path: root/spec.txt
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diff --git a/spec.txt b/spec.txt
index dbe779b..c226866 100644
--- a/spec.txt
+++ b/spec.txt
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
title: CommonMark Spec
- John MacFarlane
-version: 1
-date: 2014-09-06
+version: 0.5
+date: 2014-10-25
# Introduction
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ In the examples, the `→` character is used to represent tabs.
# Preprocessing
A [line](#line) <a id="line"></a>
-is a sequence of zero or more characters followed by a line
-ending (CR, LF, or CRLF) or by the end of
+is a sequence of zero or more [characters](#character) followed by a
+line ending (CR, LF, or CRLF) or by the end of file.
+A [character](#character)<a id="character"></a> is a unicode code point.
This spec does not specify an encoding; it thinks of lines as composed
of characters rather than bytes. A conforming parser may be limited
to a certain encoding.
@@ -377,16 +377,18 @@ Spaces are allowed at the end:
<hr />
-However, no other characters may occur at the end or the
+However, no other characters may occur in the line:
_ _ _ _ a
<p>_ _ _ _ a</p>
It is required that all of the non-space characters be the same.
@@ -426,8 +428,11 @@ bar
-Note, however, that this is a setext header, not a paragraph followed
-by a horizontal rule:
+If a line of dashes that meets the above conditions for being a
+horizontal rule could also be interpreted as the underline of a [setext
+header](#setext-header), the interpretation as a
+[setext-header](#setext-header) takes precedence. Thus, for example,
+this is a setext header, not a paragraph followed by a horizontal rule:
@@ -662,7 +667,10 @@ ATX headers can be empty:
A [setext header](#setext-header) <a id="setext-header"></a>
consists of a line of text, containing at least one nonspace character,
with no more than 3 spaces indentation, followed by a [setext header
-underline](#setext-header-underline). A [setext header
+underline](#setext-header-underline). The line of text must be
+one that, were it not followed by the setext header underline,
+would be interpreted as part of a paragraph: it cannot be a code
+block, header, blockquote, horizontal rule, or list. A [setext header
underline](#setext-header-underline) <a id="setext-header-underline"></a>
is a sequence of `=` characters or a sequence of `-` characters, with no
more than 3 spaces indentation and any number of trailing
@@ -807,7 +815,8 @@ of dashes"/>
<p>of dashes&quot;/&gt;</p>
-The setext header underline cannot be a lazy line:
+The setext header underline cannot be a [lazy continuation
+line](#lazy-continuation-line) in a list item or block quote:
> Foo
@@ -819,6 +828,16 @@ The setext header underline cannot be a lazy line:
<hr />
+- Foo
+<hr />
A setext header cannot interrupt a paragraph:
@@ -863,6 +882,56 @@ Setext headers cannot be empty:
+Setext header text lines must not be interpretable as block
+constructs other than paragraphs. So, the line of dashes
+in these examples gets interpreted as a horizontal rule:
+<hr />
+<hr />
+- foo
+<hr />
+ foo
+<hr />
+> foo
+<hr />
+If you want a header with `> foo` as its literal text, you can
+use backslash escapes:
+\> foo
+<h2>&gt; foo</h2>
## Indented code blocks
@@ -1058,7 +1127,7 @@ a blank line either before or after.
The content of a code fence is treated as literal text, not parsed
as inlines. The first word of the info string is typically used to
specify the language of the code sample, and rendered in the `class`
-attribute of the `pre` tag. However, this spec does not mandate any
+attribute of the `code` tag. However, this spec does not mandate any
particular treatment of the info string.
Here is a simple example with backticks:
@@ -1405,8 +1474,8 @@ name is one of the following (case-insensitive):
`output`, `col`, `p`, `colgroup`, `pre`, `dd`, `progress`, `div`,
`section`, `dl`, `table`, `td`, `dt`, `tbody`, `embed`, `textarea`,
`fieldset`, `tfoot`, `figcaption`, `th`, `figure`, `thead`, `footer`,
-`footer`, `tr`, `form`, `ul`, `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`, `h5`, `h6`,
-`video`, `script`, `style`.
