (b, 0, j);
+ }
+ }
+ b->data[0] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = 0;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int biseq (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1)
+ *
+ * Compare the string b0 and b1. If the strings differ, 0 is returned, if
+ * the strings are the same, 1 is returned, if there is an error, -1 is
+ * returned. If the length of the strings are different, this function is
+ * O(1). '\0' termination characters are not treated in any special way.
+ */
+int biseq (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1) {
+ if (b0 == NULL || b1 == NULL || b0->data == NULL || b1->data == NULL ||
+ b0->slen < 0 || b1->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b0->slen != b1->slen) return BSTR_OK;
+ if (b0->data == b1->data || b0->slen == 0) return 1;
+ return !bstr__memcmp (b0->data, b1->data, b0->slen);
+/* int bisstemeqblk (const_bstring b0, const void * blk, int len)
+ *
+ * Compare beginning of string b0 with a block of memory of length len for
+ * equality. If the beginning of b0 differs from the memory block (or if b0
+ * is too short), 0 is returned, if the strings are the same, 1 is returned,
+ * if there is an error, -1 is returned. '\0' characters are not treated in
+ * any special way.
+ */
+int bisstemeqblk (const_bstring b0, const void * blk, int len) {
+int i;
+ if (bdata (b0) == NULL || b0->slen < 0 || NULL == blk || len < 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b0->slen < len) return BSTR_OK;
+ if (b0->data == (const unsigned char *) blk || len == 0) return 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
+ if (b0->data[i] != ((const unsigned char *) blk)[i]) return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* int biseqcstr (const_bstring b, const char *s)
+ *
+ * Compare the bstring b and char * string s. The C string s must be '\0'
+ * terminated at exactly the length of the bstring b, and the contents
+ * between the two must be identical with the bstring b with no '\0'
+ * characters for the two contents to be considered equal. This is
+ * equivalent to the condition that their current contents will be always be
+ * equal when comparing them in the same format after converting one or the
+ * other. If the strings are equal 1 is returned, if they are unequal 0 is
+ * returned and if there is a detectable error BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int biseqcstr (const_bstring b, const char * s) {
+int i;
+ if (b == NULL || s == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=0; i < b->slen; i++) {
+ if (s[i] == '\0' || b->data[i] != (unsigned char) s[i]) return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ return s[i] == '\0';
+/* int biseqcstrcaseless (const_bstring b, const char *s)
+ *
+ * Compare the bstring b and char * string s. The C string s must be '\0'
+ * terminated at exactly the length of the bstring b, and the contents
+ * between the two must be identical except for case with the bstring b with
+ * no '\0' characters for the two contents to be considered equal. This is
+ * equivalent to the condition that their current contents will be always be
+ * equal ignoring case when comparing them in the same format after
+ * converting one or the other. If the strings are equal, except for case,
+ * 1 is returned, if they are unequal regardless of case 0 is returned and
+ * if there is a detectable error BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int biseqcstrcaseless (const_bstring b, const char * s) {
+int i;
+ if (b == NULL || s == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=0; i < b->slen; i++) {
+ if (s[i] == '\0' ||
+ (b->data[i] != (unsigned char) s[i] &&
+ downcase (b->data[i]) != (unsigned char) downcase (s[i])))
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ return s[i] == '\0';
+/* int bstrcmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1)
+ *
+ * Compare the string b0 and b1. If there is an error, SHRT_MIN is returned,
+ * otherwise a value less than or greater than zero, indicating that the
+ * string pointed to by b0 is lexicographically less than or greater than
+ * the string pointed to by b1 is returned. If the the string lengths are
+ * unequal but the characters up until the length of the shorter are equal
+ * then a value less than, or greater than zero, indicating that the string
+ * pointed to by b0 is shorter or longer than the string pointed to by b1 is
+ * returned. 0 is returned if and only if the two strings are the same. If
+ * the length of the strings are different, this function is O(n). Like its
+ * standard C library counter part strcmp, the comparison does not proceed
+ * past any '\0' termination characters encountered.
+ */
+int bstrcmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1) {
+int i, v, n;
+ if (b0 == NULL || b1 == NULL || b0->data == NULL || b1->data == NULL ||
+ b0->slen < 0 || b1->slen < 0) return SHRT_MIN;
+ n = b0->slen; if (n > b1->slen) n = b1->slen;
+ if (b0->slen == b1->slen && (b0->data == b1->data || b0->slen == 0))
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
+ v = ((char) b0->data[i]) - ((char) b1->data[i]);
+ if (v != 0) return v;
+ if (b0->data[i] == (unsigned char) '\0') return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ if (b0->slen > n) return 1;
+ if (b1->slen > n) return -1;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bstrncmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1, int n)
+ *
+ * Compare the string b0 and b1 for at most n characters. If there is an
+ * error, SHRT_MIN is returned, otherwise a value is returned as if b0 and
+ * b1 were first truncated to at most n characters then bstrcmp was called
+ * with these new strings are paremeters. If the length of the strings are
+ * different, this function is O(n). Like its standard C library counter
+ * part strcmp, the comparison does not proceed past any '\0' termination
+ * characters encountered.
+ */
+int bstrncmp (const_bstring b0, const_bstring b1, int n) {
+int i, v, m;
+ if (b0 == NULL || b1 == NULL || b0->data == NULL || b1->data == NULL ||
+ b0->slen < 0 || b1->slen < 0) return SHRT_MIN;
+ m = n;
+ if (m > b0->slen) m = b0->slen;
+ if (m > b1->slen) m = b1->slen;
+ if (b0->data != b1->data) {
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i ++) {
+ v = ((char) b0->data[i]) - ((char) b1->data[i]);
+ if (v != 0) return v;
+ if (b0->data[i] == (unsigned char) '\0') return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n == m || b0->slen == b1->slen) return BSTR_OK;
+ if (b0->slen > m) return 1;
+ return -1;
+/* bstring bmidstr (const_bstring b, int left, int len)
+ *
+ * Create a bstring which is the substring of b starting from position left
+ * and running for a length len (clamped by the end of the bstring b.) If
+ * b is detectably invalid, then NULL is returned. The section described
+ * by (left, len) is clamped to the boundaries of b.
+ */
+bstring bmidstr (const_bstring b, int left, int len) {
+ if (b == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->data == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (left < 0) {
+ len += left;
+ left = 0;
+ }
+ if (len > b->slen - left) len = b->slen - left;
+ if (len <= 0) return bfromcstr ("");
+ return blk2bstr (b->data + left, len);
+/* int bdelete (bstring b, int pos, int len)
+ *
+ * Removes characters from pos to pos+len-1 inclusive and shifts the tail of
+ * the bstring starting from pos+len to pos. len must be positive for this
+ * call to have any effect. The section of the string described by (pos,
+ * len) is clamped to boundaries of the bstring b.
+ */
+int bdelete (bstring b, int pos, int len) {
+ /* Clamp to left side of bstring */
+ if (pos < 0) {
+ len += pos;
+ pos = 0;
+ }
+ if (len < 0 || b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen < 0 ||
+ b->mlen < b->slen || b->mlen <= 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (len > 0 && pos < b->slen) {
+ if (pos + len >= b->slen) {
+ b->slen = pos;
+ } else {
+ bBlockCopy ((char *) (b->data + pos),
+ (char *) (b->data + pos + len),
+ b->slen - (pos+len));
+ b->slen -= len;
+ }
+ b->data[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bdestroy (bstring b)
+ *
+ * Free up the bstring. Note that if b is detectably invalid or not writable
+ * then no action is performed and BSTR_ERR is returned. Like a freed memory
+ * allocation, dereferences, writes or any other action on b after it has
+ * been bdestroyed is undefined.
+ */
+int bdestroy (bstring b) {
+ if (b == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0 || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->data == NULL)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ bstr__free (b->data);
+ /* In case there is any stale usage, there is one more chance to
+ notice this error. */
+ b->slen = -1;
+ b->mlen = -__LINE__;
+ b->data = NULL;
+ bstr__free (b);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int binstr (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2)
+ *
+ * Search for the bstring b2 in b1 starting from position pos, and searching
+ * forward. If it is found then return with the first position where it is
+ * found, otherwise return BSTR_ERR. Note that this is just a brute force
+ * string searcher that does not attempt clever things like the Boyer-Moore
+ * search algorithm. Because of this there are many degenerate cases where
+ * this can take much longer than it needs to.
