path: root/templates/spiff/invoice.tex.orig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/spiff/invoice.tex.orig')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/spiff/invoice.tex.orig b/templates/spiff/invoice.tex.orig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cc07be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/spiff/invoice.tex.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ \fontfamily{cmss}\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{
+ \parbox[b]{12cm}{
+ <%company%>
+ <%address%>}\hfill
+ \begin{tabular}[b]{rr@{}}
+ Tlf. & <%tel%>\\
+ Fax & <%fax%>
+ \end{tabular}
+ \rule[1.5ex]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
+ }
+\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%invnumber%>}{\usebox{\hdr}}
+%\thispagestyle{empty} use this with letterhead paper
+<%pagebreak 90 27 37%>
+ \rule{\textwidth}{2pt}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{tabularx}{7cm}{Xr@{}}
+ \textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%sumcarriedforward%>} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+\markright{<%company%>\hfill <%invnumber%>}
+ \textbf{Nummer} & \textbf{Beskrivelse} & \textbf{Antal} &
+ \textbf{Enhed} & \textbf{Pris} & \textbf{Rabat} & \textbf{Beløb} \\
+ & overført fra side <%lastpage%> & & & & & <%sumcarriedforward%> \\
+<%end pagebreak%>
+<%if address2%>
+<%end address2%>
+<%city%> <%state%> <%zipcode%>
+<%if country%>
+<%end country%>
+\textbf{F A K T U R A}
+ \textbf{Dato} & <%invdate%> \\
+ \textbf{Nummer} & <%invnumber%> \\
+ \textbf{Kunde} & <%customer_id%>
+ \textbf{Nummer} & \textbf{Beskrivelse} & \textbf{Antal} &
+ \textbf{Enhed} & \textbf{Pris} & \textbf{Rabat} & \textbf{Beløb} \\
+<%foreach number%>
+ <%number%> & <%description%> & <%qty%> &
+ <%unit%> & <%sellprice%> & <%discount%> & <%linetotal%> \\
+<%end number%>
+ \textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%subtotal%>} \\
+<%foreach tax%>
+ <%taxdescription%> på <%taxbase%> & <%tax%> \\
+<%end tax%>
+<%if paid%>
+ \textbf{Betalt} & - <%paid%> \\
+<%end paid%>
+ \hline
+ \textbf{At betale} & \textbf{<%total%>} \\
+ Alle priser i \textbf{<%currency%>}.
+<%if notes%>
+ <%notes%>
+<%end if%>
+\centerline{\textbf{Tak for handelen!}}
+Betalingsfrist <%terms%> dage fra fakturadato. Betaling herefter påregnes
+1.5\% per påbegyndt måned startende <%duedate%> og indtil det fulde beløb
+er betalt. Returnerede varer modregnes 10\% i ekspeditionsgebyr.
+Et returnummer skal tildeles af <%company%> før varer returneres.
+Returvarer skal forsendes forudbetalt og forsvarligt forsikret.
+<%company%> kan ikke drages til ansvar for skade under transport.}