+`tr`, `form`, `ul`, `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`, `h5`, `h6`, `video`,
+`script`, `style`.
An [HTML block](#html-block) <a id="html-block"></a> begins with an
[HTML block tag](#html-block-tag), [HTML comment](#html-comment),
@@ -1451,7 +1520,7 @@ okay.
-Here we have two code blocks with a Markdown paragraph between them:
+Here we have two HTML blocks with a Markdown paragraph between them:
<DIV CLASS="foo">
@@ -1497,11 +1566,11 @@ A processing instruction:
- echo 'foo'
+ echo '>';
- echo 'foo'
+ echo '>';
@@ -1732,7 +1801,7 @@ them.
[Foo bar]
-<p><a href="my url" title="title">Foo bar</a></p>
+<p><a href="my%20url" title="title">Foo bar</a></p>
The title may be omitted:
@@ -1795,7 +1864,7 @@ case-insensitive (see [matches](#matches)).
-<p><a href="/φου">αγω</a></p>
+<p><a href="/%CF%86%CE%BF%CF%85">αγω</a></p>
Here is a link reference definition with no corresponding link.
@@ -1996,8 +2065,8 @@ bbb
Final spaces are stripped before inline parsing, so a paragraph
-that ends with two or more spaces will not end with a hard line
+that ends with two or more spaces will not end with a [hard line
@@ -2044,11 +2113,11 @@ form of the definition is:
> transforming X in such-and-such a way is a container of type Y
> with these blocks as its content.
-So, we explain what counts as a block quote or list item by
-explaining how these can be *generated* from their contents.
-This should suffice to define the syntax, although it does not
-give a recipe for *parsing* these constructions. (A recipe is
-provided below in the section entitled [A parsing strategy].)
+So, we explain what counts as a block quote or list item by explaining
+how these can be *generated* from their contents. This should suffice
+to define the syntax, although it does not give a recipe for *parsing*
+these constructions. (A recipe is provided below in the section entitled
+[A parsing strategy](#appendix-a-a-parsing-strategy).)
## Block quotes
@@ -2060,9 +2129,9 @@ The following rules define [block quotes](#block-quote):
<a id="block-quote"></a>
1. **Basic case.** If a string of lines *Ls* constitute a sequence
- of blocks *Bs*, then the result of appending a [block quote marker]
- to the beginning of each line in *Ls* is a [block quote](#block-quote)
- containing *Bs*.
+ of blocks *Bs*, then the result of prepending a [block quote
+ marker](#block-quote-marker) to the beginning of each line in *Ls*
+ is a [block quote](#block-quote) containing *Bs*.
2. **Laziness.** If a string of lines *Ls* constitute a [block
quote](#block-quote) with contents *Bs*, then the result of deleting
@@ -2425,7 +2494,8 @@ An [ordered list marker](#ordered-list-marker) <a id="ordered-list-marker"></a>
is a sequence of one of more digits (`0-9`), followed by either a
`.` character or a `)` character.
-The following rules define [list items](#list-item):
+The following rules define [list items](#list-item):<a
1. **Basic case.** If a sequence of lines *Ls* constitute a sequence of
blocks *Bs* starting with a non-space character and not separated
@@ -2876,9 +2946,11 @@ Four spaces indent gives a code block:
some or all of the indentation from one or more lines in which the
next non-space character after the indentation is
[paragraph continuation text](#paragraph-continuation-text) is a
- list item with the same contents and attributes.
+ list item with the same contents and attributes.<a
+ id="lazy-continuation-line"></a>
-Here is an example with lazy continuation lines:
+Here is an example with [lazy continuation
1. A paragraph
@@ -3055,6 +3127,21 @@ A list item may be empty:
+A list item can contain a header:
+- # Foo
+- Bar
+ ---
+ baz
### Motivation
John Gruber's Markdown spec says the following about list items:
@@ -3260,12 +3347,12 @@ of an [ordered list](#ordered-list) is determined by the list number of
its initial list item. The numbers of subsequent list items are
-A list is [loose](#loose) if it any of its constituent list items are
-separated by blank lines, or if any of its constituent list items
-directly contain two block-level elements with a blank line between
-them. Otherwise a list is [tight](#tight). (The difference in HTML output
-is that paragraphs in a loose with are wrapped in `<p>` tags, while
-paragraphs in a tight list are not.)