+ */
+int binstr (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2) {
+int j, ii, ll, lf;
+unsigned char * d0;
+unsigned char c0;
+register unsigned char * d1;
+register unsigned char c1;
+register int i;
+ if (b1 == NULL || b1->data == NULL || b1->slen < 0 ||
+ b2 == NULL || b2->data == NULL || b2->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1->slen == pos) return (b2->slen == 0)?pos:BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1->slen < pos || pos < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b2->slen == 0) return pos;
+ /* No space to find such a string? */
+ if ((lf = b1->slen - b2->slen + 1) <= pos) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* An obvious alias case */
+ if (b1->data == b2->data && pos == 0) return 0;
+ i = pos;
+ d0 = b2->data;
+ d1 = b1->data;
+ ll = b2->slen;
+ /* Peel off the b2->slen == 1 case */
+ c0 = d0[0];
+ if (1 == ll) {
+ for (;i < lf; i++) if (c0 == d1[i]) return i;
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ c1 = c0;
+ j = 0;
+ lf = b1->slen - 1;
+ ii = -1;
+ if (i < lf) do {
+ /* Unrolled current character test */
+ if (c1 != d1[i]) {
+ if (c1 != d1[1+i]) {
+ i += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* Take note if this is the start of a potential match */
+ if (0 == j) ii = i;
+ /* Shift the test character down by one */
+ j++;
+ i++;
+ /* If this isn't past the last character continue */
+ if (j < ll) {
+ c1 = d0[j];
+ continue;
+ }
+ N0:;
+ /* If no characters mismatched, then we matched */
+ if (i == ii+j) return ii;
+ /* Shift back to the beginning */
+ i -= j;
+ j = 0;
+ c1 = c0;
+ } while (i < lf);
+ /* Deal with last case if unrolling caused a misalignment */
+ if (i == lf && ll == j+1 && c1 == d1[i]) goto N0;
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int binstrr (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2)
+ *
+ * Search for the bstring b2 in b1 starting from position pos, and searching
+ * backward. If it is found then return with the first position where it is
+ * found, otherwise return BSTR_ERR. Note that this is just a brute force
+ * string searcher that does not attempt clever things like the Boyer-Moore
+ * search algorithm. Because of this there are many degenerate cases where
+ * this can take much longer than it needs to.
+ */
+int binstrr (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2) {
+int j, i, l;
+unsigned char * d0, * d1;
+ if (b1 == NULL || b1->data == NULL || b1->slen < 0 ||
+ b2 == NULL || b2->data == NULL || b2->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1->slen == pos && b2->slen == 0) return pos;
+ if (b1->slen < pos || pos < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b2->slen == 0) return pos;
+ /* Obvious alias case */
+ if (b1->data == b2->data && pos == 0 && b2->slen <= b1->slen) return 0;
+ i = pos;
+ if ((l = b1->slen - b2->slen) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* If no space to find such a string then snap back */
+ if (l + 1 <= i) i = l;
+ j = 0;
+ d0 = b2->data;
+ d1 = b1->data;
+ l = b2->slen;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (d0[j] == d1[i + j]) {
+ j ++;
+ if (j >= l) return i;
+ } else {
+ i --;
+ if (i < 0) break;
+ j=0;
+ }
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int binstrcaseless (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2)
+ *
+ * Search for the bstring b2 in b1 starting from position pos, and searching
+ * forward but without regard to case. If it is found then return with the
+ * first position where it is found, otherwise return BSTR_ERR. Note that
+ * this is just a brute force string searcher that does not attempt clever
+ * things like the Boyer-Moore search algorithm. Because of this there are
+ * many degenerate cases where this can take much longer than it needs to.
+ */
+int binstrcaseless (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2) {
+int j, i, l, ll;
+unsigned char * d0, * d1;
+ if (b1 == NULL || b1->data == NULL || b1->slen < 0 ||
+ b2 == NULL || b2->data == NULL || b2->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1->slen == pos) return (b2->slen == 0)?pos:BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1->slen < pos || pos < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b2->slen == 0) return pos;
+ l = b1->slen - b2->slen + 1;
+ /* No space to find such a string? */
+ if (l <= pos) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* An obvious alias case */
+ if (b1->data == b2->data && pos == 0) return BSTR_OK;
+ i = pos;
+ j = 0;
+ d0 = b2->data;
+ d1 = b1->data;
+ ll = b2->slen;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (d0[j] == d1[i + j] || downcase (d0[j]) == downcase (d1[i + j])) {
+ j ++;
+ if (j >= ll) return i;
+ } else {
+ i ++;
+ if (i >= l) break;
+ j=0;
+ }
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int binstrrcaseless (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2)
+ *
+ * Search for the bstring b2 in b1 starting from position pos, and searching
+ * backward but without regard to case. If it is found then return with the
+ * first position where it is found, otherwise return BSTR_ERR. Note that
+ * this is just a brute force string searcher that does not attempt clever
+ * things like the Boyer-Moore search algorithm. Because of this there are
+ * many degenerate cases where this can take much longer than it needs to.
+ */
+int binstrrcaseless (const_bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2) {
+int j, i, l;
+unsigned char * d0, * d1;
+ if (b1 == NULL || b1->data == NULL || b1->slen < 0 ||
+ b2 == NULL || b2->data == NULL || b2->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1->slen == pos && b2->slen == 0) return pos;
+ if (b1->slen < pos || pos < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b2->slen == 0) return pos;
+ /* Obvious alias case */
+ if (b1->data == b2->data && pos == 0 && b2->slen <= b1->slen) return BSTR_OK;
+ i = pos;
+ if ((l = b1->slen - b2->slen) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* If no space to find such a string then snap back */
+ if (l + 1 <= i) i = l;
+ j = 0;
+ d0 = b2->data;
+ d1 = b1->data;
+ l = b2->slen;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (d0[j] == d1[i + j] || downcase (d0[j]) == downcase (d1[i + j])) {
+ j ++;
+ if (j >= l) return i;
+ } else {
+ i --;
+ if (i < 0) break;
+ j=0;
+ }
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int bstrchrp (const_bstring b, int c, int pos)
+ *
+ * Search for the character c in b forwards from the position pos
+ * (inclusive).
+ */
+int bstrchrp (const_bstring b, int c, int pos) {
+unsigned char * p;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen <= pos || pos < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ p = (unsigned char *) bstr__memchr ((b->data + pos), (unsigned char) c, (b->slen - pos));
+ if (p) return (int) (p - b->data);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int bstrrchrp (const_bstring b, int c, int pos)
+ *
+ * Search for the character c in b backwards from the position pos in string
+ * (inclusive).
+ */
+int bstrrchrp (const_bstring b, int c, int pos) {
+int i;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen <= pos || pos < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=pos; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (b->data[i] == (unsigned char) c) return i;
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+#define LONG_LOG_BITS_QTY (3)
+#define LONG_TYPE unsigned char
+#define CFCLEN ((1 << CHAR_BIT) / LONG_BITS_QTY)
+struct charField { LONG_TYPE content[CFCLEN]; };
+#define testInCharField(cf,c) ((cf)->content[(c) >> LONG_LOG_BITS_QTY] & (((long)1) << ((c) & (LONG_BITS_QTY-1))))
+#define setInCharField(cf,idx) { \
+ unsigned int c = (unsigned int) (idx); \
+ (cf)->content[c >> LONG_LOG_BITS_QTY] |= (LONG_TYPE) (1ul << (c & (LONG_BITS_QTY-1))); \
+#define CFCLEN (1 << CHAR_BIT)
+struct charField { unsigned char content[CFCLEN]; };
+#define testInCharField(cf,c) ((cf)->content[(unsigned char) (c)])
+#define setInCharField(cf,idx) (cf)->content[(unsigned int) (idx)] = ~0
+/* Convert a bstring to charField */
+static int buildCharField (struct charField * cf, const_bstring b) {
+int i;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->slen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ memset ((void *) cf->content, 0, sizeof (struct charField));
+ for (i=0; i < b->slen; i++) {
+ setInCharField (cf, b->data[i]);
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+static void invertCharField (struct charField * cf) {
+int i;
+ for (i=0; i < CFCLEN; i++) cf->content[i] = ~cf->content[i];
+/* Inner engine for binchr */
+static int binchrCF (const unsigned char * data, int len, int pos, const struct charField * cf) {
+int i;
+ for (i=pos; i < len; i++) {
+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char) data[i];
+ if (testInCharField (cf, c)) return i;
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int binchr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1);
+ *
+ * Search for the first position in b0 starting from pos or after, in which
+ * one of the characters in b1 is found and return it. If such a position
+ * does not exist in b0, then BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int binchr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1) {
+struct charField chrs;
+ if (pos < 0 || b0 == NULL || b0->data == NULL ||
+ b0->slen <= pos) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (1 == b1->slen) return bstrchrp (b0, b1->data[0], pos);
+ if (0 > buildCharField (&chrs, b1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ return binchrCF (b0->data, b0->slen, pos, &chrs);
+/* Inner engine for binchrr */
+static int binchrrCF (const unsigned char * data, int pos, const struct charField * cf) {
+int i;
+ for (i=pos; i >= 0; i--) {
+ unsigned int c = (unsigned int) data[i];
+ if (testInCharField (cf, c)) return i;
+ }
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+/* int binchrr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1);
+ *
+ * Search for the last position in b0 no greater than pos, in which one of
+ * the characters in b1 is found and return it. If such a position does not
+ * exist in b0, then BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int binchrr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1) {
+struct charField chrs;
+ if (pos < 0 || b0 == NULL || b0->data == NULL || b1 == NULL ||
+ b0->slen < pos) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (pos == b0->slen) pos--;
+ if (1 == b1->slen) return bstrrchrp (b0, b1->data[0], pos);
+ if (0 > buildCharField (&chrs, b1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ return binchrrCF (b0->data, pos, &chrs);
+/* int bninchr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1);
+ *
+ * Search for the first position in b0 starting from pos or after, in which
+ * none of the characters in b1 is found and return it. If such a position
+ * does not exist in b0, then BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int bninchr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1) {
+struct charField chrs;
+ if (pos < 0 || b0 == NULL || b0->data == NULL ||
+ b0->slen <= pos) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (buildCharField (&chrs, b1) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ invertCharField (&chrs);
+ return binchrCF (b0->data, b0->slen, pos, &chrs);
+/* int bninchrr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1);
+ *
+ * Search for the last position in b0 no greater than pos, in which none of
+ * the characters in b1 is found and return it. If such a position does not
+ * exist in b0, then BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int bninchrr (const_bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1) {
+struct charField chrs;
+ if (pos < 0 || b0 == NULL || b0->data == NULL ||
+ b0->slen < pos) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (pos == b0->slen) pos--;
+ if (buildCharField (&chrs, b1) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ invertCharField (&chrs);
+ return binchrrCF (b0->data, pos, &chrs);
+/* int bsetstr (bstring b0, int pos, bstring b1, unsigned char fill)
+ *
+ * Overwrite the string b0 starting at position pos with the string b1. If
+ * the position pos is past the end of b0, then the character "fill" is
+ * appended as necessary to make up the gap between the end of b0 and pos.
