path: root/tools/makespec.py
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-01-08 12:15:31 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-01-10 21:32:21 -0800
commit2413d436ed98866e9a70fbd4070a5da52dd97cd5 (patch)
tree0cacf842df8115e93e3de1ce9a1613cee13474be /tools/makespec.py
parent1357f2859ecb128636ea7a764b70407dca4e4015 (diff)
New format for spec tests, new lua formatter for specs.
The format for the spec examples has changed from . markdown . html . to ```````````````````````````````` example markdown . html ```````````````````````````````` One advantage of this is that `spec.txt` becomes a valid Markdown file. `tests/spec_test.py` has been changed to use the new format. The old `tools/makespec.py` has been replaced by a lua program, `tools/make_spec.lua`, which uses the `lcmark` rock (and indirectly libcmark). It can generate html, latex, and commonmark versions of the spec. Pandoc is no longer needed for the latex/PDF version. And, since the new program uses the cmark API and operates directly on the parse tree, we avoid certain bad results we got with the regex replacements done by the python script.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/makespec.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/tools/makespec.py b/tools/makespec.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ef924a..0000000
--- a/tools/makespec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-import sys
-from subprocess import *
-from string import Template
-def out(str):
- sys.stdout.buffer.write(str.encode('utf-8'))
-def err(str):
- sys.stderr.buffer.write(str.encode('utf-8'))
-if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- specformat = sys.argv[1]
- if not (specformat in ["html", "markdown"]):
- err("Format must be html or markdown\n")
- exit(1)
- err("Usage: makespec.py [html|markdown]\n")
- exit(1)
-def toIdentifier(s):
- return re.sub(r'\s+', '-', re.sub(r'\W+', ' ', s.strip().lower()))
-def parseYaml(yaml):
- metadata = {}
- def parseField(match):
- key = match.group(1)
- val = match.group(2).strip()
- if re.match(r'^\'', val):
- val = val[1:len(val) - 1]
- metadata[key] = val
- fieldre = re.compile('^(\w+):(.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
- re.sub(fieldre, parseField, yaml)
- return metadata
-def pipe_through_prog(prog, text):
- result = check_output(prog.split(), input=text.encode('utf-8'))
- return result.decode('utf-8')
-def replaceAnchor(match):
- refs.append("[{0}]: #{1}".format(match.group(1), match.group(2)))
- if specformat == "html":
- return '<a id="{1}" href="#{1}" class="definition">{0}</a>'.format(match.group(1), match.group(2))
- else:
- return match.group(0)
-stage = 0
-example = 0
-section = ""
-sections = []
-mdlines = []
-refs = []
-lastnum = []
-finishedMeta = False
-yamllines = []
-with open('spec.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as spec:
- for ln in spec:
- if not finishedMeta:
- yamllines.append(ln)
- if re.match(r'^\.\.\.$', ln):
- finishedMeta = True
- elif re.match(r'^\.$', ln):
- if stage == 0:
- example += 1
- mdlines.append("\n<div class=\"example\" id=\"example-{0}\" data-section=\"{1}\">\n".format(example, section))
- mdlines.append("<div class=\"examplenum\"><a href=\"#example-{0}\">Example {0}</a>".format(example))
- if specformat == "html":
- mdlines.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\"dingus\" title=\"open in interactive dingus\">(interact)</a>")
- mdlines.append("</div>\n<div class=\"column\">\n\n")
- mdlines.append("````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` markdown\n")
- stage = 1
- elif stage == 1:
- mdlines.append("`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````\n\n")
- mdlines.append("\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"column\">\n\n")
- mdlines.append("````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` html\n")
- stage = 2
- elif stage == 2:
- mdlines.append("`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````\n\n")
- mdlines.append("</div>\n</div>\n")
- stage = 0
- else:
- sys.stderr.out("Encountered unknown stage {0}\n".format(stage))
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if stage == 0:
- match = re.match(r'^(#{1,6}) *(.*)', ln)
- if match:
- section = match.group(2)
- lastlevel = len(lastnum)
- level = len(match.group(1))
- if re.search(r'{-}$', section):
- section = re.sub(r' *{-} *$', '', section)
- if specformat == 'html':
- ln = re.sub(r' *{-} *$', '', ln)
- number = ''
- else:
- if lastlevel == level:
- lastnum[level - 1] = lastnum[level - 1] + 1
- elif lastlevel < level:
- while len(lastnum) < level:
- lastnum.append(1)
- else: # lastlevel > level
- lastnum = lastnum[0:level]
- lastnum[level - 1] = lastnum[level - 1] + 1
- number = '.'.join([str(x) for x in lastnum])
- ident = toIdentifier(section)
- ln = re.sub(r' ', ' <span class="number">' + number + '</span> ', ln, count=1)
- sections.append(dict(level=level,
- contents=section,
- ident=ident,
- number=number))
- refs.append("[{0}]: #{1}".format(section, ident))
- ln = re.sub(r'# +', '# <a id="{0}"></a>'.format(ident),
- ln, count=1)
- else:
- ln = re.sub(r' ', '␣', ln)
- mdlines.append(ln)
-mdtext = re.sub(r'\[([^]]*)\]\(@([^)]*)\)', replaceAnchor,
- ''.join(mdlines)) + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(refs) + '\n'
-yaml = ''.join(yamllines)
-metadata = parseYaml(yaml)
-if specformat == "markdown":
- out(yaml + '\n\n' + mdtext)
-elif specformat == "html":
- with open("tools/template.html", "r", encoding="utf-8") as templatefile:
- template = Template(templatefile.read())
- toclines = []
- for section in sections:
- if section['level'] <= 2:
- indent = ' ' * (section['level'] - 1)
- toclines.append(indent + '* [' + section['number'] + ' ' +
- section['contents'] + '](#' + section['ident'] + ')')
- toc = '<div id="TOC">\n\n' + '\n'.join(toclines) + '\n\n</div>\n\n'
- prog = "cmark --smart"
- result = pipe_through_prog(prog, toc + mdtext)
- if result == '':
- err("Error converting markdown version of spec to HTML.\n")
- exit(1)
- else:
- result = re.sub(r'␣', '<span class="space"> </span>', result)
- result = re.sub(r'<h([1-6])><a id="([^\"]*)"><\/a> ',
- "<h\\1 id=\"\\2\">", result)
- # put plural s inside links for better visuals:
- result = re.sub(r'<\/a>s', "s</a>", result)
- out(template.substitute(metadata, body=result))
- # check for errors:
- idents = []
- for ident in re.findall(r'id="([^"]*)"', result):
- if ident in idents:
- err("WARNING: duplicate identifier '" + ident + "'\n")
- else:
- idents.append(ident)
- for href in re.findall(r'href="#([^"]*)"', result):
- if not (href in idents):
- err("WARNING: internal link with no anchor '" + href + "'\n")
- reftexts = []
- for ref in refs:
- ref = re.sub('].*',']',ref).upper()
- if ref in reftexts:
- err("WARNING: duplicate reference link '" + ref + "'\n")
- else:
- reftexts.append(ref)