+A list is [loose](#loose)<a id="loose"></a> if it any of its constituent
+list items are separated by blank lines, or if any of its constituent
+list items directly contain two block-level elements with a blank line
+between them. Otherwise a list is [tight](#tight).<a id="tight"></a>
+(The difference in HTML output is that paragraphs in a loose list are
+wrapped in `<p>` tags, while paragraphs in a tight list are not.)
Changing the bullet or ordered list delimiter starts a new list:
@@ -3297,6 +3384,87 @@ Changing the bullet or ordered list delimiter starts a new list:
+In CommonMark, a list can interrupt a paragraph. That is,
+no blank line is needed to separate a paragraph from a following
+- bar
+- baz
+`Markdown.pl` does not allow this, through fear of triggering a list
+via a numeral in a hard-wrapped line:
+The number of windows in my house is
+14. The number of doors is 6.
+<p>The number of windows in my house is</p>
+<ol start="14">
+<li>The number of doors is 6.</li>
+Oddly, `Markdown.pl` *does* allow a blockquote to interrupt a paragraph,
+even though the same considerations might apply. We think that the two
+cases should be treated the same. Here are two reasons for allowing
+lists to interrupt paragraphs:
+First, it is natural and not uncommon for people to start lists without
+blank lines:
+ I need to buy
+ - new shoes
+ - a coat
+ - a plane ticket
+Second, we are attracted to a
+> [principle of uniformity](#principle-of-uniformity):<a
+> id="principle-of-uniformity"></a> if a span of text has a certain
+> meaning, it will continue to have the same meaning when put into a list
+> item.
+(Indeed, the spec for [list items](#list-item) presupposes this.)
+This principle implies that if
+ * I need to buy
+ - new shoes
+ - a coat
+ - a plane ticket
+is a list item containing a paragraph followed by a nested sublist,
+as all Markdown implementations agree it is (though the paragraph
+may be rendered without `<p>` tags, since the list is "tight"),
+ I need to buy
+ - new shoes
+ - a coat
+ - a plane ticket
+by itself should be a paragraph followed by a nested sublist.
+Our adherence to the [principle of uniformity](#principle-of-uniformity)
+thus inclines us to think that there are two coherent packages:
+1. Require blank lines before *all* lists and blockquotes,
+ including lists that occur as sublists inside other list items.
+2. Require blank lines in none of these places.
+[reStructuredText](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html) takes
+the first approach, for which there is much to be said. But the second
+seems more consistent with established practice with Markdown.
There can be blank lines between items, but two blank lines end
a list:
@@ -3513,8 +3681,8 @@ This is a tight list, because the blank lines are in a code block:
This is a tight list, because the blank line is between two
-paragraphs of a sublist. So the inner list is loose while
-the other list is tight:
+paragraphs of a sublist. So the sublist is loose while
+the outer list is tight:
- a
@@ -3700,7 +3868,8 @@ If a backslash is itself escaped, the following character is not:
-A backslash at the end of the line is a hard line break:
+A backslash at the end of the line is a [hard line
@@ -3736,9 +3905,9 @@ raw HTML:
-<p><a href="http://google.com?find=\*">http://google.com?find=\*</a></p>
+<p><a href="http://example.com?find=%5C*">http://example.com?find=\*</a></p>
@@ -3777,47 +3946,65 @@ foo
## Entities
-Entities are parsed as entities, not as literal text, in all contexts
-except code spans and code blocks. Three kinds of entities are recognized.
+With the goal of making this standard as HTML-agnostic as possible, all
+valid HTML entities in any context are recognized as such and
+converted into unicode characters before they are stored in the AST.