+ * If b1 is NULL, it behaves as if it were a 0-length string.
+ */
+int bsetstr (bstring b0, int pos, const_bstring b1, unsigned char fill) {
+int d, newlen;
+ptrdiff_t pd;
+bstring aux = (bstring) b1;
+ if (pos < 0 || b0 == NULL || b0->slen < 0 || NULL == b0->data ||
+ b0->mlen < b0->slen || b0->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (b1 != NULL && (b1->slen < 0 || b1->data == NULL)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ d = pos;
+ /* Aliasing case */
+ if (NULL != aux) {
+ if ((pd = (ptrdiff_t) (b1->data - b0->data)) >= 0 && pd < (ptrdiff_t) b0->mlen) {
+ if (NULL == (aux = bstrcpy (b1))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ d += aux->slen;
+ }
+ /* Increase memory size if necessary */
+ if (balloc (b0, d + 1) != BSTR_OK) {
+ if (aux != b1) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ newlen = b0->slen;
+ /* Fill in "fill" character as necessary */
+ if (pos > newlen) {
+ bstr__memset (b0->data + b0->slen, (int) fill, (size_t) (pos - b0->slen));
+ newlen = pos;
+ }
+ /* Copy b1 to position pos in b0. */
+ if (aux != NULL) {
+ bBlockCopy ((char *) (b0->data + pos), (char *) aux->data, aux->slen);
+ if (aux != b1) bdestroy (aux);
+ }
+ /* Indicate the potentially increased size of b0 */
+ if (d > newlen) newlen = d;
+ b0->slen = newlen;
+ b0->data[newlen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int binsert (bstring b1, int pos, bstring b2, unsigned char fill)
+ *
+ * Inserts the string b2 into b1 at position pos. If the position pos is
+ * past the end of b1, then the character "fill" is appended as necessary to
+ * make up the gap between the end of b1 and pos. Unlike bsetstr, binsert
+ * does not allow b2 to be NULL.
+ */
+int binsert (bstring b1, int pos, const_bstring b2, unsigned char fill) {
+int d, l;
+ptrdiff_t pd;
+bstring aux = (bstring) b2;
+ if (pos < 0 || b1 == NULL || b2 == NULL || b1->slen < 0 ||
+ b2->slen < 0 || b1->mlen < b1->slen || b1->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Aliasing case */
+ if ((pd = (ptrdiff_t) (b2->data - b1->data)) >= 0 && pd < (ptrdiff_t) b1->mlen) {
+ if (NULL == (aux = bstrcpy (b2))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ /* Compute the two possible end pointers */
+ d = b1->slen + aux->slen;
+ l = pos + aux->slen;
+ if ((d|l) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (l > d) {
+ /* Inserting past the end of the string */
+ if (balloc (b1, l + 1) != BSTR_OK) {
+ if (aux != b2) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ bstr__memset (b1->data + b1->slen, (int) fill, (size_t) (pos - b1->slen));
+ b1->slen = l;
+ } else {
+ /* Inserting in the middle of the string */
+ if (balloc (b1, d + 1) != BSTR_OK) {
+ if (aux != b2) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ bBlockCopy (b1->data + l, b1->data + pos, d - l);
+ b1->slen = d;
+ }
+ bBlockCopy (b1->data + pos, aux->data, aux->slen);
+ b1->data[b1->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ if (aux != b2) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int breplace (bstring b1, int pos, int len, bstring b2,
+ * unsigned char fill)
+ *
+ * Replace a section of a string from pos for a length len with the string b2.
+ * fill is used is pos > b1->slen.
+ */
+int breplace (bstring b1, int pos, int len, const_bstring b2,
+ unsigned char fill) {
+int pl, ret;
+ptrdiff_t pd;
+bstring aux = (bstring) b2;
+ if (pos < 0 || len < 0 || (pl = pos + len) < 0 || b1 == NULL ||
+ b2 == NULL || b1->data == NULL || b2->data == NULL ||
+ b1->slen < 0 || b2->slen < 0 || b1->mlen < b1->slen ||
+ b1->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Straddles the end? */
+ if (pl >= b1->slen) {
+ if ((ret = bsetstr (b1, pos, b2, fill)) < 0) return ret;
+ if (pos + b2->slen < b1->slen) {
+ b1->slen = pos + b2->slen;
+ b1->data[b1->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Aliasing case */
+ if ((pd = (ptrdiff_t) (b2->data - b1->data)) >= 0 && pd < (ptrdiff_t) b1->slen) {
+ if (NULL == (aux = bstrcpy (b2))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ if (aux->slen > len) {
+ if (balloc (b1, b1->slen + aux->slen - len) != BSTR_OK) {
+ if (aux != b2) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aux->slen != len) bstr__memmove (b1->data + pos + aux->slen, b1->data + pos + len, b1->slen - (pos + len));
+ bstr__memcpy (b1->data + pos, aux->data, aux->slen);
+ b1->slen += aux->slen - len;
+ b1->data[b1->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ if (aux != b2) bdestroy (aux);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ * findreplaceengine is used to implement bfindreplace and
+ * bfindreplacecaseless. It works by breaking the three cases of
+ * expansion, reduction and replacement, and solving each of these
+ * in the most efficient way possible.
+ */
+typedef int (*instr_fnptr) (const_bstring s1, int pos, const_bstring s2);
+static int findreplaceengine (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl, int pos, instr_fnptr instr) {
+int i, ret, slen, mlen, delta, acc;
+int * d;
+int static_d[INITIAL_STATIC_FIND_INDEX_COUNT+1]; /* This +1 is unnecessary, but it shuts up LINT. */
+ptrdiff_t pd;
+bstring auxf = (bstring) find;
+bstring auxr = (bstring) repl;
+ if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || find == NULL ||
+ find->data == NULL || repl == NULL || repl->data == NULL ||
+ pos < 0 || find->slen <= 0 || b->mlen < 0 || b->slen > b->mlen ||
+ b->mlen <= 0 || b->slen < 0 || repl->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (pos > b->slen - find->slen) return BSTR_OK;
+ /* Alias with find string */
+ pd = (ptrdiff_t) (find->data - b->data);
+ if ((ptrdiff_t) (pos - find->slen) < pd && pd < (ptrdiff_t) b->slen) {
+ if (NULL == (auxf = bstrcpy (find))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ /* Alias with repl string */
+ pd = (ptrdiff_t) (repl->data - b->data);
+ if ((ptrdiff_t) (pos - repl->slen) < pd && pd < (ptrdiff_t) b->slen) {
+ if (NULL == (auxr = bstrcpy (repl))) {
+ if (auxf != find) bdestroy (auxf);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ }
+ delta = auxf->slen - auxr->slen;
+ /* in-place replacement since find and replace strings are of equal
+ length */
+ if (delta == 0) {
+ while ((pos = instr (b, pos, auxf)) >= 0) {
+ bstr__memcpy (b->data + pos, auxr->data, auxr->slen);
+ pos += auxf->slen;
+ }
+ if (auxf != find) bdestroy (auxf);
+ if (auxr != repl) bdestroy (auxr);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ /* shrinking replacement since auxf->slen > auxr->slen */
+ if (delta > 0) {
+ acc = 0;
+ while ((i = instr (b, pos, auxf)) >= 0) {
+ if (acc && i > pos)
+ bstr__memmove (b->data + pos - acc, b->data + pos, i - pos);
+ if (auxr->slen)
+ bstr__memcpy (b->data + i - acc, auxr->data, auxr->slen);
+ acc += delta;
+ pos = i + auxf->slen;
+ }
+ if (acc) {
+ i = b->slen;
+ if (i > pos)
+ bstr__memmove (b->data + pos - acc, b->data + pos, i - pos);
+ b->slen -= acc;
+ b->data[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ }
+ if (auxf != find) bdestroy (auxf);
+ if (auxr != repl) bdestroy (auxr);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ /* expanding replacement since find->slen < repl->slen. Its a lot
+ more complicated. This works by first finding all the matches and
+ storing them to a growable array, then doing at most one resize of
+ the destination bstring and then performing the direct memory transfers
+ of the string segment pieces to form the final result. The growable
+ array of matches uses a deferred doubling reallocing strategy. What
+ this means is that it starts as a reasonably fixed sized auto array in
+ the hopes that many if not most cases will never need to grow this
+ array. But it switches as soon as the bounds of the array will be
+ exceeded. An extra find result is always appended to this array that
+ corresponds to the end of the destination string, so slen is checked
+ against mlen - 1 rather than mlen before resizing.
