# Apache2 snippet to proxy netdata service # # example uses: # # # ServerName simple.example.org # # Include conf-available/local-netdata.conf # # # # ServerName complex.example.org # # Define _NETDATA_SOCKET /var/lib/netdata/netdata.socket # # DefineExternalAuth pwauth pipe /usr/sbin/pwauth # # AuthType Basic # AuthName "Netdata service access" # AuthBasicProvider external # AuthExternal pwauth # AllowOverride None # Require valid-user # # # Include conf-available/local-netdata.conf # # UnDefine _NETDATA_SOCKET # UnDefine _NETDATA_PORT # UnDefine _NETDATA_PREFIX # # Netdata port to proxy into (fake, if Unix socket also provided) Define _NETDATA_PORT 19999 # path prefix Define _NETDATA_PREFIX /netdata ProxyPass unix:${_NETDATA_SOCKET}|http://localhost:${_NETDATA_PORT}/ connectiontimeout=5 timeout=30 keepalive=on ProxyPassReverse unix:${_NETDATA_SOCKET}|http://localhost:${_NETDATA_PORT}/ ProxyPass http://localhost:${_NETDATA_PORT}/ connectiontimeout=5 timeout=30 keepalive=on ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:${_NETDATA_PORT}/ RedirectMatch permanent ${_NETDATA_PREFIX} ${_NETDATA_PREFIX}/