+This allows implementations that target HTML output to trivially escape
+the entities when generating HTML, and simplifies the job of
+implementations targetting other languages, as these will only need to
+handle the unicode chars and need not be HTML-entity aware.
[Named entities](#name-entities) <a id="named-entities"></a> consist of `&`
-+ a string of 2-32 alphanumerics beginning with a letter + `;`.
++ any of the valid HTML5 entity names + `;`. The
+[following document](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/entities.json)
+is used as an authoritative source of the valid entity names and their
+corresponding codepoints.
+Conforming implementations that target HTML don't need to generate
+entities for all the valid named entities that exist, with the exception
+of `"` (`&quot;`), `&` (`&amp;`), `<` (`&lt;`) and `>` (`&gt;`), which
+always need to be written as entities for security reasons.
&nbsp; &amp; &copy; &AElig; &Dcaron; &frac34; &HilbertSpace; &DifferentialD; &ClockwiseContourIntegral;
-<p>&nbsp; &amp; &copy; &AElig; &Dcaron; &frac34; &HilbertSpace; &DifferentialD; &ClockwiseContourIntegral;</p>
+<p>  &amp; © Æ Ď ¾ ℋ ⅆ ∲</p>
[Decimal entities](#decimal-entities) <a id="decimal-entities"></a>
-consist of `&#` + a string of 1--8 arabic digits + `;`.
+consist of `&#` + a string of 1--8 arabic digits + `;`. Again, these
+entities need to be recognised and tranformed into their corresponding
+UTF8 codepoints. Invalid Unicode codepoints will be written as the
+"unknown codepoint" character (`0xFFFD`)
-&#1; &#35; &#1234; &#992; &#98765432;
+&#35; &#1234; &#992; &#98765432;
-<p>&#1; &#35; &#1234; &#992; &#98765432;</p>
+<p># Ӓ Ϡ �</p>
[Hexadecimal entities](#hexadecimal-entities) <a id="hexadecimal-entities"></a>
consist of `&#` + either `X` or `x` + a string of 1-8 hexadecimal digits
-+ `;`.
++ `;`. They will also be parsed and turned into their corresponding UTF8 values in the AST.
-&#x1; &#X22; &#XD06; &#xcab;
+&#X22; &#XD06; &#xcab;
-<p>&#x1; &#X22; &#XD06; &#xcab;</p>
+<p>&quot; ആ ಫ</p>
Here are some nonentities:
-&nbsp &x; &#; &#x; &#123456789; &ThisIsWayTooLongToBeAnEntityIsntIt; &hi?;
+&nbsp &x; &#; &#x; &ThisIsWayTooLongToBeAnEntityIsntIt; &hi?;
-<p>&amp;nbsp &amp;x; &amp;#; &amp;#x; &amp;#123456789; &amp;ThisIsWayTooLongToBeAnEntityIsntIt; &amp;hi?;</p>
+<p>&amp;nbsp &amp;x; &amp;#; &amp;#x; &amp;ThisIsWayTooLongToBeAnEntityIsntIt; &amp;hi?;</p>
Although HTML5 does accept some entities without a trailing semicolon
-(such as `&copy`), these are not recognized as entities here:
+(such as `&copy`), these are not recognized as entities here, because it
+makes the grammar too ambiguous:
@@ -3825,13 +4012,13 @@ Although HTML5 does accept some entities without a trailing semicolon
-On the other hand, many strings that are not on the list of HTML5
-named entities are recognized as entities here:
+Strings that are not on the list of HTML5 named entities are not
+recognized as entities either:
Entities are recognized in any context besides code spans or
@@ -3847,7 +4034,7 @@ code blocks, including raw HTML, URLs, [link titles](#link-title), and
[foo](/f&ouml;&ouml; "f&ouml;&ouml;")
-<p><a href="/f&ouml;&ouml;" title="f&ouml;&ouml;">foo</a></p>
+<p><a href="/f%C3%B6%C3%B6" title="föö">foo</a></p>
@@ -3855,7 +4042,7 @@ code blocks, including raw HTML, URLs, [link titles](#link-title), and
[foo]: /f&ouml;&ouml; "f&ouml;&ouml;"
-<p><a href="/f&ouml;&ouml;" title="f&ouml;&ouml;">foo</a></p>
+<p><a href="/f%C3%B6%C3%B6" title="föö">foo</a></p>
@@ -3863,7 +4050,7 @@ code blocks, including raw HTML, URLs, [link titles](#link-title), and
-<pre><code class="language-f&ouml;&ouml;">foo
+<pre><code class="language-föö">foo
@@ -3996,7 +4183,7 @@ But this is a link:
-<p><a href="http://foo.bar.`baz">http://foo.bar.`baz</a>`</p>
+<p><a href="http://foo.bar.%60baz">http://foo.bar.`baz</a>`</p>
And this is an HTML tag:
@@ -4074,15 +4261,15 @@ for efficient parsing strategies that do not backtrack:
(a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `*`s,
(b) it is not followed by whitespace, and
(c) either it is not followed by a `*` character or it is
- followed immediately by strong emphasis.