+ */
+ d = (int *) static_d; /* Avoid malloc for trivial/initial cases */
+ acc = slen = 0;
+ while ((pos = instr (b, pos, auxf)) >= 0) {
+ if (slen >= mlen - 1) {
+ int sl, *t;
+ mlen += mlen;
+ sl = sizeof (int *) * mlen;
+ if (static_d == d) d = NULL; /* static_d cannot be realloced */
+ if (mlen <= 0 || sl < mlen || NULL == (t = (int *) bstr__realloc (d, sl))) {
+ ret = BSTR_ERR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (NULL == d) bstr__memcpy (t, static_d, sizeof (static_d));
+ d = t;
+ }
+ d[slen] = pos;
+ slen++;
+ acc -= delta;
+ pos += auxf->slen;
+ if (pos < 0 || acc < 0) {
+ ret = BSTR_ERR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* slen <= INITIAL_STATIC_INDEX_COUNT-1 or mlen-1 here. */
+ d[slen] = b->slen;
+ if (BSTR_OK == (ret = balloc (b, b->slen + acc + 1))) {
+ b->slen += acc;
+ for (i = slen-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ int s, l;
+ s = d[i] + auxf->slen;
+ l = d[i+1] - s; /* d[slen] may be accessed here. */
+ if (l) {
+ bstr__memmove (b->data + s + acc, b->data + s, l);
+ }
+ if (auxr->slen) {
+ bstr__memmove (b->data + s + acc - auxr->slen,
+ auxr->data, auxr->slen);
+ }
+ acc += delta;
+ }
+ b->data[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ }
+ done:;
+ if (static_d == d) d = NULL;
+ bstr__free (d);
+ if (auxf != find) bdestroy (auxf);
+ if (auxr != repl) bdestroy (auxr);
+ return ret;
+/* int bfindreplace (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl,
+ * int pos)
+ *
+ * Replace all occurrences of a find string with a replace string after a
+ * given point in a bstring.
+ */
+int bfindreplace (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl, int pos) {
+ return findreplaceengine (b, find, repl, pos, binstr);
+/* int bfindreplacecaseless (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl,
+ * int pos)
+ *
+ * Replace all occurrences of a find string, ignoring case, with a replace
+ * string after a given point in a bstring.
+ */
+int bfindreplacecaseless (bstring b, const_bstring find, const_bstring repl, int pos) {
+ return findreplaceengine (b, find, repl, pos, binstrcaseless);
+/* int binsertch (bstring b, int pos, int len, unsigned char fill)
+ *
+ * Inserts the character fill repeatedly into b at position pos for a
+ * length len. If the position pos is past the end of b, then the
+ * character "fill" is appended as necessary to make up the gap between the
+ * end of b and the position pos + len.
+ */
+int binsertch (bstring b, int pos, int len, unsigned char fill) {
+int d, l, i;
+ if (pos < 0 || b == NULL || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->mlen <= 0 || len < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Compute the two possible end pointers */
+ d = b->slen + len;
+ l = pos + len;
+ if ((d|l) < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (l > d) {
+ /* Inserting past the end of the string */
+ if (balloc (b, l + 1) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ pos = b->slen;
+ b->slen = l;
+ } else {
+ /* Inserting in the middle of the string */
+ if (balloc (b, d + 1) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i = d - 1; i >= l; i--) {
+ b->data[i] = b->data[i - len];
+ }
+ b->slen = d;
+ }
+ for (i=pos; i < l; i++) b->data[i] = fill;
+ b->data[b->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bpattern (bstring b, int len)
+ *
+ * Replicate the bstring, b in place, end to end repeatedly until it
+ * surpasses len characters, then chop the result to exactly len characters.
+ * This function operates in-place. The function will return with BSTR_ERR
+ * if b is NULL or of length 0, otherwise BSTR_OK is returned.
+ */
+int bpattern (bstring b, int len) {
+int i, d;
+ d = blength (b);
+ if (d <= 0 || len < 0 || balloc (b, len + 1) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ if (d == 1) return bsetstr (b, len, NULL, b->data[0]);
+ for (i = d; i < len; i++) b->data[i] = b->data[i - d];
+ }
+ b->data[len] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = len;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+#define BS_BUFF_SZ (1024)
+/* int breada (bstring b, bNread readPtr, void * parm)
+ *
+ * Use a finite buffer fread-like function readPtr to concatenate to the
+ * bstring b the entire contents of file-like source data in a roughly
+ * efficient way.
+ */
+int breada (bstring b, bNread readPtr, void * parm) {
+int i, l, n;
+ if (b == NULL || b->mlen <= 0 || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->mlen <= 0 || readPtr == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ i = b->slen;
+ for (n=i+16; ; n += ((n < BS_BUFF_SZ) ? n : BS_BUFF_SZ)) {
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (b, n + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ l = (int) readPtr ((void *) (b->data + i), 1, n - i, parm);
+ i += l;
+ b->slen = i;
+ if (i < n) break;
+ }
+ b->data[i] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* bstring bread (bNread readPtr, void * parm)
+ *
+ * Use a finite buffer fread-like function readPtr to create a bstring
+ * filled with the entire contents of file-like source data in a roughly
+ * efficient way.
+ */
+bstring bread (bNread readPtr, void * parm) {
+bstring buff;
+ if (0 > breada (buff = bfromcstr (""), readPtr, parm)) {
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return buff;
+/* int bassigngets (bstring b, bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator)
+ *
+ * Use an fgetc-like single character stream reading function (getcPtr) to
+ * obtain a sequence of characters which are concatenated to the end of the
+ * bstring b. The stream read is terminated by the passed in terminator
+ * parameter.
+ *
+ * If getcPtr returns with a negative number, or the terminator character
+ * (which is appended) is read, then the stream reading is halted and the
+ * function returns with a partial result in b. If there is an empty partial
+ * result, 1 is returned. If no characters are read, or there is some other
+ * detectable error, BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int bassigngets (bstring b, bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator) {
+int c, d, e;
+ if (b == NULL || b->mlen <= 0 || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->mlen <= 0 || getcPtr == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ d = 0;
+ e = b->mlen - 2;
+ while ((c = getcPtr (parm)) >= 0) {
+ if (d > e) {
+ b->slen = d;
+ if (balloc (b, d + 2) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ e = b->mlen - 2;
+ }
+ b->data[d] = (unsigned char) c;
+ d++;
+ if (c == terminator) break;
+ }
+ b->data[d] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = d;
+ return d == 0 && c < 0;
+/* int bgetsa (bstring b, bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator)
+ *
+ * Use an fgetc-like single character stream reading function (getcPtr) to
+ * obtain a sequence of characters which are concatenated to the end of the
+ * bstring b. The stream read is terminated by the passed in terminator
+ * parameter.
+ *
+ * If getcPtr returns with a negative number, or the terminator character
+ * (which is appended) is read, then the stream reading is halted and the
+ * function returns with a partial result concatentated to b. If there is
+ * an empty partial result, 1 is returned. If no characters are read, or
+ * there is some other detectable error, BSTR_ERR is returned.
+ */
+int bgetsa (bstring b, bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator) {
+int c, d, e;
+ if (b == NULL || b->mlen <= 0 || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen < b->slen ||
+ b->mlen <= 0 || getcPtr == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ d = b->slen;
+ e = b->mlen - 2;
+ while ((c = getcPtr (parm)) >= 0) {
+ if (d > e) {
+ b->slen = d;
+ if (balloc (b, d + 2) != BSTR_OK) return BSTR_ERR;
+ e = b->mlen - 2;
+ }
+ b->data[d] = (unsigned char) c;
+ d++;
+ if (c == terminator) break;
+ }
+ b->data[d] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ b->slen = d;
+ return d == 0 && c < 0;
+/* bstring bgets (bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator)
+ *
+ * Use an fgetc-like single character stream reading function (getcPtr) to
+ * obtain a sequence of characters which are concatenated into a bstring.
