# Ikiwiki for regular websites - technical details Here's a graph of the interaction between the various parts of ikiwiki itself and different kinds of users (see also the [[introduction|website]]): [[!graph height=12 width=12 src=""" { // rankdir=LR // rotate=90 center=1 /* roles */ reader [shape=house, label="Reader"] editor [shape=house, label="Editor"] designer [shape=house, label="Designer"] {rank=same; reader editor designer} /* targets */ webpages [label="static pages"] webpages_alt [label="alternative static pages"] webpages_searchresult [label="search results", style=dotted] {rank=same; webpages webpages_alt webpages_searchresult} /* engines */ css_engine [shape=box, label="Sass CSS renderer"] iki_engine [shape=box, label="Ikiwiki HTML renderer"] search_engine [shape=box, label="Xapian search engine"] {rank=same; search_engine css_engine} /* groupings */ subgraph cluster_clitools { label="desktop" style=dashed txt_designer [shape=plaintext, label="Markdown text"] css [shape=plaintext, label="Sass files"] media [shape=plaintext, label="graphics files"] vcs_css_local [shape=egg, label="Git repository"] vcs_txt_local [shape=egg, label="Git repository"] fs_local [shape=egg, label="filesystem"] } subgraph cluster_webtools { label="web" style=dashed txt_editor [shape=plaintext, label="Markdown text"] search_query [shape=plaintext, label="search query"] {rank=same browser_reader [label="browser"] browser_editor [label="browser"] browser_designer [label="browser"] } {rank=same search_form [label="search form", style=dotted] txt_form [label="content editing form", style=dotted] } } subgraph cluster_storage { label="server" style=dashed vcs_css [shape=egg, label="Git repository"] vcs_txt [shape=egg, label="Git repository"] fs [shape=egg, label="filesystem"] compass [shape=egg, label="Compass libraries"] {rank=same search_db [shape=plaintext, label="search index"] txt_stored [shape=plaintext, label="Markdown text"] media_stored [shape=plaintext, label="graphics files"] tmpl_stored [shape=plaintext, label="HTML templates"] css_stored [shape=plaintext, label="Sass files"] } } /* paths */ reader -> search_query -> browser_reader -> search_form -> search_engine -> webpages_searchresult search_db -> search_engine [dir=both] search_engine -> iki_engine [dir=back] editor -> txt_editor -> browser_editor -> txt_form -> vcs_txt -> txt_stored -> iki_engine -> webpages iki_engine -> webpages_alt designer -> txt_designer -> browser_designer -> txt_form txt_designer -> vcs_txt_local vcs_txt_local -> vcs_txt [dir=both] designer -> css -> vcs_css_local vcs_css_local -> vcs_css [dir=both] vcs_css -> css_stored -> css_engine compass -> css_engine -> iki_engine // compass -> css_stored [style="invis"] designer -> media -> fs_local fs_local -> fs [dir=both] fs -> media_stored -> iki_engine tmpl_stored -> iki_engine } """]] ---- See also the simpler graphs focusing on [[roles|ikiroles]] and on the [[design|ikidesign]].