+ followed immediately by emphasis or strong emphasis.
2. A single `_` character [can open emphasis](#can-open-emphasis) iff
(a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `_`s,
(b) it is not followed by whitespace,
- (c) is is not preceded by an ASCII alphanumeric character, and
+ (c) it is not preceded by an ASCII alphanumeric character, and
(d) either it is not followed by a `_` character or it is
- followed immediately by strong emphasis.
+ followed immediately by emphasis or strong emphasis.
3. A single `*` character [can close emphasis](#can-close-emphasis)
<a id="can-close-emphasis"></a> iff
@@ -4127,16 +4314,42 @@ for efficient parsing strategies that do not backtrack:
(c) it is not followed by an ASCII alphanumeric character.
9. Emphasis begins with a delimiter that [can open
- emphasis](#can-open-emphasis) and includes inlines parsed
- sequentially until a delimiter that [can close
+ emphasis](#can-open-emphasis) and ends with a delimiter that [can close
emphasis](#can-close-emphasis), and that uses the same
- character (`_` or `*`) as the opening delimiter, is reached.
+ character (`_` or `*`) as the opening delimiter. The inlines
+ between the open delimiter and the closing delimiter are the
+ contents of the emphasis inline.
10. Strong emphasis begins with a delimiter that [can open strong
- emphasis](#can-open-strong-emphasis) and includes inlines parsed
- sequentially until a delimiter that [can close strong
- emphasis](#can-close-strong-emphasis), and that uses the
- same character (`_` or `*`) as the opening delimiter, is reached.
+ emphasis](#can-open-strong-emphasis) and ends with a delimiter that
+ [can close strong emphasis](#can-close-strong-emphasis), and that uses the
+ same character (`_` or `*`) as the opening delimiter. The inlines
+ between the open delimiter and the closing delimiter are the
+ contents of the strong emphasis inline.
+Where rules 1--10 above are compatible with multiple parsings,
+the following principles resolve ambiguity:
+11. An interpretation `<strong>...</strong>` is always preferred to
+ `<em><em>...</em></em>`.
+12. An interpretation `<strong><em>...</em></strong>` is always
+ preferred to `<em><strong>..</strong></em>`.
+13. Earlier closings are preferred to later closings. Thus,
+ when two potential emphasis or strong emphasis spans overlap,
+ the first takes precedence: for example, `*foo _bar* baz_`
+ is parsed as `<em>foo _bar</em> baz_` rather than
+ `*foo <em>bar* baz</em>`. For the same reason,
+ `**foo*bar**` is parsed as `<em><em>foo</em>bar</em>*`
+ rather than `<strong>foo*bar</strong>`.
+14. Inline code spans, links, images, and HTML tags group more tightly
+ than emphasis. So, when there is a choice between an interpretation
+ that contains one of these elements and one that does not, the
+ former always wins. Thus, for example, `*[foo*](bar)` is
+ parsed as `*<a href="bar">foo*</a>` rather than as
+ `<em>[foo</em>](bar)`.
These rules can be illustrated through a series of examples.