+ * The stream read is terminated by the passed in terminator function.
+ *
+ * If getcPtr returns with a negative number, or the terminator character
+ * (which is appended) is read, then the stream reading is halted and the
+ * result obtained thus far is returned. If no characters are read, or
+ * there is some other detectable error, NULL is returned.
+ */
+bstring bgets (bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator) {
+bstring buff;
+ if (0 > bgetsa (buff = bfromcstr (""), getcPtr, parm, terminator) || 0 >= buff->slen) {
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ buff = NULL;
+ }
+ return buff;
+struct bStream {
+ bstring buff; /* Buffer for over-reads */
+ void * parm; /* The stream handle for core stream */
+ bNread readFnPtr; /* fread compatible fnptr for core stream */
+ int isEOF; /* track file's EOF state */
+ int maxBuffSz;
+/* struct bStream * bsopen (bNread readPtr, void * parm)
+ *
+ * Wrap a given open stream (described by a fread compatible function
+ * pointer and stream handle) into an open bStream suitable for the bstring
+ * library streaming functions.
+ */
+struct bStream * bsopen (bNread readPtr, void * parm) {
+struct bStream * s;
+ if (readPtr == NULL) return NULL;
+ s = (struct bStream *) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct bStream));
+ if (s == NULL) return NULL;
+ s->parm = parm;
+ s->buff = bfromcstr ("");
+ s->readFnPtr = readPtr;
+ s->maxBuffSz = BS_BUFF_SZ;
+ s->isEOF = 0;
+ return s;
+/* int bsbufflength (struct bStream * s, int sz)
+ *
+ * Set the length of the buffer used by the bStream. If sz is zero, the
+ * length is not set. This function returns with the previous length.
+ */
+int bsbufflength (struct bStream * s, int sz) {
+int oldSz;
+ if (s == NULL || sz < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ oldSz = s->maxBuffSz;
+ if (sz > 0) s->maxBuffSz = sz;
+ return oldSz;
+int bseof (const struct bStream * s) {
+ if (s == NULL || s->readFnPtr == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ return s->isEOF && (s->buff->slen == 0);
+/* void * bsclose (struct bStream * s)
+ *
+ * Close the bStream, and return the handle to the stream that was originally
+ * used to open the given stream.
+ */
+void * bsclose (struct bStream * s) {
+void * parm;
+ if (s == NULL) return NULL;
+ s->readFnPtr = NULL;
+ if (s->buff) bdestroy (s->buff);
+ s->buff = NULL;
+ parm = s->parm;
+ s->parm = NULL;
+ s->isEOF = 1;
+ bstr__free (s);
+ return parm;
+/* int bsreadlna (bstring r, struct bStream * s, char terminator)
+ *
+ * Read a bstring terminated by the terminator character or the end of the
+ * stream from the bStream (s) and return it into the parameter r. This
+ * function may read additional characters from the core stream that are not
+ * returned, but will be retained for subsequent read operations.
+ */
+int bsreadlna (bstring r, struct bStream * s, char terminator) {
+int i, l, ret, rlo;
+char * b;
+struct tagbstring x;
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL || r == NULL || r->mlen <= 0 ||
+ r->slen < 0 || r->mlen < r->slen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ l = s->buff->slen;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (s->buff, s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ b = (char *) s->buff->data;
+ x.data = (unsigned char *) b;
+ /* First check if the current buffer holds the terminator */
+ b[l] = terminator; /* Set sentinel */
+ for (i=0; b[i] != terminator; i++) ;
+ if (i < l) {
+ x.slen = i + 1;
+ ret = bconcat (r, &x);
+ s->buff->slen = l;
+ if (BSTR_OK == ret) bdelete (s->buff, 0, i + 1);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ rlo = r->slen;
+ /* If not then just concatenate the entire buffer to the output */
+ x.slen = l;
+ if (BSTR_OK != bconcat (r, &x)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Perform direct in-place reads into the destination to allow for
+ the minimum of data-copies */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (r, r->slen + s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ b = (char *) (r->data + r->slen);
+ l = (int) s->readFnPtr (b, 1, s->maxBuffSz, s->parm);
+ if (l <= 0) {
+ r->data[r->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ s->buff->slen = 0;
+ s->isEOF = 1;
+ /* If nothing was read return with an error message */
+ return BSTR_ERR & -(r->slen == rlo);
+ }
+ b[l] = terminator; /* Set sentinel */
+ for (i=0; b[i] != terminator; i++) ;
+ if (i < l) break;
+ r->slen += l;
+ }
+ /* Terminator found, push over-read back to buffer */
+ i++;
+ r->slen += i;
+ s->buff->slen = l - i;
+ bstr__memcpy (s->buff->data, b + i, l - i);
+ r->data[r->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bsreadlnsa (bstring r, struct bStream * s, bstring term)
+ *
+ * Read a bstring terminated by any character in the term string or the end
+ * of the stream from the bStream (s) and return it into the parameter r.
+ * This function may read additional characters from the core stream that
+ * are not returned, but will be retained for subsequent read operations.
+ */
+int bsreadlnsa (bstring r, struct bStream * s, const_bstring term) {
+int i, l, ret, rlo;
+unsigned char * b;
+struct tagbstring x;
+struct charField cf;
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL || r == NULL || term == NULL ||
+ term->data == NULL || r->mlen <= 0 || r->slen < 0 ||
+ r->mlen < r->slen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (term->slen == 1) return bsreadlna (r, s, term->data[0]);
+ if (term->slen < 1 || buildCharField (&cf, term)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ l = s->buff->slen;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (s->buff, s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ b = (unsigned char *) s->buff->data;
+ x.data = b;
+ /* First check if the current buffer holds the terminator */
+ b[l] = term->data[0]; /* Set sentinel */
+ for (i=0; !testInCharField (&cf, b[i]); i++) ;
+ if (i < l) {
+ x.slen = i + 1;
+ ret = bconcat (r, &x);
+ s->buff->slen = l;
+ if (BSTR_OK == ret) bdelete (s->buff, 0, i + 1);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ rlo = r->slen;
+ /* If not then just concatenate the entire buffer to the output */
+ x.slen = l;
+ if (BSTR_OK != bconcat (r, &x)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Perform direct in-place reads into the destination to allow for
+ the minimum of data-copies */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (r, r->slen + s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ b = (unsigned char *) (r->data + r->slen);
+ l = (int) s->readFnPtr (b, 1, s->maxBuffSz, s->parm);
+ if (l <= 0) {
+ r->data[r->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ s->buff->slen = 0;
+ s->isEOF = 1;
+ /* If nothing was read return with an error message */
+ return BSTR_ERR & -(r->slen == rlo);
+ }
+ b[l] = term->data[0]; /* Set sentinel */
+ for (i=0; !testInCharField (&cf, b[i]); i++) ;
+ if (i < l) break;
+ r->slen += l;
+ }
+ /* Terminator found, push over-read back to buffer */
+ i++;
+ r->slen += i;
+ s->buff->slen = l - i;
+ bstr__memcpy (s->buff->data, b + i, l - i);
+ r->data[r->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bsreada (bstring r, struct bStream * s, int n)
+ *
+ * Read a bstring of length n (or, if it is fewer, as many bytes as is
+ * remaining) from the bStream. This function may read additional
+ * characters from the core stream that are not returned, but will be
+ * retained for subsequent read operations. This function will not read
+ * additional characters from the core stream beyond virtual stream pointer.
+ */
+int bsreada (bstring r, struct bStream * s, int n) {
+int l, ret, orslen;
+char * b;
+struct tagbstring x;
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL || r == NULL || r->mlen <= 0
+ || r->slen < 0 || r->mlen < r->slen || n <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ n += r->slen;
+ if (n <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ l = s->buff->slen;
+ orslen = r->slen;
+ if (0 == l) {
+ if (s->isEOF) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (r->mlen > n) {
+ l = (int) s->readFnPtr (r->data + r->slen, 1, n - r->slen, s->parm);
+ if (0 >= l || l > n - r->slen) {
+ s->isEOF = 1;
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ r->slen += l;
+ r->data[r->slen] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (s->buff, s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ b = (char *) s->buff->data;
+ x.data = (unsigned char *) b;
+ do {
+ if (l + r->slen >= n) {
+ x.slen = n - r->slen;
+ ret = bconcat (r, &x);
+ s->buff->slen = l;
+ if (BSTR_OK == ret) bdelete (s->buff, 0, x.slen);
+ return BSTR_ERR & -(r->slen == orslen);
+ }
+ x.slen = l;
+ if (BSTR_OK != bconcat (r, &x)) break;
+ l = n - r->slen;
+ if (l > s->maxBuffSz) l = s->maxBuffSz;
+ l = (int) s->readFnPtr (b, 1, l, s->parm);
+ } while (l > 0);
+ if (l < 0) l = 0;
+ if (l == 0) s->isEOF = 1;
+ s->buff->slen = l;
+ return BSTR_ERR & -(r->slen == orslen);
+/* int bsreadln (bstring r, struct bStream * s, char terminator)
+ *
+ * Read a bstring terminated by the terminator character or the end of the
+ * stream from the bStream (s) and return it into the parameter r. This
+ * function may read additional characters from the core stream that are not
+ * returned, but will be retained for subsequent read operations.
