Known issues with OpenBSD: ============================= 1) Dataset creation does not work on OpenBSD Workaround: Create the database manually. These instructions assume you are in the LedgerSMB root directory (/usr/local/ledgersmb/ by default). From the shell, create the database: $ createdb -U postgres lsmbdata Install PLPGSQL into that database: $ createlang -U postgres -d lsmbdata plpgsql Connect to the database: $ psql -U ledgersmb lsmbdata Import the Pg-database file: => \i sql/Pg-database.sql Import the apropraite chart of accounts (these are all listed in the sql directory with file names ending in chart.sql). For this example, we will use Default-chart.sql, but if there is a local version you should use that: => \i sql/Default_chart.sql If there is a local GIFI file (ending in -gifi.sql), for your chart, load that in the same way. Your database should be ready for use.