@@ -4384,6 +4597,32 @@ __this is a double underscore (`__`)__
<p><strong>this is a double underscore (<code>__</code>)</strong></p>
+Or use the other emphasis character:
`*` delimiters allow intra-word emphasis; `_` delimiters do not:
@@ -4559,6 +4798,36 @@ __foo _bar_ baz__
<p><strong>foo <em>bar</em> baz</strong></p>
+**foo, *bar*, baz**
+<p><strong>foo, <em>bar</em>, baz</strong></p>
+__foo, _bar_, baz__
+<p><strong>foo, <em>bar</em>, baz</strong></p>
+But note:
+The difference is that in the two preceding cases,
+the internal delimiters [can close emphasis](#can-close-emphasis),
+while in the cases with spaces, they cannot.
Note that you cannot nest emphasis directly inside emphasis
using the same delimeter, or strong emphasis directly inside
strong emphasis:
@@ -4640,7 +4909,7 @@ However, a string of four or more `****` can never close emphasis:
-Note that there are some asymmetries here:
+We retain symmetry in these cases:
@@ -4648,7 +4917,7 @@ Note that there are some asymmetries here:
@@ -4657,18 +4926,12 @@ Note that there are some asymmetries here:
**foo* bar*
<p><em>foo <em>bar</em></em></p>
-<p>**foo* bar*</p>
+<p><em><em>foo</em> bar</em></p>
More cases with mismatched delimiters:
-**foo* bar*
-<p>**foo* bar*</p>
@@ -4677,7 +4940,7 @@ More cases with mismatched delimiters:
@@ -4689,7 +4952,7 @@ More cases with mismatched delimiters:
@@ -4698,6 +4961,46 @@ More cases with mismatched delimiters:
<p>***foo <em>bar</em></p>
+The following cases illustrate rule 13:
+*foo _bar* baz_
+<p><em>foo _bar</em> baz_</p>
+**foo bar* baz**
+<p><em><em>foo bar</em> baz</em>*</p>
+The following cases illustrate rule 14:
+<p>*<a href="bar">foo*</a></p>
+<p>*<img src="bar" alt="foo*" /></p>
+*<img src="foo" title="*"/>
+<p>*<img src="foo" title="*"/></p>
## Links
A link contains a [link label](#link-label) (the visible text),
@@ -4805,7 +5108,7 @@ braces:
[link](</my uri>)
-<p><a href="/my uri">link</a></p>
+<p><a href="/my%20uri">link</a></p>
The destination cannot contain line breaks, even with pointy braces:
@@ -4856,12 +5159,15 @@ in Markdown:
<p><a href="foo):">link</a></p>
-URL-escaping and entities should be left alone inside the destination:
+URL-escaping should be left alone inside the destination, as all
+URL-escaped characters are also valid URL characters. HTML entities in
+the destination will be parsed into their UTF-8 codepoints, as usual, and
+optionally URL-escaped when written as HTML.
-<p><a href="foo%20b&auml;">link</a></p>
+<p><a href="foo%20b%C3%A4">link</a></p>
Note that, because titles can often be parsed as destinations,
@@ -4871,7 +5177,7 @@ get unexpected results:
-<p><a href="&quot;title&quot;">link</a></p>
+<p><a href="%22title%22">link</a></p>
Titles may be in single quotes, double quotes, or parentheses:
@@ -5541,9 +5847,9 @@ spec](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/forms.html#e-m
Examples of email autolinks:
-<p><a href="mailto:foo@bar.baz.com">foo@bar.baz.com</a></p>
+<p><a href="mailto:foo@bar.example.com">foo@bar.example.com</a></p>
@@ -5585,15 +5891,15 @@ These are not autolinks:
## Raw HTML
@@ -5833,7 +6139,8 @@ Backslash escapes do not work in HTML attributes:
## Hard line breaks
A line break (not in a code span or HTML tag) that is preceded
-by two or more spaces is parsed as a linebreak (rendered
+by two or more spaces is parsed as a [hard line
+break](#hard-line-break)<a id="hard-line-break"></a> (rendered
in HTML as a `<br />` tag):