+ */
+int bsreadln (bstring r, struct bStream * s, char terminator) {
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL || r == NULL || r->mlen <= 0)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (s->buff, s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ r->slen = 0;
+ return bsreadlna (r, s, terminator);
+/* int bsreadlns (bstring r, struct bStream * s, bstring term)
+ *
+ * Read a bstring terminated by any character in the term string or the end
+ * of the stream from the bStream (s) and return it into the parameter r.
+ * This function may read additional characters from the core stream that
+ * are not returned, but will be retained for subsequent read operations.
+ */
+int bsreadlns (bstring r, struct bStream * s, const_bstring term) {
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL || r == NULL || term == NULL
+ || term->data == NULL || r->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (term->slen == 1) return bsreadln (r, s, term->data[0]);
+ if (term->slen < 1) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (s->buff, s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ r->slen = 0;
+ return bsreadlnsa (r, s, term);
+/* int bsread (bstring r, struct bStream * s, int n)
+ *
+ * Read a bstring of length n (or, if it is fewer, as many bytes as is
+ * remaining) from the bStream. This function may read additional
+ * characters from the core stream that are not returned, but will be
+ * retained for subsequent read operations. This function will not read
+ * additional characters from the core stream beyond virtual stream pointer.
+ */
+int bsread (bstring r, struct bStream * s, int n) {
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL || r == NULL || r->mlen <= 0
+ || n <= 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (s->buff, s->maxBuffSz + 1)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ r->slen = 0;
+ return bsreada (r, s, n);
+/* int bsunread (struct bStream * s, const_bstring b)
+ *
+ * Insert a bstring into the bStream at the current position. These
+ * characters will be read prior to those that actually come from the core
+ * stream.
+ */
+int bsunread (struct bStream * s, const_bstring b) {
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ return binsert (s->buff, 0, b, (unsigned char) '?');
+/* int bspeek (bstring r, const struct bStream * s)
+ *
+ * Return the currently buffered characters from the bStream that will be
+ * read prior to reads from the core stream.
+ */
+int bspeek (bstring r, const struct bStream * s) {
+ if (s == NULL || s->buff == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ return bassign (r, s->buff);
+/* bstring bjoin (const struct bstrList * bl, const_bstring sep);
+ *
+ * Join the entries of a bstrList into one bstring by sequentially
+ * concatenating them with the sep string in between. If there is an error
+ * NULL is returned, otherwise a bstring with the correct result is returned.
+ */
+bstring bjoin (const struct bstrList * bl, const_bstring sep) {
+bstring b;
+int i, c, v;
+ if (bl == NULL || bl->qty < 0) return NULL;
+ if (sep != NULL && (sep->slen < 0 || sep->data == NULL)) return NULL;
+ for (i = 0, c = 1; i < bl->qty; i++) {
+ v = bl->entry[i]->slen;
+ if (v < 0) return NULL; /* Invalid input */
+ c += v;
+ if (c < 0) return NULL; /* Wrap around ?? */
+ }
+ if (sep != NULL) c += (bl->qty - 1) * sep->slen;
+ b = (bstring) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct tagbstring));
+ if (NULL == b) return NULL; /* Out of memory */
+ b->data = (unsigned char *) bstr__alloc (c);
+ if (b->data == NULL) {
+ bstr__free (b);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ b->mlen = c;
+ b->slen = c-1;
+ for (i = 0, c = 0; i < bl->qty; i++) {
+ if (i > 0 && sep != NULL) {
+ bstr__memcpy (b->data + c, sep->data, sep->slen);
+ c += sep->slen;
+ }
+ v = bl->entry[i]->slen;
+ bstr__memcpy (b->data + c, bl->entry[i]->data, v);
+ c += v;
+ }
+ b->data[c] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ return b;
+#define BSSSC_BUFF_LEN (256)
+/* int bssplitscb (struct bStream * s, const_bstring splitStr,
+ * int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, const_bstring entry), void * parm)
+ *
+ * Iterate the set of disjoint sequential substrings read from a stream
+ * divided by any of the characters in splitStr. An empty splitStr causes
+ * the whole stream to be iterated once.
+ *
+ * Note: At the point of calling the cb function, the bStream pointer is
+ * pointed exactly at the position right after having read the split
+ * character. The cb function can act on the stream by causing the bStream
+ * pointer to move, and bssplitscb will continue by starting the next split
+ * at the position of the pointer after the return from cb.
+ *
+ * However, if the cb causes the bStream s to be destroyed then the cb must
+ * return with a negative value, otherwise bssplitscb will continue in an
+ * undefined manner.
+ */
+int bssplitscb (struct bStream * s, const_bstring splitStr,
+ int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, const_bstring entry), void * parm) {
+struct charField chrs;
+bstring buff;
+int i, p, ret;
+ if (cb == NULL || s == NULL || s->readFnPtr == NULL
+ || splitStr == NULL || splitStr->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstr (""))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (splitStr->slen == 0) {
+ while (bsreada (buff, s, BSSSC_BUFF_LEN) >= 0) ;
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, 0, buff)) > 0)
+ ret = 0;
+ } else {
+ buildCharField (&chrs, splitStr);
+ ret = p = i = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (i >= buff->slen) {
+ bsreada (buff, s, BSSSC_BUFF_LEN);
+ if (i >= buff->slen) {
+ if (0 < (ret = cb (parm, p, buff))) ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (testInCharField (&chrs, buff->data[i])) {
+ struct tagbstring t;
+ unsigned char c;
+ blk2tbstr (t, buff->data + i + 1, buff->slen - (i + 1));
+ if ((ret = bsunread (s, &t)) < 0) break;
+ buff->slen = i;
+ c = buff->data[i];
+ buff->data[i] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, buff)) < 0) break;
+ buff->data[i] = c;
+ buff->slen = 0;
+ p += i + 1;
+ i = -1;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return ret;
+/* int bssplitstrcb (struct bStream * s, const_bstring splitStr,
+ * int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, const_bstring entry), void * parm)
+ *
+ * Iterate the set of disjoint sequential substrings read from a stream
+ * divided by the entire substring splitStr. An empty splitStr causes
+ * each character of the stream to be iterated.
+ *
+ * Note: At the point of calling the cb function, the bStream pointer is
+ * pointed exactly at the position right after having read the split
+ * character. The cb function can act on the stream by causing the bStream
+ * pointer to move, and bssplitscb will continue by starting the next split
+ * at the position of the pointer after the return from cb.
+ *
+ * However, if the cb causes the bStream s to be destroyed then the cb must
+ * return with a negative value, otherwise bssplitscb will continue in an
+ * undefined manner.
+ */
+int bssplitstrcb (struct bStream * s, const_bstring splitStr,
+ int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, const_bstring entry), void * parm) {
+bstring buff;
+int i, p, ret;
+ if (cb == NULL || s == NULL || s->readFnPtr == NULL
+ || splitStr == NULL || splitStr->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (splitStr->slen == 1) return bssplitscb (s, splitStr, cb, parm);
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstr (""))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (splitStr->slen == 0) {
+ for (i=0; bsreada (buff, s, BSSSC_BUFF_LEN) >= 0; i++) {
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, 0, buff)) < 0) {
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ buff->slen = 0;
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ } else {
+ ret = p = i = 0;
+ for (i=p=0;;) {
+ if ((ret = binstr (buff, 0, splitStr)) >= 0) {
+ struct tagbstring t;
+ blk2tbstr (t, buff->data, ret);
+ i = ret + splitStr->slen;
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, &t)) < 0) break;
+ p += i;
+ bdelete (buff, 0, i);
+ } else {
+ bsreada (buff, s, BSSSC_BUFF_LEN);
+ if (bseof (s)) {
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, buff)) > 0) ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return ret;
+/* int bstrListCreate (void)
+ *
+ * Create a bstrList.
+ */
+struct bstrList * bstrListCreate (void) {
+struct bstrList * sl = (struct bstrList *) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct bstrList));
+ if (sl) {
+ sl->entry = (bstring *) bstr__alloc (1*sizeof (bstring));
+ if (!sl->entry) {
+ bstr__free (sl);
+ sl = NULL;
+ } else {
+ sl->qty = 0;
+ sl->mlen = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return sl;
+/* int bstrListDestroy (struct bstrList * sl)
+ *
+ * Destroy a bstrList that has been created by bsplit, bsplits or bstrListCreate.
