#!/bin/sh set -e #### # Helper script to update the Last modified timestamp of files in a Git SCM # Projects working Copy # # When you clone a Git repository, it sets the timestamp of all the files to the # time when you cloned the repository. # # This becomes a problem when you want the cloned repository, which is part of a # Web application have a proper cacheing mechanism so that it can re-cache files # (into a webtree) that have been modified since the last cache. # # @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964470/whats-the-equivalent-of-use-commit-times-for-git # # Author: Jeffery Fernandez <jeffery@fernandez.net.au> #### # # Original source: http://www.jefferyfernandez.id.au/2011/07/30/update-timestamp-of-files-in-checked-out-git-repository/ # Make sure we are not running this on a bare Repository REPO_TYPE=`git config --list|egrep ^core.bare | awk -F '=' '{ print $2 }'` if [ "$REPO_TYPE" = "true" ] then echo "Cannot run this script on a bare Repository" && exit 1 fi echo "Updating Git Repository Last Modified Time-stamp" # Obtain the Operating System OS=${OS:-`uname`} # Get the last revision hash of a particular file in the git repository getFileLastRevision() { git rev-list HEAD "$1" | head -n 1 } # Extract the actual last modified timestamp of the file and Update the time-stamp updateFileTimeStamp() { # Extract the file revision FILE_REVISION_HASH=`getFileLastRevision "$1"` # Get the File last modified time FILE_MODIFIED_TIME=`git show --pretty=format:%ai --abbrev-commit ${FILE_REVISION_HASH} | head -n 1` # Extract the last modified timestamp, differently for Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X if [ "$OS" = 'Linux' ] then # for displaying the date in readable format #FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP=`date --date="${FILE_MODIFIED_TIME}" +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S %z'` #echo "Modified: ${FILE_MODIFIED_TIME} | ${FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP} > ${1}" # Modify the last modified timestamp touch -d "${FILE_MODIFIED_TIME}" $2 elif [ "$OS" = 'Darwin' ] || [ "$OS" = 'FreeBSD' ] then # Format the date for updating the timestamp FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP=`date -j -f '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' "${FILE_MODIFIED_TIME}" +'%Y%m%d%H%M.%S'` #echo "Modified: ${FILE_MODIFIED_TIME} | ${FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP} > ${1}" # Modify the last modified timestamp touch -t "${FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP}" $2 else echo "Unknown Operating System to perform timestamp update" >&2 exit 1 fi } # Backup and update the "Internal Field Separator" to a newline. This is so that # we can deal with spaces in file names in the for loop below IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=" " # Loop through and fix timestamps on all files in our checked-out repository for file in $(git ls-files) do updateFileTimeStamp "${file}" "${file}" done # Revert the default delimiter IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK=