path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d35b9d..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS?=-g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -Isrc -Wno-missing-field-initializers $(OPTFLAGS)
-LDFLAGS?=-g -O3 -Wall -Werror
-.PHONY: all test spec benchjs testjs
-all: $(SRCDIR)/case_fold_switch.inc $(PROG)
-README.html: README.md template.html
- pandoc --template template.html -S -s -t html5 -o $@ $<
-spec: test spec.html
-spec.md: spec.txt
- perl spec2md.pl < $< > $@
-spec.html: spec.md template.html
- pandoc --no-highlight --number-sections --template template.html -s --toc -S $< > $@ # | perl -pe 's/␣/<span class="space"> <\/span>/g' > $@
-narrative.html: narrative.md template.html
- pandoc --template template.html -s -S $< -o $@
-spec.pdf: spec.md template.tex specfilter.hs
- pandoc -s $< --template template.tex \
- --filter ./specfilter.hs -o $@ --latex-engine=xelatex --toc \
- --number-sections -V documentclass=report -V tocdepth=2 \
- -V classoption=twosides
-test: spec.txt
- perl runtests.pl $< $(PROG)
-testjs: spec.txt
- node js/test.js
-# perl runtests.pl js/markdown $<
- node js/bench.js ${BENCHINP}
-HTML_OBJ=$(SRCDIR)/html/html.o $(SRCDIR)/html/houdini_href_e.o $(SRCDIR)/html/houdini_html_e.o $(SRCDIR)/html/houdini_html_u.o
-STMD_OBJ=$(SRCDIR)/inlines.o $(SRCDIR)/buffer.o $(SRCDIR)/blocks.o $(SRCDIR)/scanners.c $(SRCDIR)/print.o $(SRCDIR)/utf8.o $(SRCDIR)/references.c
-$(PROG): $(SRCDIR)/html/html_unescape.h $(SRCDIR)/case_fold_switch.inc $(HTML_OBJ) $(STMD_OBJ) $(SRCDIR)/main.c
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(HTML_OBJ) $(STMD_OBJ) $(SRCDIR)/main.c
-$(SRCDIR)/scanners.c: $(SRCDIR)/scanners.re
- re2c --case-insensitive -bis $< > $@ || (rm $@ && false)
-$(SRCDIR)/case_fold_switch.inc: $(DATADIR)/CaseFolding-3.2.0.txt
- perl mkcasefold.pl < $< > $@
-$(SRCDIR)/html/html_unescape.h: $(SRCDIR)/html/html_unescape.gperf
- gperf -I -t -N find_entity -H hash_entity -K entity -C -l --null-strings -m5 $< > $@
-.PHONY: leakcheck clean fuzztest dingus upload
- cd js && echo "Starting dingus server at http://localhost:9000" && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000
-leakcheck: $(PROG)
- # TODO produce leaktest.md that tests everything
- cat leaktest.md | valgrind --leak-check=full --dsymutil=yes $(PROG)
-operf: $(PROG)
- operf $(PROG) <bench.md >/dev/null
- for i in `seq 1 10`; do \
- time cat /dev/urandom | head -c 100000 | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 | $(PROG) >/dev/null; done
-update-site: spec.html narrative.html
- cp spec.html _site/
- cp narrative.html _site/index.html
- cp -r js/* _site/js/
- (cd _site ; git pull ; git commit -a -m "Updated site for latest spec, narrative, js" ; git push; cd ..)
- -rm -f test $(SRCDIR)/*.o $(SRCDIR)/scanners.c $(SRCDIR)/html/*.o
- -rm -rf *.dSYM
- -rm -f README.html
- -rm -f spec.md fuzz.txt spec.html