+ */
+int bstrListDestroy (struct bstrList * sl) {
+int i;
+ if (sl == NULL || sl->qty < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ for (i=0; i < sl->qty; i++) {
+ if (sl->entry[i]) {
+ bdestroy (sl->entry[i]);
+ sl->entry[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ sl->qty = -1;
+ sl->mlen = -1;
+ bstr__free (sl->entry);
+ sl->entry = NULL;
+ bstr__free (sl);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bstrListAlloc (struct bstrList * sl, int msz)
+ *
+ * Ensure that there is memory for at least msz number of entries for the
+ * list.
+ */
+int bstrListAlloc (struct bstrList * sl, int msz) {
+bstring * l;
+int smsz;
+size_t nsz;
+ if (!sl || msz <= 0 || !sl->entry || sl->qty < 0 || sl->mlen <= 0 || sl->qty > sl->mlen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (sl->mlen >= msz) return BSTR_OK;
+ smsz = snapUpSize (msz);
+ nsz = ((size_t) smsz) * sizeof (bstring);
+ if (nsz < (size_t) smsz) return BSTR_ERR;
+ l = (bstring *) bstr__realloc (sl->entry, nsz);
+ if (!l) {
+ smsz = msz;
+ nsz = ((size_t) smsz) * sizeof (bstring);
+ l = (bstring *) bstr__realloc (sl->entry, nsz);
+ if (!l) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ sl->mlen = smsz;
+ sl->entry = l;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bstrListAllocMin (struct bstrList * sl, int msz)
+ *
+ * Try to allocate the minimum amount of memory for the list to include at
+ * least msz entries or sl->qty whichever is greater.
+ */
+int bstrListAllocMin (struct bstrList * sl, int msz) {
+bstring * l;
+size_t nsz;
+ if (!sl || msz <= 0 || !sl->entry || sl->qty < 0 || sl->mlen <= 0 || sl->qty > sl->mlen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (msz < sl->qty) msz = sl->qty;
+ if (sl->mlen == msz) return BSTR_OK;
+ nsz = ((size_t) msz) * sizeof (bstring);
+ if (nsz < (size_t) msz) return BSTR_ERR;
+ l = (bstring *) bstr__realloc (sl->entry, nsz);
+ if (!l) return BSTR_ERR;
+ sl->mlen = msz;
+ sl->entry = l;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bsplitcb (const_bstring str, unsigned char splitChar, int pos,
+ * int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm)
+ *
+ * Iterate the set of disjoint sequential substrings over str divided by the
+ * character in splitChar.
+ *
+ * Note: Non-destructive modification of str from within the cb function
+ * while performing this split is not undefined. bsplitcb behaves in
+ * sequential lock step with calls to cb. I.e., after returning from a cb
+ * that return a non-negative integer, bsplitcb continues from the position
+ * 1 character after the last detected split character and it will halt
+ * immediately if the length of str falls below this point. However, if the
+ * cb function destroys str, then it *must* return with a negative value,
+ * otherwise bsplitcb will continue in an undefined manner.
+ */
+int bsplitcb (const_bstring str, unsigned char splitChar, int pos,
+ int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm) {
+int i, p, ret;
+ if (cb == NULL || str == NULL || pos < 0 || pos > str->slen)
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ p = pos;
+ do {
+ for (i=p; i < str->slen; i++) {
+ if (str->data[i] == splitChar) break;
+ }
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, i - p)) < 0) return ret;
+ p = i + 1;
+ } while (p <= str->slen);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bsplitscb (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr, int pos,
+ * int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm)
+ *
+ * Iterate the set of disjoint sequential substrings over str divided by any
+ * of the characters in splitStr. An empty splitStr causes the whole str to
+ * be iterated once.
+ *
+ * Note: Non-destructive modification of str from within the cb function
+ * while performing this split is not undefined. bsplitscb behaves in
+ * sequential lock step with calls to cb. I.e., after returning from a cb
+ * that return a non-negative integer, bsplitscb continues from the position
+ * 1 character after the last detected split character and it will halt
+ * immediately if the length of str falls below this point. However, if the
+ * cb function destroys str, then it *must* return with a negative value,
+ * otherwise bsplitscb will continue in an undefined manner.
+ */
+int bsplitscb (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr, int pos,
+ int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm) {
+struct charField chrs;
+int i, p, ret;
+ if (cb == NULL || str == NULL || pos < 0 || pos > str->slen
+ || splitStr == NULL || splitStr->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (splitStr->slen == 0) {
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, 0, str->slen)) > 0) ret = 0;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (splitStr->slen == 1)
+ return bsplitcb (str, splitStr->data[0], pos, cb, parm);
+ buildCharField (&chrs, splitStr);
+ p = pos;
+ do {
+ for (i=p; i < str->slen; i++) {
+ if (testInCharField (&chrs, str->data[i])) break;
+ }
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, i - p)) < 0) return ret;
+ p = i + 1;
+ } while (p <= str->slen);
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* int bsplitstrcb (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr, int pos,
+ * int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm)
+ *
+ * Iterate the set of disjoint sequential substrings over str divided by the
+ * substring splitStr. An empty splitStr causes the whole str to be
+ * iterated once.
+ *
+ * Note: Non-destructive modification of str from within the cb function
+ * while performing this split is not undefined. bsplitstrcb behaves in
+ * sequential lock step with calls to cb. I.e., after returning from a cb
+ * that return a non-negative integer, bsplitscb continues from the position
+ * 1 character after the last detected split character and it will halt
+ * immediately if the length of str falls below this point. However, if the
+ * cb function destroys str, then it *must* return with a negative value,
+ * otherwise bsplitscb will continue in an undefined manner.
+ */
+int bsplitstrcb (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr, int pos,
+ int (* cb) (void * parm, int ofs, int len), void * parm) {
+int i, p, ret;
+ if (cb == NULL || str == NULL || pos < 0 || pos > str->slen
+ || splitStr == NULL || splitStr->slen < 0) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (0 == splitStr->slen) {
+ for (i=pos; i < str->slen; i++) {
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, i, 1)) < 0) return ret;
+ }
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ if (splitStr->slen == 1)
+ return bsplitcb (str, splitStr->data[0], pos, cb, parm);
+ for (i=p=pos; i <= str->slen - splitStr->slen; i++) {
+ if (0 == bstr__memcmp (splitStr->data, str->data + i, splitStr->slen)) {
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, i - p)) < 0) return ret;
+ i += splitStr->slen;
+ p = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ret = cb (parm, p, str->slen - p)) < 0) return ret;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+struct genBstrList {
+ bstring b;
+ struct bstrList * bl;
+static int bscb (void * parm, int ofs, int len) {
+struct genBstrList * g = (struct genBstrList *) parm;
+ if (g->bl->qty >= g->bl->mlen) {
+ int mlen = g->bl->mlen * 2;
+ bstring * tbl;
+ while (g->bl->qty >= mlen) {
+ if (mlen < g->bl->mlen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ mlen += mlen;
+ }
+ tbl = (bstring *) bstr__realloc (g->bl->entry, sizeof (bstring) * mlen);
+ if (tbl == NULL) return BSTR_ERR;
+ g->bl->entry = tbl;
+ g->bl->mlen = mlen;
+ }
+ g->bl->entry[g->bl->qty] = bmidstr (g->b, ofs, len);
+ g->bl->qty++;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+/* struct bstrList * bsplit (const_bstring str, unsigned char splitChar)
+ *
+ * Create an array of sequential substrings from str divided by the character
+ * splitChar.
+ */
+struct bstrList * bsplit (const_bstring str, unsigned char splitChar) {
+struct genBstrList g;
+ if (str == NULL || str->data == NULL || str->slen < 0) return NULL;
+ g.bl = (struct bstrList *) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct bstrList));
+ if (g.bl == NULL) return NULL;
+ g.bl->mlen = 4;
+ g.bl->entry = (bstring *) bstr__alloc (g.bl->mlen * sizeof (bstring));
+ if (NULL == g.bl->entry) {
+ bstr__free (g.bl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ g.b = (bstring) str;
+ g.bl->qty = 0;
+ if (bsplitcb (str, splitChar, 0, bscb, &g) < 0) {
+ bstrListDestroy (g.bl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return g.bl;
+/* struct bstrList * bsplitstr (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr)
+ *
+ * Create an array of sequential substrings from str divided by the entire
+ * substring splitStr.
