#!/bin/sh # Name and (if wanted) default IP address of system hostname="usbstick" #domainname="example.tld" domainname="jones.dk" #hostdefaultip="" suite="sarge" baseworkdir="/home/CHR" diskhost="hykrion.jones.dk" loghost="" targettemp="$baseworkdir/tmproot" targettemp_fat="$baseworkdir/tmpfatroot" targettemp_isofs="$baseworkdir/tmpisoroot" targetoffline="$baseworkdir/flashybrid-off" # Set to one or more (space-delimited, max 4) of these: # SYSLINUX # ISOLINUX (not yet implemented) # GRUB (installs, but fails to load 2nd stage - please help! ) # LILO (not yet implemented) # First one will be used by default (hit "a" at MBR promt to select) # FIXME: fdisk code unfinished: leave it as "SYSLINUX GRUB" for now! #bootloaders="SYSLINUX GRUB" bootloaders="GRUB" # Uncomment one or more of these # (DFSBUILD, MKINITRD_CD and MKINITRD_NETBOOT not yet implemented) FLASHYBRID="yes" #DFSBUILD="yes" #MKINITRD_CD="yes" #MKINITRD_NETBOOT="yes" # Set to one of the following: # ext2 (recommended!) # ext3 # isofs (not yet supported) ROOTFS="ext2" # Set to prioritized list of filesystems you want used on the stick # (USB sticks have limited write count: avoid journalling filesystems) # (SYSLINUX use only 8.3 filenames, so msdos might be better than vfat) selectable_filesystems="ext2 vfat" # If enabled, this will get get attached to /disk (needed by FLASHYBRID) diskdev_host="${diskhost:+$diskhost:$baseworkdir/flashybrid-off}" diskdev_target="$diskdev_host" diskfs="nfs" # APT repository for initial setup (and possibly more) # (use file:/pub/... and enable nfs - sppedy and works in chroot too) #mirror="" mirror="file:/pub/mirrors/debian/" mirror_addon="http://debian.jones.dk/" mirror_addon_target="kernels misc" # If enabled, this will get attached to /pub #pubdev_host="${diskhost:+$diskhost:/pub}" pubdev_host="" pubdev_target="$pubdev_host" pubfs="nfs" # Define this to redirect all log output to another host loghost="$loghost" # Packages to install beyond the bare minimum aptitude_install="initrd-tools yaird" #aptitude_kernel_install="kernel-image-2.6.12+debianlogo+squashfs+wrr" aptitude_kernel_install="kernel-image-2.6.12+debianlogo+squashfs+wrr" aptitude_install_custom="mc less ssh syslog-ng console-log" #This one needs to be installed separately from daemons #aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom file-rc" # Boot helper apps aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom memtest86+ udev usbutils ifplugd ifrename resolvconf module-init-tools" # Admin helper apps (e.g. for reading gzip'ed files through mc) aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom mime-support file" # You probably won't need this (needed for framebuffer-based infoscreen) #aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install ppmtofb netpbm python" # You probably won't need this (needed for X11-based infoscreen) # (libxmuu1 is for locally added "xset" binary taken from xbase-clients) #aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install xfonts-base xserver-xfree86 libxmuu1 launchtool unclutter qiv" #diskstore="$flashybrid_diskstore /usr/X11R6/man" # Shorewall firewall aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom shorewall wget wipl-daemon dhcp3-server" # Kernel modules to load at boot time modules_load="via-rhine" # Uncomment this to ease tracing configuration tweaks trace="yes"