+ */
+struct bstrList * bsplitstr (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr) {
+struct genBstrList g;
+ if (str == NULL || str->data == NULL || str->slen < 0) return NULL;
+ g.bl = (struct bstrList *) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct bstrList));
+ if (g.bl == NULL) return NULL;
+ g.bl->mlen = 4;
+ g.bl->entry = (bstring *) bstr__alloc (g.bl->mlen * sizeof (bstring));
+ if (NULL == g.bl->entry) {
+ bstr__free (g.bl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ g.b = (bstring) str;
+ g.bl->qty = 0;
+ if (bsplitstrcb (str, splitStr, 0, bscb, &g) < 0) {
+ bstrListDestroy (g.bl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return g.bl;
+/* struct bstrList * bsplits (const_bstring str, bstring splitStr)
+ *
+ * Create an array of sequential substrings from str divided by any of the
+ * characters in splitStr. An empty splitStr causes a single entry bstrList
+ * containing a copy of str to be returned.
+ */
+struct bstrList * bsplits (const_bstring str, const_bstring splitStr) {
+struct genBstrList g;
+ if ( str == NULL || str->slen < 0 || str->data == NULL ||
+ splitStr == NULL || splitStr->slen < 0 || splitStr->data == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ g.bl = (struct bstrList *) bstr__alloc (sizeof (struct bstrList));
+ if (g.bl == NULL) return NULL;
+ g.bl->mlen = 4;
+ g.bl->entry = (bstring *) bstr__alloc (g.bl->mlen * sizeof (bstring));
+ if (NULL == g.bl->entry) {
+ bstr__free (g.bl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ g.b = (bstring) str;
+ g.bl->qty = 0;
+ if (bsplitscb (str, splitStr, 0, bscb, &g) < 0) {
+ bstrListDestroy (g.bl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return g.bl;
+#if defined (__TURBOC__) && !defined (__BORLANDC__)
+# endif
+/* Give WATCOM C/C++, MSVC some latitude for their non-support of vsnprintf */
+#if defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define exvsnprintf(r,b,n,f,a) {r = _vsnprintf (b,n,f,a);}
+/* This is just a hack. If you are using a system without a vsnprintf, it is
+ not recommended that bformat be used at all. */
+#define exvsnprintf(r,b,n,f,a) {vsprintf (b,f,a); r = -1;}
+#define START_VSNBUFF (256)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+/* Something is making gcc complain about this prototype not being here, so
+ I've just gone ahead and put it in. */
+extern int vsnprintf (char *buf, size_t count, const char *format, va_list arg);
+#define exvsnprintf(r,b,n,f,a) {r = vsnprintf (b,n,f,a);}
+#if !defined (BSTRLIB_NOVSNP)
+#define START_VSNBUFF (16)
+/* On IRIX vsnprintf returns n-1 when the operation would overflow the target
+ buffer, WATCOM and MSVC both return -1, while C99 requires that the
+ returned value be exactly what the length would be if the buffer would be
+ large enough. This leads to the idea that if the return value is larger
+ than n, then changing n to the return value will reduce the number of
+ iterations required. */
+/* int bformata (bstring b, const char * fmt, ...)
+ *
+ * After the first parameter, it takes the same parameters as printf (), but
+ * rather than outputting results to stdio, it appends the results to
+ * a bstring which contains what would have been output. Note that if there
+ * is an early generation of a '\0' character, the bstring will be truncated
+ * to this end point.
+ */
+int bformata (bstring b, const char * fmt, ...) {
+va_list arglist;
+bstring buff;
+int n, r;
+ if (b == NULL || fmt == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen <= 0
+ || b->slen < 0 || b->slen > b->mlen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Since the length is not determinable beforehand, a search is
+ performed using the truncating "vsnprintf" call (to avoid buffer
+ overflows) on increasing potential sizes for the output result. */
+ if ((n = (int) (2*strlen (fmt))) < START_VSNBUFF) n = START_VSNBUFF;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstralloc (n + 2, ""))) {
+ n = 1;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstralloc (n + 2, ""))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ va_start (arglist, fmt);
+ exvsnprintf (r, (char *) buff->data, n + 1, fmt, arglist);
+ va_end (arglist);
+ buff->data[n] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ buff->slen = (int) (strlen) ((char *) buff->data);
+ if (buff->slen < n) break;
+ if (r > n) n = r; else n += n;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (buff, n + 2)) {
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ }
+ r = bconcat (b, buff);
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return r;
+/* int bassignformat (bstring b, const char * fmt, ...)
+ *
+ * After the first parameter, it takes the same parameters as printf (), but
+ * rather than outputting results to stdio, it outputs the results to
+ * the bstring parameter b. Note that if there is an early generation of a
+ * '\0' character, the bstring will be truncated to this end point.
+ */
+int bassignformat (bstring b, const char * fmt, ...) {
+va_list arglist;
+bstring buff;
+int n, r;
+ if (b == NULL || fmt == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen <= 0
+ || b->slen < 0 || b->slen > b->mlen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ /* Since the length is not determinable beforehand, a search is
+ performed using the truncating "vsnprintf" call (to avoid buffer
+ overflows) on increasing potential sizes for the output result. */
+ if ((n = (int) (2*strlen (fmt))) < START_VSNBUFF) n = START_VSNBUFF;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstralloc (n + 2, ""))) {
+ n = 1;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstralloc (n + 2, ""))) return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ va_start (arglist, fmt);
+ exvsnprintf (r, (char *) buff->data, n + 1, fmt, arglist);
+ va_end (arglist);
+ buff->data[n] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ buff->slen = (int) (strlen) ((char *) buff->data);
+ if (buff->slen < n) break;
+ if (r > n) n = r; else n += n;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (buff, n + 2)) {
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return BSTR_ERR;
+ }
+ }
+ r = bassign (b, buff);
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return r;
+/* bstring bformat (const char * fmt, ...)
+ *
+ * Takes the same parameters as printf (), but rather than outputting results
+ * to stdio, it forms a bstring which contains what would have been output.
+ * Note that if there is an early generation of a '\0' character, the
+ * bstring will be truncated to this end point.
+ */
+bstring bformat (const char * fmt, ...) {
+va_list arglist;
+bstring buff;
+int n, r;
+ if (fmt == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* Since the length is not determinable beforehand, a search is
+ performed using the truncating "vsnprintf" call (to avoid buffer
+ overflows) on increasing potential sizes for the output result. */
+ if ((n = (int) (2*strlen (fmt))) < START_VSNBUFF) n = START_VSNBUFF;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstralloc (n + 2, ""))) {
+ n = 1;
+ if (NULL == (buff = bfromcstralloc (n + 2, ""))) return NULL;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ va_start (arglist, fmt);
+ exvsnprintf (r, (char *) buff->data, n + 1, fmt, arglist);
+ va_end (arglist);
+ buff->data[n] = (unsigned char) '\0';
+ buff->slen = (int) (strlen) ((char *) buff->data);
+ if (buff->slen < n) break;
+ if (r > n) n = r; else n += n;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (buff, n + 2)) {
+ bdestroy (buff);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return buff;
+/* int bvcformata (bstring b, int count, const char * fmt, va_list arglist)
+ *
+ * The bvcformata function formats data under control of the format control
+ * string fmt and attempts to append the result to b. The fmt parameter is
+ * the same as that of the printf function. The variable argument list is
+ * replaced with arglist, which has been initialized by the va_start macro.
+ * The size of the appended output is upper bounded by count. If the
+ * required output exceeds count, the string b is not augmented with any
+ * contents and a value below BSTR_ERR is returned. If a value below -count
+ * is returned then it is recommended that the negative of this value be
+ * used as an update to the count in a subsequent pass. On other errors,
+ * such as running out of memory, parameter errors or numeric wrap around
+ * BSTR_ERR is returned. BSTR_OK is returned when the output is successfully
+ * generated and appended to b.
+ *
+ * Note: There is no sanity checking of arglist, and this function is
+ * destructive of the contents of b from the b->slen point onward. If there
+ * is an early generation of a '\0' character, the bstring will be truncated
+ * to this end point.
+ */
+int bvcformata (bstring b, int count, const char * fmt, va_list arg) {
+int n, r, l;
+ if (b == NULL || fmt == NULL || count <= 0 || b->data == NULL
+ || b->mlen <= 0 || b->slen < 0 || b->slen > b->mlen) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (count > (n = b->slen + count) + 2) return BSTR_ERR;
+ if (BSTR_OK != balloc (b, n + 2)) return BSTR_ERR;
+ exvsnprintf (r, (char *) b->data + b->slen, count + 2, fmt, arg);
+ /* Did the operation complete successfully within bounds? */
+ for (l = b->slen; l <= n; l++) {
+ if ('\0' == b->data[l]) {
+ b->slen = l;
+ return BSTR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Abort, since the buffer was not large enough. The return value
+ tries to help set what the retry length should be. */
+ b->data[b->slen] = '\0';
+ if (r > count + 1) { /* Does r specify a particular target length? */
+ n = r;
+ } else {
+ n = count + count; /* If not, just double the size of count */
+ if (count > n) n = INT_MAX;
+ }
+ n = -n;
+ if (n > BSTR_ERR-1) n = BSTR_ERR-1;
+ return n;